This is the first time everyone has seen Ye Tian's combat power being crushed.

Countless fans who admired him could not wait to take action for him, show off their might, and ruthlessly repair this **** Emperor of Light.

There are also many female fans who are psychologically fragile, their hearts are twisted, tears are in their eyes, and they turn their heads and can't bear to see this tragic picture.

The people of Beiming Xianzong clenched their teeth one by one, and they were extremely angry.

Of course, there are also some small-scale guys who make schadenfreude and think that Ye Tian is evil and retribution.

But on the whole, the billions of creatures of the Middle-earth star stand with Ye Tian, ​​and they are with him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Ye Shenjun, rise up!"

"Ye Shenjun, you can't be defeated."

"If you are hanged and beaten again, I will look down on you."


The silhouettes were hoarse, and countless roars sounded in the middle-earth star, shocking the sky.

"Come on, chop!"

The next moment, Ye Tian really rose up, his face was stern, and he didn't retreat at all. The golden light exploded all over his body, and the chaotic air rolled like a tsunami, and a vast world of chaotic golden light was intertwined around him.

In the chaotic golden light world, a chaotic golden lotus rose from the ground and grew wildly, like the spiritual roots of the small world, supporting the entire small world.

Countless chaotic airflows fell from the chaotic golden lotus, and the strands were like a peerless heavenly sword.

On each branch, the sun, moon and stars are shrouded in it, as brilliant as a galaxy.

Indistinctly, a trace of the breath of a true immortal surging out, rolling between the heavens and the earth.

Under this breath, the rock-solid Holy Light Realm outside the Emperor Guangming, as well as the small world of Heaven in the realm, were slightly shaken, shaking for a while.

Of course, it only shakes a little bit, after all, the seal of the Chaos Golden Lotus Dao Fruit is far from enough, and it can only reveal a little coercion of the true immortal.

Daoguo doesn't need to be completely unsealed at all, only one tenth or even one percent of the seal is unsealed. With the help of the power inside, Ye Tian has the confidence to crush the Emperor Guangming.

It's a pity that Ye Tian spent a lot of thought and failed to break the seal.

"You haven't really awakened the power of your previous life, have you?" Emperor Guangming was startled first, and then sneered.

He had already seen Ye Tian's trump card, the power of his previous life.

It's a pity that Ye Tian can't exert this power for the time being.

Otherwise, give him a hundred courage to the old man, and dare not offend the brows of a true immortal, that is courting death.

Looking at the chaotic golden lotus that broke through the sky, Emperor Guangming's eyes were blazing.


He didn't talk nonsense with the Emperor Guangming at all. Taking advantage of the chaotic golden lotus surging out of the aura of harmony, the Holy Light Domain was unstable. The Chaos Swallowing Devil God clone behind Ye Tian stepped out in one step, holding the Chaos Sword Embryo and slashing his sword fiercely. chopped out.

This sword shattered the void of the universe.

The dazzling sword light, like a flash of lightning, traverses the sky, destroying the dead, like a knife cutting tofu, and it really cuts through the light field of the Emperor Guangming.

Ye Tian saw the timing, and the Holy Light Domain was unstable for a moment.

Of course, Ye Tian's sword was even more powerful than the previous sword, urging the power of the previous Dao Fruit in the Chaos Golden Lotus.

After splitting the boundary membrane of the Holy Light Domain, the peerless sword-like penetrating sword light did not stop. It was like a knife breaking the water, and it continued to face the center of the domain at an unprecedented speed, standing in the center, standing in front of a heaven. Emperor Guangming Lord cut off.

But I saw that at the same time when the Chaos Swallowing Devil God split the Chaos Sword Embryo, Ye Tian's real body also moved, and a divine light appeared in his eyebrows, turning into a Yuanshen Dao sword.

Ye Tian hadn't used this primordial weapon for a long time. He had been nurtured in the core of the gods and transformed into a brighter crystal.

As soon as the Yuanshen Dao Sword rushed out of the eyebrows, a mighty spiritual power surged out, making people throbbing.

Ye Tian's real body is holding the Yuanshen Dao Sword, a sword standing slash, a sword light that tears the world, with the power to tear all the souls and spirits, followed by the sword marks that the Chaos Sword Embryo slashed in the Holy Light Domain The cracks rushed towards the true body of the Emperor of Light.

The Chaos Sword Embryo is aimed at the physical body, and the Yuanshen Dao Sword is aimed at the divine soul. The two swords complement each other.

After splitting these two swords, Ye Tian's breath fell, and the Chaos Golden Lotus also dimmed a bit.

Obviously, he poured great power into these two swords.

At this moment, countless people on the Middle-earth star raised their heads. Even if the two sword lights were slashed in outer space, they were as clear as engravings in their eyes, because they were too bright, and each sword light was tens of thousands of miles long.

"Ye Shenjun is majestic, mighty and domineering."

"Double swords are out, this should give Emperor Guangming a little color to see, right?"

"Cut to death the **** emperor. I, the big star of Middle Earth, can't let him be an alien to spread the wild."


Countless Middle Saturnians were excited and shouted earth-shattering roars.

They could see in their eyes that the two swords that Ye Tian split were really powerful. The Chaos Sword Embryo broke through the restrictions of the Holy Light Domain, and finally hit the Holy Light of the Emperor Guangming. Although, there is only a simple, but it is also a big improvement.

Immediately afterwards, the Yuanshen Daojian rushed over.

As the sword light passed, there were ripples of spiritual thoughts.

If it were an ordinary person, before this sword was really cut, the soul could no longer bear it and would be severely injured.

Emperor Guangming seemed to have a bit of dread about this Yuanshen Taoist soldier, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

Between his eyebrows, an angel-like villain rushed out, wearing a silver-essential battle suit, holding a war ge, blocking Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao sword, and made a sonorous sound.

Impressively, this is his Primordial Spirit Dao soldier.

"Even if you can use a bit of the power of your previous life, it's not enough to see in front of me." Emperor Guangming said lightly, sweeping out with one sleeve, as if sweeping away the dust on his body.

Infinite holy light roared out, like a storm hanging in the universe, fiercely drawn onto the avatar of the Chaos Swallowing Devil God and Ye Tian's true body.


Hundreds of thousands of zhang high Chaos Swallowing Devil God clone was torn apart all of a sudden, and was blasted by the sleeve of Emperor Guangming.

Ye Tianzhen's body is a purple-gold divine body, and he is also protected by a chaotic golden lotus. Under this sleeve, he can't bear it a bit. Electronic equipment is malfunctioning.

This time, Ye Tian shot back millions of miles and disappeared in the realization of everyone.


Blood spurted wildly from his mouth, and Dacheng's purple-gold divine body was also scarred, like a porcelain, covered with cracks.

This is the first time he has been injured since the fight.

But he didn't have time to heal his wounds, so he rushed out of the battlefield like a madman, with a shocking roar from his mouth.

He could see in his eyes that Qing Han turned into a rain of light, and was absorbed and refined by the Emperor Guangming, leaving only one divine soul left.

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