Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2548: Kunxu is in trouble

Remember [New] for a second,! A few minutes later, when Ye Tian left the Garden of Eden, he opened up this small world with a sword.

Then he went all the way east and came to the next target point, the lair of the Nordic pantheon.

This is a huge abyss, very special, constantly floating white mist, full of mysterious colors.

A towering tree stretched out from the abyss, as if holding up a world, with luxuriant branches and leaves, each leaf is crystal clear, shining brightly, exuding ocean-like divine energy.

It is the world tree in myth and legend, a branch of the spiritual root of heaven and earth that was intercepted.

This towering tree is the foundation of the Nordic gods' religion. It gathers the power of the earth and overflows the air of the earth's lungs for them to practice.


Suddenly, this towering tree seemed to come alive, stretched out countless tentacles, and wrapped around Ye Tian. At the same time, the white mist lingered around, and the icy air was surging, freezing the world.


A monstrous field erupted, tsunami-like ripples rippling from the surrounding void, the countless tentacles of the towering trees, and the chill of the frozen world were all shaken away.


Ye Tian stretched out a big hand and turned into a giant palm of golden light shrouded in chaos. The runes in the palm were flickering, fierce and strong, and grabbed the World Tree.

Boom boom boom!

The giant tree shook, the lush branches and leaves squeaked, and the brilliance flowed, exuding terrifying power, trying to deal with Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm.

But it was useless, Ye Tian evoked the power of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. The so-called World Tree was just a branch of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

It would be very good to use this divine tree to reshape the small world of Beiming Dongshan.

The sacred tree is like the spiritual root of the small world. It can not only make the small world extremely strong, but also build a complete ecological circle in the small world, a paradise-like divine soil.

The reason why the Nordic gods have survived to this day is the credit of this divine tree.

"Do not!"

"you dare!"



Countless figures rushed out of the abyss and attacked Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't have any nonsense either, he directly used the shock of the Chaos Sword Embryo, the Wan Dao Chaos Sword Qi rushed out, turned into a sea of ​​swords, and evolved the Wan Lu Dao imprint.

The clanging sword sound moved Xiao Han, as if washing the ground, everything penetrated, and nothing was broken.

This was a lore, and where the sword edge passed, except for a large crack that had expanded several times in depth and width, there was nothing left.

A great system of gods was destroyed by Ye Tian's hand.

Strong, strong, too strong!

The dark creatures on the entire star are extremely frightening, feeling the end of the day.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian destroyed another old lair of the blood clan, the residence of Cain, the father of the thirteen blood ancestors, a dark castle.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Tian destroyed the Olympus Nether Realm, the old lair of Pluto Orchis.

Half an hour later, in the high Tianyuan of East Ying, the old nest of Amaterasu was destroyed.

An hour later Tanah Lot...

Devil Dragon Valley, wolf clan's lair, Babylonian king **** cave...


One by one, the dark secret realms were uprooted by Ye Tian, ​​or smashed with one punch, or split into flying ashes.

The dark powerhouse who kept his hand either surrendered on his knees, or resisted fiercely, but nothing could be changed in the end. Ye Tian did not keep his hand, and suppressed all enemies with thunderous means.

In the secret realm, hundreds of thousands of years, even thousands of years of treasures from heaven and earth, all fell into Ye Tian's hands, filling up the space rings. With these treasures alone, Ye Tian can be the richest man in the world, and he has no idea how many streets away from the second place.

On that day, the sky rained blood, and the ghosts and gods cried!

The entire star seemed to be shrouded in blood and blood.

Fallen gods, or dark powers, cannot be counted.

If these gods and dark powerhouses are united together, they will be enough to push the middle-earth star thousands of times, turning all orthodox countries upside down, and even slaughtering them to the ground. Even the nuclear powers are vulnerable in front of them.

However, such a supreme power was slaughtered by one person.

"Terror, it's too terrifying, how can there be such a strong person in the world?"

"It's unreasonable, it's so unreasonable. He is obviously just a golden pill, how can he be more fierce than Yuan Ying?"

"Didn't someone say that Ye Tianren's golden core is a super-grade golden core, with power comparable to that of a dollar baby, far beyond what ordinary golden cores can match."

"Three hundred years of Hedong, three hundred years of Hexi. I'm in the west, this time is really finished, and I won't have another chance."

"Is it too late to join the Chinese nationality now?"

"The benevolent eastern country, shouldn't beat the underdog?"


At this moment, the whole world is boiling.

"Kill kill kill! Ye Tianren swept away the major secret realms, killed many dark powerhouses, and some of the remaining shrimp and rice remnants should also be my Beiming disciples and Longwei members." Xiao Qingtian He clenched his fists and said with a furious expression.

He is Long Wei, the leader of the dragon, and he is also a member of Beiming.

Everyone in Beiming and everyone in Longwei were full of blood and killing intent.

The battle led by Ye Tian was so heartwarming, it reversed the decline of the human race, and saved people from dire straits.

