Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 837: Before trial

Today, because of a "judgment of the century", the small country of Aurora has attracted worldwide attention.

At the gate of the Supreme Court, people were crowded and shoulder-to-shouldered, just like a rally, and it was very lively. Hundreds of news media from all over the world came to occupy the place long ago, set up a long gun and a cannon, and waited for a figure. appear.

There are also many citizens and tourists who are concerned about current affairs, flocking to all corners around the court, a large area of ​​Wudang, with tens of thousands of people. Some of them were holding signs, some were holding banners, or were suing the young demon king, or were accusing the Eastern Powers, or they were asking the court to sentence Zhang Hongwei to death. They shouted one after another, and they were very excited.

In order to maintain order and to prevent accidents, the strength of a regiment is arranged here. Soldiers with guns can be seen everywhere, all armed to the teeth, there are many snipers hidden in the dark, and even more terrible powers. Strong.

"It's a pity that the trial was not the culprit, the young devil, but only one of his little accomplices."

"It's rumorous. If the young devil really came here, who would have the courage to judge him?"

"Oh, it's true that this is a demon king. It is so powerful that it can't even kill a gun. It's unreasonable for us to have such awesome people on earth."

"There are more bulls on our planet, but you are ignorant."

"No matter how powerful it is, it's not dead yet. Heaven is a good reincarnation. Who does Cangtian bypass?"

"Yeah, the young demon king died smartly, but he pitted his country. See how the big eastern countries end."


Bursts and rumors kept ringing in the crowd.

At this moment, a staff of the Supreme Court is in place. There are judge seats, pros and cons seats, important VIP seats, press seats, and jury seats.

I saw that the lawyer's seat in the square was full, but the lawyer's seat in the opposite side was empty.

"The Eastern Powers are absent from this trial and we are helpless without cooperation! However, my small Aurora country is a country ruled by law and the absence of the Eastern Powers. We will also uphold the principles of fairness and justice and fully respect the lawfulness of criminal suspects. rights and interests."

An old man in a suit and leather shoes said in an interview with reporters.

He is the presiding judge of this trial. A senior judge named Tumon once served in the International Military Tribunal. He is good at hearing international military disputes and is well-known internationally.

At this moment, he was chatting with an old man in a military uniform, talking and laughing, and seemed to have a happy conversation.

The old man in military uniform was even more amazing. He pinned a bunch of medals on his chest and carried five stars on his shoulders.

Yes, this is a five-star general, and it is precisely Padre, the commander of the three armies of the Aurora Small Country.

He came here to testify in court, confirming the fact that the young demon king had slaughtered more than 2,000 soldiers.

When the massacre took place, he contacted the Padre ship and directed it remotely. Every instruction he gave and the conversation with the captain were recorded. These will serve as testimony.

Of course, these records have been tampered with, leaving no traces. It reflects that the young devil attacked them first, and they were forced to resist and ended up being wiped out.

General Padre was considered a half-party, and his identity was outstanding. It was even more convincing for him to testify in court.

Of course, this is just a look.

On the surface, this trial was the trial of Zhang Hongwei, but the trial of the young demon king was in absentia, and then extended to my country by the young demon king. The final verdict will involve China's apology, financial compensation, and other issues.

Just as General Padre chated with Justice Tumon, a middle-aged man in a military uniform hurried over and whispered something in his ear.


He slammed his fist on the table, and made a loud noise that shocked everyone in the courtroom.

"Too bullying, this is challenging the bottom line of my aurora small country! Do you really think we are soft persimmons?"

General Padrell then yelled again and again, two piercing old eyes burst into a chill.

"General Padre, what happened?" Justice Tumon asked quickly.

Others in the courtroom also expressed concern. A few more people stood up in the VIP seat and came to General Padre.

The VIP seats were filled with celebrities from all over the world invited by the aurora small countries, and each one was so scary that they could represent their respective countries.

"Just now, the special squadron I escorted the prison car to was attacked, with heavy casualties and almost annihilated by the whole army!" General Padre looked grim and bite word by word.

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar.

In broad daylight, there are many people who dare to rob the prison car, and they are too brave.

"Did you catch the murderer? Which country?"

"Answers are coming, you don't have to guess at all."

"Apart from the Eastern Powers, who else is there."


All the people in the field talked and expressed indignation.

General Padre did not name his name, after all, he had no evidence, but said, "Look at it yourself."

A television set in the courtroom was turned on, and the battle of prisoners a few kilometers away was being broadcast live.

At the same time, a huge display screen on the outer wall of the Supreme Court was opened, and the same picture was broadcast live. Three men with ghost masks attacked the convoy of prisoners, each of which was amazingly powerful, unreal, killing without blinking, brutal and **** . Twenty special forces armed with teeth, as well as the unknown number of policemen, were resolved by them in a matter of moments, and they were almost wiped out by the army.

Tens of thousands of onlookers outside the field, as well as hundreds of news media witnessed this scene together.

Suddenly, the audience was furious!

A pistol and a short cannon aimed at the big screen, as if poisoning, this incident of prisoners soon spread throughout the world.

However, they did not know who was robbed, from which country they came from, and who was instructed by them.

Although they can guess, they can't produce evidence, everything is useless.

Therefore, while they were angry, they were also extremely worried that the prisoners were actually robbed or killed, so the trial would not be easy.

When a special soldier opened the rear door of the prison car and rushed out of the four powerful western powerhouses without seeing the prisoner, the whole audience was excited.

"The prisoner is not in the car. What about the real prisoner?"

"Stupid, this is a pit, deliberately seduced the prisoner."

"Yes, if these three prisoners can be captured in one fell swoop ~ ~, they prove that they are the instructions of the Eastern Powers.


The battle was fierce, and three ghost-faced men were hanged from the beginning.

However, just as the three ghost-faced men were about to lose, a sudden change occurred, and two men with eastern faces joined the battlefield. The situation changed suddenly, the prisoners lost their victory, and the four western powerhouses died in succession.

This result was too unexpected.

In the judgment hall, everyone was silent, and General Padre was ashamed.

"A bunch of useless things!" General Padre murmured in his heart, and then said to one of the guards around him, "Let Prince Joseph take the shot. People must catch the live."

The guard was ordered to leave.

After a few meetings, above the roof of the Supreme Court, a rainbow came out of the sky, majestic and mighty, flying like a **** meteor towards the prisoner's scene.

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