Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 791: Exploring the Ice Cave

In front of the colorful tiger's lair, Ye Tian stopped for a moment.

At this time, there was a huge sound of movement in the depths of the small world. Like the tsunami in Foshan, the whole small world was shaking.

At this glance, you can see that there is a fierce battle in the inside, a very horrible one, with superb power and can destroy the world.

"Let them play for a while!" Ye Tian said suddenly.

Then, he had to go to the lair of the spotted giant tiger, and there seemed to be something strange inside.

The multi-colored giant tiger is several times larger than the worldly elephant. Its ice cave nest is imaginable. It is surprisingly large, just like a tunnel, where trucks can flow unimpeded.

The icebergs where the ice caves are located are surprisingly tall. They are comparable to the glaciers of the Antarctica. The Arctic does not have such a large iceberg at all. It seems like a dragon vein that stretches the entire small world.

The existence of this iceberg has created an extremely cold condition for the small world, which is suitable for the survival of the Nordic devil wolf.

The temperature in the ice cave is too low. It is full of thousands of years of ice and cold. It can freeze stones into powder and frozen iron into chips. Even the void seems to be frozen into an iron plate. The body of Liang Fei cannot bear it. Just standing at the entrance of the cave, his teeth trembled, and a layer of ice formed on his body, feeling that he would be frozen into an ice sculpture.

Therefore, Ye Tian just let him wait at the entrance of the cave, but didn't follow it.

"Here you hold it. If you meet a bad guy, give him a shot."

Ye Tian gave Liang Fei a sword stone dug out of the underground palace in the Forbidden City, and used it for defense.

This is a sword stone sacrifice in the divine realm. Sealed with a large amount of sword gas, it is like a killing plate. If it is used as a restraint, the sword qi in it can be sacrificed in a brain, and it can strike the divine realm. It is the same as the giant tiger just before.

After doing a good job of explanation, Ye Tian entered the ice cave.

The ice cave is filled with Ruicai, the brilliance is gorgeous, and there is energy fluctuations in the depths. If you think about it, there may be unusual things hidden inside.

The deeper the ice cave, the lower the temperature, the colder the air, and the wider the sky, as if walking in a fairyland.

Just in the white frosty cold air, pieces of ice crystals were suspended, like diamonds, clear and sparkling.

Here the cold air has really condensed into a substance, this piece of suspended ice crystals is condensed by the ice cold air.

With the touch of your hand, the ice crystals will burst instantly, releasing a large amount of ice cold.

An ice crystal contains ice cold enough to freeze a large lake and easily freeze a guru.

What a horror it is!

Even when the **** state walks here, they have to be careful.

However, Ye Tian walked step by step deep into the ice cave. The light road was familiar, and a layer of golden suffocation overflowed on his body, as if wearing a golden battle suit. outer.

The colorful divine light dangled in the ice cave should be the elemental magnetic divine light. Ye Tian can truly feel that the body is wrapped by the elemental magnetic energy.

The existence of metamagic godstones in the small world is unquestionable, so it is not surprising that Ye Tian has metamagic godlights in this ice cave.

What puzzled him was, where did the cold air in the ice cave come from? And where did the huge iceberg of this small world come from?

The conditions of a small world are simply not enough to produce such a huge iceberg.

Ye Tian frowned, stepping deeper into the ice cave.

There is not only an ice cave passage here, but also many bifurcation roads, like an underground labyrinth.


Suddenly, the multicolored giant tiger rushed out of a fork and sent out a terrifying tiger howl. Yuanci Shenguang rushed out of the mouth, accompanied by the freezing cold of all things in the world, and rushed to Ye Tian like a mountain torrent.

"act recklessly!"

Ye Tian gave a swift buzz, didn't evade, as if taking root, standing still, the thunder suit suddenly appeared on the body, coupled with the golden chaos gas protection, easily resisted the giant magnet of the giant tiger. Shenguang Storm, Sonic and Wanzai Ice Cold triple attack, the lines under his feet remained unchanged.


The giant-eyed giant tiger's pupil shrank, accompanied by a tiger howl, and jumped up, raised the iron claws of the grinding disc, tore the void, shattered countless pieces of ice crystals, and patted Ye Tian's head.

The temperature here is too low, and the cold air of Wanzai can freeze almost everything in the world. Although Ye Tian's fire eye golden pupil will not let out the flames, the power will certainly be weaker, so the giant tiger is brazen, and not afraid to be attacked. Burned roasted whole tiger.


I saw, however, that a golden palm of God came out suddenly, as if the palm of a Buddha, and slap it on the body of the giant tiger.

Under the majestic force of the chaos golden light palm, the giant body of the giant tiger flew out, banging and smashing through the unknown ice wall.

Ye Tian's palm exerted a lot of strength, but he did not shoot the spotted giant tiger to death, only hit it seriously.

A moment later, when he found where the giant tiger was, the giant tiger was gone, and there was only a large pool of blood on the spot, and many broken teeth.

"Running fast."

Ye Tianshen read out, and easily traced the track of the giant tiger, and then chased it up.

He had just left the imprint of God's knowledge on the giant tiger, and even escaped to the ends of the earth to catch up.


At this time, outside the ice cave, Liang Fei was there, and suddenly three unexpected guests came.

They followed the call of the giant tiger, and they were very surprised to see a Chinese.

Although these four are also the faces of Orientals, they have darker skin tones, and at first glance they are the races in Southeast Asia.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

A middle-aged man headed by him was very strong and asked Liang Fei when he came up.

His body is very short, but extremely strong, with dark skin and dark hair, muscles knotted like dragons, made of copper cast iron, and every inch of muscle contains explosive power. Even in such a cold little world, he only wore a short suit and exposed his two arms ~ ~ His name is Arotai, the master of the ancient Thai boxing gate. Da Zongshi realm.

Behind him are the two most proud students, both of whom have great strength.

They came with the Western power organizations, and as a result they were abandoned in the small world, and died on their own.

Like everyone else, they came from a treasure of heaven and earth, and have been searching, but unfortunately they have found nothing.

Now seeing that there is an ice cave here, and there is a splendid divinity overflowing in the ice cave, Arlotte narrowed his eyes and wanted to go in and search for something.

"It turned out to be a Chinese, wouldn't it be the rewarder?" Said a disciple behind Alotei.

His name was Song Mu, and he was a brother.

When he said this, he scared the teacher next to him.

The rewarding culprit was a ghost, awakened from the ice power, added wings to the ice and snow, and even dared to kill the pantheon and the blood race, how powerful they were, they simply could not handle it.

"Not the same person," Master Alotei said, very firm, and then waved to Liang Fei, saying, "You leave, I won't kill you."

He was like sending an ant to leave, his tone of contempt.

After speaking, he carried his hands on his back, walked over the ice cave, and completely regarded Liang Fei as non-existent.

"Hear no, my master has a kind heart, and I'll leave you with a bad life, so I can't get away soon."

"Now in the small world, you can see the Chinese personality killing. Do you dare to come here if you eat the heart of a bear?"

The two brothers barked at Liang Fei each.

Huh! Huh!

Suddenly, two lightning bolts cut through the sky. The two brothers took each one of them, and they were chopped off and flew out. They were all scorched and almost smeared.

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