Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 315: Look at the material

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Beyond the clear mark is the dark mark.

Concealed labeling is the main way of selling publicly traded materials. In the past public markets, the gross material of concealed materials was over 90%, and the materials with conspicuous standards accounted for less than one-tenth.

In the field, it can be seen that the bright standard material and the dark standard material are separated. The bright standard material occupies only a small area, and the rest is all dark standard material.

The so-called hidden bid is that the buyer is optimistic about a certain piece of wool at the venue, and fills his favorite price on a card, which is the bidding form. The content of the bidding form contains the number and name of the bidder, the woolen number, and the bid price. , Then place the bid in the box labeled with the wool number. In the end, when the tender box is opened, whoever pays the highest price can get the wool. Because the auctioneers do not know each other's price, no one knows who will get the wool before opening the box, so it is called a dark mark.

Mingbiao is carried out every day, starting at 3 pm, auctioning 1,000 pieces every day, according to the number, auctioning 1 to 1000 on the first day, 1000 to 2000 on the second day, and so on.

The hidden mark will start to unpack after three days, that is to say, only the first three days of bidding, no results will be obtained, and the results will be issued one by one after three days.

A few minutes later, when Xue Zihao took Ye Tian to find Su Xuehai, he was watching material with Zhou Lao in the Mingbiao area. Their strategy is to look at the dark label in the morning and look at the label in the afternoon to participate in the auction of the day.

It's one o'clock in the afternoon and two hours before the three o'clock auction. The marked numbers for today's auction are 1000 to 2000. It can be seen in the field that many people are walking around in the woolen area of ​​this section.

Because Ye Tiangang had just arrived in Myanmar, he had n’t had time to return to the hotel to settle down. Su Xuehai didn't ask him to come up and help him watch the material. Instead, he let his nephew Xue Zihao take him around first, familiarize himself with the environment, or try his own skills. Wait until tomorrow, when people have a rest, and then return to work.

Zhou Yuanliang seemed a little hostile to Ye Tian, ​​always looking at the wool in his hands, and didn't care much about him.

Indeed, Zhou Yuanliang had reason to be hostile to Ye Tian, ​​because he felt Ye Tian was grabbing his rice bowl.

Also, the last time Ye Tian shined at the Stone Gambling Conference, betting on a piece of black veil that he didn't like, and slamming his face, making him very shameless.

Just a little old man, Ye Tiancai would not have general knowledge with him, so he didn't care.

However, Zhou Yuanliang ignored him, but other people ignored him, and many others. As soon as he appeared, he didn't have a lot of time. A group of people surrounded him. Teacher Ye took a bite, respected him, and offered to shake hands with him, asking for good luck. Among these people, Ye Tian also has a few familiar faces. All that he encountered at the Tianhai Stone Gambling Conference were jade merchants, and even one bought an emerald from him.

Ye Tian didn't know that he was the first person in the Tianhai Martial Arts Circle and also a star in the gambling circle. Since the last time he became famous in the World Gambling Conference, he has made more than one billion yuan, and many people remember him Living.

These people who came around were all from Tianhai Gambling Stone Circle. They came here by name and wanted to shake their hands to get a bit of luck.

Fortunately, Ye Tian has always been unlucky. Others have to give as much as they want, if the other party can receive it, but someone looks for him to make it difficult for him. He hasn't read his own material yet.

In addition, some people hope that he will have more material on the public market this time, and the jade from the solution will be sold to fellows first.

Obviously, they regard Ye Tian as a king of gambling stones, and they can win every gamble.

Ye Tian was very high-profile at the last stone gambling conference. This time, the strategy is low-key. After all, it is a foreign country or a low-key one. This time he didn't plan to calcite the stone, and the woolen bet was stuffed directly into the space ring and taken home. And he is now a billionaire local tyrant, and the money is so bubbling that the gambling stone is no longer for money, but for making a team with a spirit. Even if he solves the jadeite, he will not sell it.

"Ms. Ye just got off the plane and showed you what kind of wool! They all went while watching each one." Su Xuehai waved his hand, and generally chased the ducks to disperse a group of people.

Su Xuehai is the chairman of the Tianhai Jewelry Association. What he said is very important. A group of people dare not listen.

After everyone dispersed, Ye Tian also started his own journey of gambling on the stone.

However, Xue Zihao is like a bug, always following him, making him difficult to perform his stone gambling skills.

Ye Tian gambled stones one by the sense of consciousness and the other by the sense of touch. The words of spiritual consciousness need to be high enough in concentration to be captured by his spiritual consciousness. Tactile sensation is to touch with your hands and perceive the aura in the jade through the sense of touch, so as to infer the quality and distribution of the jade jade flesh in the wool.

Due to the large amount of wool in the public disk, one piece of research time is not allowed. His strategy is to first perceive the spirit, walk around, and find "suspicious" targets, and then confirm by tactile observation. What he needs is high-quality jadeite, and those who are not in good condition will be ignored by him because it is useless.

"Okay, Dr. Xue Da, don't follow me, just look at your own material. I'll ask you if you don't understand." Ye Tian said to Xue Zihao.

"Mister Ye, don't you. I came here this time, but I can't bet. My old lady asked me to learn more from you." Xue Zihao laughed. You can see a bitter taste in his smile.

The last time he gambled at the Stone Gambling Conference, he lost his wife and defeated his soldiers. Not only did he lose his own people, but also the face of Su's jewelry. This time the emerald emperor of Burma country did not intend to bring him, because his face was stubborn and he wanted to follow him. He promised that he could not just watch gambling and hold a learning attitude.

"While going to ~ Dr. Dangtang, a gambling expert, what can I teach you? I just take a look at it, you really don't have to follow me. If you want to learn, go to old man Zhou, he I have seen more wool than I have eaten rice, and I have a lot of experience. "

Xue Zihao made a black line and sighed, "Oh, okay."

Ye Tian even issued a guest order, so how could he be embarrassed to follow, he turned and left. In fact, following Ye Tian's study was only his modest statement, he did not think that Ye Tian would have as good luck on the public gambling conference as the last time.

After Xue Zihao left, Ye Tian walked alone in the field. He also learned to take out a flashlight and a magnifying glass like other people, and looked at it near the wool.

With the improvement of his cultivation, his perception of Reiki became more and more acute, and even the weak Reiki waves could not escape his consciousness.

"Yes, yes, the wool here is much better than that at the Tianhai Stone Gambling Conference. It is indeed the first-hand wool resource." Ye Tian was pleasantly surprised. He looked at ten pieces of material in succession, and each one produced green. Two of them would be fine, because the concentration of aura was higher and pure.

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