"What? Master Ye taught you a method? What method?" Liang Fei was surprised.

Sima Xuankong was also excited. He said he missed his mouth and told Liang Fei Ye Tian to teach him a technique. Only a few days of practice helped him a lot.

"It is an ice-based method. You are awakened by the water power and should not be able to practice." Sima Xuankong smiled slightly, and was very pleased in his heart.

"Ice exercises are very good."

Suddenly, Liang Fei's heart was very unpleasant, all kinds of envy and envy.

He worked as a small follower for Ye Tian, ​​and was diligent and diligent. After he saddled the horse, Ye Tian should have a better relationship with him than with Sima Xuankong.

However, Ye Tian did not give him any benefits.

The original intention of giving Ye Tian as a small follower was that Ye Tian could teach him something or give him some benefits so that he could grow up faster.

He suddenly looked at Ye Tian, ​​with a bit of grievance in his eyes, and a little bit of scorching. He was thinking about whether to ask Ye Tian for some benefits.

But listening to Ye Tian ’s voice, he said, "You ca n’t even practice it. Ice is also a five-element water attribute, but it ’s a physical change. Water attributes have reached a certain level and can hydrate ice. Similarly, ice cultivating When you reach a certain level, you can also control water. "

Accompanied by Ye Tian's voice, a golden rainbow radiated from him and integrated into Liang Fei's knowledge of the sea, which is still a "Hidden Ice".

Because there is no liquid water in the small world, only solid ice and cold chills, Liang Fei cannot practice even if he wants to cultivate pure water power. Therefore, Ye Tian still chose to pass on his "Frozen Techniques" to let him practice.

In fact, there is also a "Kwai Shui chapter" in the "Frost and Ice", but it is very brief.

However, his physical body is worse than that of Sima Xuankong. He just took the medicine and just awakened his power. His physical arrogance is only at the level of an ordinary master of strength.

Therefore, like Sima Xuankong, he needs to build a foundation.

The building blocks of The Frozen Tactics are also universal to him, breathing and breathing, refining gas, and tempering the flesh.

However, with his physical body, he smelt ice cold and practiced ice abilities, he couldn't do it, he had to be frozen to death.

"Hold this, refine it first."

A fist-sized round object suddenly appeared in Ye Tian's palm, with a colorful, translucent, and smooth surface, just like agate.

If you hold it in your hands, you will find that this circular object is very cold, and there is a strange psionic wave.

"This is ...?" Liang Fei was startled.

"The beast nucleus of the multi-colored giant tiger. After refining this beast nucleus, you can apply the environment here, and your water power can also advance to a level, turning water into ice. Importantly, using the cold and cold air here to temper the flesh, it is your focus to train Daoji. "

"Xie Ye, I will definitely practice well."

Liang Fei was so touched that she almost burst into tears, and her hands took over the beast core of the giant tiger as if holding the imperial edict.

He has also seen the multi-colored giant tiger, which is several times larger than an elephant, and it is almost the same as the physique of a prehistoric dinosaur. Unexpectedly, its beast core is so small, only the fist of an adult is large.

However, the essence is concentrated.

A small beast nucleus is comparable to a good elixir.

This time, Sima Xuankong's eyes became hot, and he was extremely regretful. He killed two Nordic devil wolves, but both forgot to take the core of the beast and lost money.

After another explanation, Ye Tian began refining Yuanci Shenshan.

This is a large project, which requires a lot of energy and mana, and cannot be completed overnight.

Yuanci Shenshan is a hundred meters high. If it is placed in a mountainous area, it will be inconspicuous, but on the plain, it is absolutely magnificent and majestic.

In this broken small world, Yuanci Shenshan looks taller, occupying almost half of the small world's space.

Refining such a large mountain, it is impossible to say that ordinary people do not believe it, but in the eyes of the realm, and even in the eyes of many divine monks, it is simply impossible.

Metamagnetic **** stone not only has space attributes, but also has the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and soil. Ye Tian ’s chaos gold body and five elements changes have been turned on, and it is even cheaper to carry the magnetic mountain of Qiyuan.

Seeing him climbing up, he reached the summit of Yuanci Shenshan and sat down cross-legged.

The chaos of his right index finger was turbulent, and sharp and icy, and he stroked gently in the palm of his left hand.


Hearing a steel symphony sounded, a cut was made in the palm of the left hand.


Drops of golden blood dripped down, and the diamond was generally crystal clear, shining bright golden awns, and dripping on the Yuanci God Mountain.

This is not ordinary blood. It is chaotic blood essence. Each drop is full of massive chaotic true elements, which is comparable to a big medicine, a baodan. If an ordinary monk takes it, it can at least bring about a great improvement in the realm. If he can successfully refining without being broken down by the meridians, it will burst into the air.

Each drop of Chaos Blood Essence is extremely precious, Ye Tian did not dare to use too much, and in the end only five drops were used.

The chaotic true element contained in the five drops of chaotic blood essence is enough to be scared, like a deep sea.

I saw that the top of Yuanci Shenshan first became golden yellow, and then continued to spread down.

This is the real element of chaos infiltrating. It is necessary to pour out the entire Yuan Magnetic God Mountain and let it combine with the blood of Ye Tian.


Suddenly, the towering Yuan Magnetic God Mountain suddenly shook, the Yuan Magnetic Spirit burst, and the colorful Yuan Magnetic God glowed, as if a fierce beast had been provoked, furious, and the momentum kept rising.

Yuanci Shenshan has its own will to resist the penetration of chaotic true elements and Ye Tian's refining.


The small world suddenly became unstable, and it also shook with the Yuanci Shenshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ click!

The glacial ice sheet cracked and there was a risk of collapse.

The chaotic true element that spread down from the mountain peak was hindered, and the penetration speed became slower and slower.


Sima Xuankong and Liang Fei were stunned.

They were extremely curious about Ye Tian's refining methods. The practice started a little difference. At first, he opened one eye and closed the other, and observed it secretly. Later, he simply walked in and watched in order to learn something.

However, their level is too low. Ye Tian's approach is almost heavenly. They cannot understand or see through.

"Master Ye, what can we do for you?" Liang Fei asked.

"No need, practice your own."

Ye Tian didn't panic at all. He called out the Taiyin Ice Spirit Bead from the ring of Qiankun, and threw it with a bang, inlaid into the large ice sheet covering the sky, and the numerous ice gaps that burst immediately healed at a rapid speed.

The seal of the Taiyin Boom Spirit was sealed by him, and the release of the ice cold was slow, so that the entire space would not be frozen.

Then his eyebrow glowed, and a golden god-like mane hit electricity on the Yuanci God Mountain. The power of the consciousness cooperated with his chaotic blood essence to refine the will of the Yuanci God Mountain.

Yuanci Shenshan was born from the birth of heaven and earth. The endless years of absorbing the psionic energy in the universe are a kind of heaven and earth treasures, and they already have their own will. This kind of will is very chaotic. It is usually not found at all, and it will only show up under certain conditions, such as the big danger of life and death.


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