Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 844: Juvenile

"Protect the generals!"

The bullets flew in as raindrops, and the guard screamed in astonishment.

Several defense soldiers did not dare to hesitate. They carried explosion-proof shields and moved at high speed. They stood in front of General Padre, set up explosion-proof shields, and guarded the iron barrels.

However, it is useless at all. These explosion-proof shields can only block the rifle-level attack of sub-crickets. In front of the large-caliber bullets of the six-tube Vulcan artillery, they are as fragile and fragile.

In just a few fingers, several explosion-proof shields fell apart and turned into a pile of debris.

When the explosion-proof shield fails, only human shields are left.

Puff puff!

Blood mist exploded on the defense soldiers. Under each blood mist was a blood hole with a large fist, transparent before and after.

After another bullet finger, the bodies of the defense soldiers burst open one by one. They could not bear such a fierce bullet rain baptism. They were all broken into N sections and broken into countless pieces.

In just two flicks of time, all protections failed, and General Padre did not move even his footsteps, scared with astonishment and cold sweat.


The guard gave a sorrow and a little hesitation, but eventually came forward to fight for another moment of frustration for General Padre.

Suddenly, a huge body rushed, like a small hill, and he first stood in front of General Padre.

It was Blake. He came naked, without any protection, and offered no magic weapon. He physically shook the bullet rain.


His body is like copper cast iron, which is comparable to that of King Kong. He sheds a faint metallic luster and is indestructible. The cricket hits the sound of metal impact and splashes small sparks.

He is indeed a descendant of the true **** of the ancient giant spirit. The only trace of true **** blood has made him stand out in the secular world, as powerful as the same true god.

His eyes were as wide as bronze bells, and a burst of cold mang shots, very aggressive, staring at Ye Tian. The blood in his body was surging, as if the Yangtze River was flowing, and there were sounds of rumbling, deafening.

At this moment, he was like a dormant giant, facing Ye Tian's sharp edge, and he could burst into shock at any time.

Not far from him, also in the corridor outside the Supreme Court, Joseph the President of the Dark Society bloomed bright blood, forming a blood-colored protection, and all the bullets and rain were blocked out.

Augustus also sacrificed the light of protection to keep him intact.


Suddenly, in the middle of the battlefield, in the sky of fiery sea, two figures rose into the sky, like the nine-day magic dragon, rushing up in the horror of countless onlookers, straight up into the sky.

The two figures are naturally Ye Tian and Zhang Qian.

It was really inconvenient to bring a towing oil bottle, but Ye Tian couldn't help it. After all, he had kindly helped him, and he couldn't ignore it.

His stature is so high that he is astonishingly fast. With a few fingers, he stands above a height of 100 meters.

Boom boom!

The bullet rain remained, and the artillery roared.

In the sky, several gunships were still spitting tongues of fire, and a blaze of fire chopped him like the same handle.

"Look for death!" Ye Tian Lengheng.

A helicopter was unfortunately captured by him in one hand, he threw it hard, and hit the ground.

This is a dozen tons of iron and steel giant, even thrown out by him, it is like science fiction, unscientific and sensational.

"Oh no!"

The pilot in the helicopter screamed, almost scared, and desperate.

Several other helicopters fled.

However, just now they all fired so cheerfully that they couldn't wait to kill Ye Tian 10,000 times. How could Ye Tian let them escape.

Ye Tian's palm points between the shaking, the golden spirit between the heavens and the earth rolls into a long alloy spear with a length of five feet, and after pouring a little five elements of chaotic gold gas, the spear blooms a bright golden light, endless coldness , Fierce prestige, shocking the world.

Then, holding an alloy spear, he bent down like a bow.


The spear shot out, and a stern burst of air sounded.

Ye Tian's strength is so great. With a hard throw, the alloy spear quickly broke through the speed of sound, pulling out a long white air wave in the void, like the ever-changing Changhong, which contained terrifying destructive power.


In the loud noise, an armed helicopter was turned into iron filings in the void and burst into flames.

Then, Ye Tian's old skills were repeated, and a gunship was destroyed by the explosion.

"how can that be?"

"Who the **** is this guy? Why is it so wild?"

"Does he really want to kill a regiment alone?"

"Not a regiment, but a division!"

"Crazy, it's really a lunatic. The Aurora small country has kicked onto the iron plate now. It's not good."


All the onlookers around were stunned, like ghosts.

In the void and chaos, Zhang Qian was also surprised to cover her mouth, shaking with excitement. At this moment, she was like dreaming, her head was faint, and she couldn't believe what she saw at the moment was true or false.

These helicopters fell behind and the scene finally quieted down, and there was no smoke for a while.

It was only a few minutes before and after. The square kilometer of the Supreme Court's entrance turned into a scorched earth ruin, full of scars and scars.

"It's interesting, to my appetite!" Black put out his tongue and added a circle to his lips, a bit insignificant and a little stronger.

"Come down, I'll fight you!" Then he yelled and declared war on Ye Tian.

Although Ye Tian was very brave just now, for the S-level powerhouses, it is not so shocking, because many S-level powerhouses can also do this, especially the S-level powerhouses in refining. Can be in a state of no one in the bullet rain. For the SS-class strong, it is even more common.

At this moment, General Padre hiding behind him was moved. He just learned the identity of the Oriental boy from Barov's mouth. Barov's advice to him was to give in directly, and let Joseph, Augustus and others also Stop fighting.

He was a little hesitant to tell them the true identity of the teenager, because he hated the teenager so much that he didn't want to give in.

"Maybe they don't necessarily kill the young demon king. I can't afford to lose in Aurora."

In the end, he chose to remain silent because of his selfishness.

At this moment, Blake's huge body suddenly moved, and he strode forward to a huge Roman column supporting the corridor, embracing his arms and bending down.

"What is he doing?"

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes widened.

"Will he pull up the Roman column?"

"It's impossible. I don't believe it."

"Yeah ~ ~ I don't believe it either. This Roman column looks like granite at first glance, it's nearly 1.5 meters in diameter, and it's 20 meters high, which is much heavier than a main battle tank, unless the ancient giant Come, otherwise no one can stand up. "


In everyone's shocked eyes, Black slammed his feet on the ground, the tiger's body slammed, and the huge Roman column shook.

"Get me up!"

He yelled like a tiger howling dragon yin to shock Jiuxiao.

His body was violent, his blood was pulsating, his muscles were inflated, his joints crackled, and his muscles were rising like strips of dragons. As his momentum climbed, his body was also inflated and enlarged.

Three meters, three meters, five meters, four meters ...

In the end, when his body swelled to five meters, he banged, and he lifted a huge Roman column much heavier than a main battle tank.

At this moment, the audience was horrified, and everyone was shocked!

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