As long as those who witnessed this scene were all excited and excited, they wished they could fight side by side with them.

"Send all the disciples of Beiming to hold their swords and guns tightly. It's time to launch a fierce attack on the dark aliens and the scum of the human race." Empress Qinghan got up, her thick hair fluttering, her whole body shrouded in holy light, and she wanted to fly. fairy.

The Western Holy See was swept away, and the emperor Adam was sealed in the furnace of heaven and earth. With hundreds of millions of sentient beings, she was alone, and her aura rose a little.

"I, Longwei, would like to join forces with Beiming to kill the dark aliens and turn the world upside down." Xiao Tianqi stepped forward to fight.

"My Dongyue Secret Realm is willing to contribute."

"I, Longhu Mountain, have been the leader of the right path since ancient times. I am willing to be with the world and share the enemy."

"My Emei Ancient Sect..."

"I Wudang..."


Each of the sects stood up, willing to kill the enemy side by side with the Beiming Xianzong, and advance and retreat together.

Behind them, there are more than three million sergeants of the great Eastern countries, countless war killers.

As an order was issued, numerous sects and powerhouses swarmed out and rushed in all directions. Not only the alien races in my eastern country are the targets of their sweeping, but the alien races in the entire world are the targets of their sweeping.

That is to say, from this moment on, the great powers in the East have played an important role in maintaining world security.

At this moment, not only the dark aliens were terrified, but even many countries were terrified.

Dongying Kingdom immediately spread the news that it was willing to give up its appeal to an island in the East China Sea.

Small countries in the southern seas also expressed that they can put aside disputes and jointly develop marine resources.

Tianzhu Asan sent a note to our staff, saying that the border could be redrawn, and the previous flood line would be abolished.

A landlocked neighbor to the north, desperate to return to his mother's arms.

A certain country in Northeast Asia expressed its willingness to become a vassal of the Eastern Power once again, and sincerely repented for the previous arrogance, hoping that the lord of the Eastern Power will not remember the villain.


From today onwards, I will become the most powerful country in the world in the true sense of the Eastern power, one that dominates the second place, at least eighteen major roads.

However, my eastern country loves peace in its bones, advocates benevolence and righteousness, is strong but does not bully the weak, and is rich but does not look down on poverty.

Just when Beiming Xianzong, Longwei, and many strongmen from sects rushed to all parts of the Middle Earth to slay the dark remnants, Ye Tian came to the Kunlun Mountains.

Before the aura of heaven and earth recovered, Kunlun was already the roof of the world, with countless mountains and mountains.

Now that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has recovered, Kunlun's Hundred Thousand Mountains are even more majestic and majestic. The highest peak in the past was only more than 8,000 meters. Now, there are mountains of more than 8,000 meters everywhere. Thirty thousand meters high.

Snow-capped, glaciers can be seen everywhere, ancient wood wolf forest, monkeys cry and tigers howl.

This is the Jedi of human beings. It is difficult for ordinary people to get out of this place, but it is a paradise for wild beasts.

Ye Tian flew all the way, and saw giant hyenas, snow wolves, snow leopards that were bigger than oxen, and big snakes that were thicker than the arms of adults, coiled on the top of the mountain, with wingspans of more than ten feet, and the size of a large passenger plane. Eagle soars in the sky,...

There are not a few gods and congenital beasts, and there are even rare golden beasts.

Although he was the enemy of the human race, Ye Tian was too lazy to take action.

In fact, as long as you kill the beastmaster, or influence the beastmaster and let them be friendly with humans, the beast soldiers and beasts will not take the initiative to attack humans.

The world has changed greatly, and the entrance to the Kunxu before is difficult to find.

But Ye Tian is now in and out of Kunxu, and there is still a need for a teleportation formation.

He mobilized the fire eye and golden pupil, and a small world hidden in the void instantly emerged, and every scene and object inside could not escape his discernment.

Kunxu is divided into inner and outer hidden doors.

The Outer Hidden Sect has been truly subdued by stepped on the Jiuli Sect and thought it was a nest.

As for the Jiuli Sect, it is said to be the lineage left by the Great God Chiyou.

At this moment, Ye Tian was standing in the Kunlun Mountains, looking through the boundary membrane of Kunxu, and looked directly at the Kunxu branch of the original Beiming Xianzong, where the original Jiuli Sect was located.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he saw that only a piece of ruins remained in the Beiming Branch of Kunxu, all the palaces and platforms collapsed, and even the majestic mountains were shattered.

In the ruins, corpses were laid out, many corpses were smashed, and flesh and blood were scattered everywhere.

Then, he looked to other places, and saw that in addition to the Beiming Xianzong, many other sects were trampled through the mountain gate, and they were killed in a river of blood.


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Ye Tian's body, turning into countless ripples in the void, like a stormy sea, sweeping across the sky, the sky was full of clouds, and there were several nearby mountains. The bottom was washed clean.

Countless creatures fell to the ground, only feeling suffocated, thinking that the invincible existence was going to go crazy.

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