Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 800: God King is here

Sima Xuankong was only sealed by the scroll for a moment, and was not greatly affected by the strength of the seal inside, and was very sober.

Seeing that Ye Tian rescued him, I was surprised.

"Thank you!" He said blankly, his voice very cold, as if facing a stranger.

He usually looks like this, cold and cool, but he rarely smiles when facing his master Long Xiaoyun.

Then, his body moved, lightning fast, and rushed to the closest blood slave.


He screamed, his fingers spread out, the cold burst, and a sharp blue lightsaber condensed in his palm at a very fast speed.


The sword is moving, clear and loud!

In just one or two breaths, a three-foot-long blue light sword was condensed in his palm.

This is an ice sword, as thin as a cicada, so it looks like a lightsaber.

In this snowy land, Sima Xuankong played his ice ability to an extreme height. I'm afraid he didn't even think he could do that.


A sword slashed down, and endless murderous energy spurted out, bringing up a number of bright swordsman lengths, and it was chopped over the head of the blood slave.

At this moment, killing is like the sea!

All kinds of hatred, all hatred, all under this sword!

Even the void seemed to be split in half.

All the monks' pupils shrank, and in their eyes they saw a clear blue light, which glowed like a blue lightning.

The old slave suddenly exploded, and the electric light and flint placed a copper lamp that was punched by Ye Tian on the top of his head, barely forming a protection.

But it was useless, the lightning-like blue light was indestructible, and the copper lamp was easily cut off, just like cutting a piece of tofu.

"Ah, no!"


At a glance of blood, the old bronze lamp slave screamed and his body was split.

"Stop!" Then the voice of the **** witch sounded, a beat slow.

At this moment, her face was cold and frosty, and she could not keep calm anymore.

"Yes." Ye Tian smiled slightly, admiring Sima Xuankong's method quite a bit.

"It's your turn. Bloody Witch, you kill my tribe, today I will make you pay for your blood debt!" Sima Xuankong gritted his teeth and glared at the Bloody Witch, his hatred almost turned into substance.


He picked up again and rushed towards the **** witch.

"Miss, hurry up and go to Lord God!" Said another old slave loudly. The essence and blood in his body was burning, and the blood power was rising rapidly, as if a demon king was awake and terrifying.

"Beast Chinese, let's die!"

He roared and poked out a hand with chicken feet.

Suddenly, the blood mist in the void filled with blood, showing a huge **** palm with a large door panel, five fingers like hooks, and quickly caught Sima Xuankong in the past.

Under the huge **** palms, thousands of blood drew, heavy and heavy.

"Blood fingerprints!" The Witch King exclaimed.

This is condensed by the essence of blood into a large fingerprint of the void, terrifying, palm is like a small world in the underworld, and can transform life into blood mud.

The old slaves of the blood race used the origin, this is the rhythm to desperately.

Sima Xuankong was shrouded in blood falling from the bloodstains of his fingerprints.

Just as Sima Xuankong was about to be caught by **** fingerprints, suddenly another giant palm appeared in the void, golden and bright, with an immortal breath, as if the palm of a **** shot by the Buddha.


The golden light **** shot it with the palm of his hand. The blood fingerprints of the **** slaves were like paper paste, and they were snapped.

"This this……?"

Everyone was stunned. They were all attracted by the blood fingerprints of the **** slaves, and they didn't even see who suddenly made the move.


The **** slave screamed, the flesh of her right hand was blurred, and it was shattered.

However, it is not a big deal. The blood of the blood race has an amazing ability to recover. As long as it is not a fatal wound, it can recover, even if it has broken arms and legs.

However, where Ye Tian would give him time to recover, the golden chaos of Chaos reappeared, and the blood slaves became a pool of blood.

At this time, the **** witch hadn't had time to run away. A blood soul bead above her head and a blood-colored light curtain protected her body, and her teeth were itchy.

"You all have to die!" She said fiercely.


Sima Xuankong smashed a clear blue light sword, and the blood-colored light curtain was only split with a half-finger small mouth, and it flickered, and it was restored to its original state.


Sima Xuankong, like Madness, even split a few knives, but was unable to split this layer of protection.

"It's useless. This blood soul dan of my blood race is a magic weapon made with the essence of the earth's blood and the sacrifice of the spirit soul, and it can resist the attack of the gods. See for yourself how you died. "The **** witch stared fiercely, and was so angry.

"Can you resist the attack of Divine Realm? Then I will try." Ye Tian smiled slightly and walked over.

With each step he took, the momentum of his body skyrocketed by one point, the whole body was shrouded in immense amount of golden light, and the glory was overflowing, as if a **** came into the world.

He did not transform into a muscular macho, but became more and more handsome, rich in spirit, like jade, but the momentum was more horrible than the muscular macho, making a void instability and rumbling.

At his feet, one step at a time, the pace can pulse with this land.

His two hands were metalized at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, as bright as gold, and immortal.

When he clenched his palms into fists, his spirit was overflowing, and ripples rippled in the void, roaring endlessly, as if thundering into the world.


The **** witch was scared and pale, and a great terror haunted her mind.

At this moment, a deep Changhong suddenly burst into the depths of the small world, and when it was empty, with a terrible murderous spirit, rushed to the periphery of the small world.

"Juvenile Devil, I will kill you!"

The voice of the **** King Retos sounded, with endless murderousness, and utter monstrous hatred, as the angry dragon roared, the trees broke, the green leaves fell, and the iceberg collapsed.

The King of God is here, but no one has arrived yet, but that terrible coercion has arrived first, as if a big mountain is pressing on all people's hearts, which makes people feel asphyxiated.

This is the coercion between heaven and earth, the integration of people and Tao, into the coercion formed between this heaven and earth!

All the monks were frightened, and quickly backed away, far away. Because the battle of the divine realm is unusual, mountains and rivers collapse, destroy the sky, and get close, and one accidentally turns into fly ash.

Liang Fei ran faster than the rabbit.

Even Sima Xuankong left after a secret resentment ~ ~ Wrath of Divine Realm, he couldn't take it anymore.

A joy in the **** witch finally let go of her heart.

However, she soon became desperate again, because Ye Tian didn't even look at the appearance of the God King. She fisted in her right hand, her golden fist overflowed, as if she were a hammer, and she brought up a golden river. Broken into the void, banged fiercely at the Scarlet Light Curtain.

"God King is here, are you blind?" The **** witch frantic.

"I know."

"Then you still ..."

"Kill you first, then it's not too late to deal with God King!"

With one punch, the world is moving!


Just listening to the loud noise, the blood-colored light curtain formed by the blood soul beads was like a bubble, all of a sudden disappeared. And the blood soul bead above the **** witch's head also showed a crack, almost broken.

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