Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 833: Strong enemy

Then Jack knew that he and his special team brothers had been tricked. Prisoner Zhang Hongwei was not in the car at all.

They were used as bait to lure prisoners.

Now they successfully seduced the prisoners, but they made a lot of sacrifice, but for a moment, the entire special task force was almost wiped out. He may be the only one who has survived for the time being.

At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated, his head exploded with a buzz, and it was blank. So much so that he didn't notice the danger.

The alloy warhammer ghost-faced man rushed to the front of the prison car, and the large alloy warhammer in his hand was raised high, infused with great force, and smashed into his head. If he was smashed, Mo said his head would be blasted, that is, the whole body had to be turned into a pool of blood and mud.


Between the light and the flint, a low, husky female voice came out of the prison car.


Immediately afterwards, a black light burst out, breaking through the sky in an instant, and hitting the body of the man with a metal warhammer ghost face.

When the ghost-faced man stagnates suddenly, the surging internal force in his body seems to be sealed in a moment, and he feels weak and weak.

Although this feeling lasted for only a moment, and the majestic strength in his body was soon restored, it almost cost him his life.


An arc of cold mang appeared, thin like cicada wings, sharp and sharp, burst out from the carriage, and wiped it against his neck. His internal force was blocked, his response was slow, and he couldn't dodge at all.

"Be careful!" The ghost-faced man holding a steel crossbow yelled.

The power of the crossbow in his hand was too great, and he dared not fire, otherwise not only could he not save the metal warhammer macho, but he would hurt him.

He quickly freed a palm, flipped his palm, and threw it again.


A flying knife emerged out of the air, like a silver lightning, cut through the void, and pierced the arc of cold mansions.

I heard a loud noise, the arc-shaped cold mang was hit by a flying knife, it burst instantly, and turned into a violent airflow, and the flying knife was broken into several pieces by the curved cold mang.

At this moment, the man in the Metal Warhammer ghost face retreated to a safe zone, and the mana in his body recovered quickly, but the ghost mask on his face was torn by the violent air flow formed by the arc-shaped cold mang burst.

"Hua Guolongwei, Canglong warrior, good at using an alloy warhammer!" A tall blond man grinned and jumped out of the compartment.

He just hit the curved wind blade just now, very strong.

His name is Gust, an awakening of wind power, S-class combat power, one of the powers of the dark world of the West.

Then he looked at the ghost-faced man holding a steel crossbow and smiled lightly: "The dragon dragon general, the first person of Hua Guo Flying Sword!"

Then, he looked at the sword-faced ghost-faced man who had just recovered from the violent state, splitting a number of Hummer military vehicles, and still bathed in endless fire, saying: "The fire is so slippery, so free and easy, you must be the legend The fire dragon is about to fight, and the combat power of the violent state can be increased several times, which is indeed an eye-opener. "

Yes, these three ghost-faced men are the three major warlords of my Hua Guo Long Wei, Canglong Warrior, Puppet Dragon Warlord and Fire Dragon Warlord.

To block the trial farce, they came to jail. Unexpectedly, they were put together by the small country of Aurora.

They looked very unsightly, for a moment, dumb.

At this time, the other three also jumped out of the carriage one after another, all looking very relaxed, seeming to eat the three Chinese monks in front.

"It's really a shame, why didn't your dragon guard's dragon head come, and sent you three wastes over?" The only woman among the four said with a shake of her head, her voice hoarse and low, and it would make goose bumps.

She is about 30 years old, blonde, hot, forward and backward, and looks very normal, but her voice is too low.

She was holding a weird wand, with a black gem inlaid on its head, permeating a wicked energy.

This is a cursed gem blessed by the power of the cursed, from which the curse of "weakness" cursed against the dragon generals.

She is a witch, an heir to the Dark Witches Gate of the West, named Ethania.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, kill them." The fire dragon warrior was very irritable, with long hair dancing frantically, with a lion-like roar in his mouth. , Sweeping out a long flame sword Qilong, volleyed towards the four.

"Wilson!" Gust called a name, a short, but very strong man standing behind him moved, fearing the fierce might of the flame, sword, and dragon, and rushing to the fire dragon.

"Ladies, just now I accidentally hit your **** curse. Now I see Lao Tzu blasting your head with a hammer." The dragon battle will be even more fierce and never soft to women.


He threw it hard, and the sledgehammer in his hand flew out, almost like a shooting star, and smashed into the head of the witch Aishania.

As soon as Aishonia was about to make a shot, a storm tornado in Gust's hand hit first, and the wind roared, tumbling the world to meet the alloy warhammer of Canglong. His wind power is much stronger than Zhang Hongwei, and it is not on an order of magnitude.

The last three energy arrows were left in the quiver behind the dragon dragon battle, and all of his brains were fired.


It was as if three lightning bolts burst through the air, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Steve." Gust called another name, and another man behind him left.

This is a man with incomparable eyes and a scarlet color, but his face is as white as paper, not like a normal human.


As soon as he was in shape, he disappeared almost instantly.

It seemed as if he had shrunk into an inch of magical power, and his body appeared ten meters away in the next instant.

What's more frightening is that the three energy arrows just fired by the dragon dragon battle were in his hands.

"Chinese, let me drink your blood, right?"

Two fangs suddenly stabbed from the corner of his mouth, his body flashed again, and the dragon battle rushed forward.

"Vampire!" Xiaolong war narrowed his pupils sharply.

He quickly threw the steel crossbow, took out his flying knife, and raised his hand.

However, the speed of the vampire was too fast, and his flying knife had not yet left his hand ~ ~ and the man was hit and flew out.


At this time, a loud noise came from the void, and the alloy warhammer thrown by Canglong and the storm torch of Gust collided.

The initial strength of the alloy warhammer was like breaking the bamboo, smashing the inch of the tornado storm, but only half of it was smashed, the majestic force was consumed, and eventually it was knocked out by the storm tornado, and the meteor was generally facing the Canglong warlord. Body smashed.

The fire dragon battle will be the most powerful of the three, and it will not achieve any benefit.

The short, strong man named Wilson also awakened the fire ability, and seemed to be better than the fire dragon.

He punched with bare hands and his feet slammed on the ground. For a moment, the ground violently shook, cracked, and subsided. The flame elements in the earth were spurred, and hot magma sprayed out from the cracks in the ground. The sea of ​​fire was overwhelming and raging like a tide, sweeping out a large fan, and it would sputter away from the fire dragon battle.

Ren Huolong battled the sword with his sword, and half of his body was covered with magma. If he did not flash back in time, he would be buried alive by magma.

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