Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2534: Birth of an ancient god

Remember [New] for a second,! boom!

As soon as Ye Tian's spiritual sense moved, an invisible force filled the void, like countless tentacles, extending into every corner.

Bang bang bang!

Some figures fell from the void, or appeared from the darkness, as many as a dozen people, with abilities, dark magicians, ninjas, head descenders, etc., and so on, all of them were gods. Assassins above the realm level.

Their purpose is not to actually assassinate Ye Tian, ​​because it is impossible, they just want to make some commotion and disrupt Ye Tian's recovery process, it is best to let him go crazy.


They don't talk nonsense with these people at all, and they don't bother to torture them. The spiritual sense directly invades the minds of these people, and the information they want is obtained.

More than half of these assassins were instructed by the great empires of the world, and their ambitions were obvious.

"Twenty years ago, this seat gave you a chance, even if the dog can't stop eating shit, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Ye Tian looked gloomy.

"Ye Tianren, let us go."

"We dare not."

"I surrender."


A group of assassins begged for mercy, they were scared to pee.

Their sea of ​​consciousness was invaded by Ye Tian's spiritual sense, and they couldn't even grasp the autonomy of their bodies, let alone fight back.

Even if the power of the physical body is not used, just relying on the power of the spiritual sense, Ye Tian is not something that these ants can provoke.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Tian's spiritual sense stirred violently, and these assassins first turned the sea of ​​​​knowledge upside down, their brains turned into paste, and then the whole head exploded.

"Ye Tianren, there is news from the old dragon king in the East China Sea, asking you to go to the East China Sea to kneel down and plead guilty within two days, otherwise..., otherwise you will slaughter the entire family of the Northern Ming Xianzong and wash the country with blood." Xiao Qingtian came over , said with difficulty.

What should come will always come, and everyone in Beiming is not too surprised.

When Ye Tian abolished one dragon child and killed three dragon children, the deep hatred for each other could not be reconciled.

In order to put pressure on the Beiming Xianzong, and also to put pressure on the great powers of the East, the Sea Dragon Palace has sent countless sea monsters and shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and they have already started to harass the human city on the coast, causing a large number of casualties.

It turned out that an important stronghold of Beiming, Penglai Immortal Island, has now been occupied by the forces of the Sea Dragon Palace.

The current Penglai Immortal Island is no longer the small island with a radius of only a hundred miles before, it is more than ten times larger, like a continent, it is a pity that it was taken away by the Sea Dragon Palace.

But there is no way. The ocean is the territory of the sea clan, and the sea dragon palace is the only overlord of the ocean. The nine golden elixir dragons are divided into various places, occupying the sea as the king, and the human race has no strength to compete with them.

Although the human race has naval battleships, whether it is an aircraft carrier or a nuclear-powered submarine, it is not enough to see in front of the sea clan. The huge waves set off by any sea clan monster can overturn the aircraft carrier. Submarines are even less likely to be the opponents of the Kraken under the sea.

Only on the land, the human race still has an advantage.

Our Eastern Human Race has countered, and various powerful war killers have erupted with terrifying power, which has also caused heavy damage to the Sea Race.

However, there are too many creatures in the sea clan, which are almost endless, and they can't kill them no matter what.

If Ye Tian does not come down within two days, the army of the sea clan will invade the hinterland of the great eastern country, unite with the alien races on the land, and carry out that extinction.

The Sea Dragon King's words were sonorous, this time he was really angry!

"Just tell them that if the Sea Dragon Palace is willing to submit to my Beiming Xianzong and become a branch of my Beiming Xianzong, this seat can consider not destroying this force, and seal the Sea Dragon King to become my Beiming's Dharma protector." Ye God opened his mouth and spread his will.

As soon as he said this, the whole world instantly boiled.

Major news media scrambled to broadcast, swiping all the hot search lists.

Some people dropped their jaws in shock, some people were so excited that their eyes filled with tears, and some people stood on the sidelines...

"Ye Tianren not only represents the great eastern country, but also the human race of the whole world."

"Yes, Ye Tianren belongs to the world and belongs to each of us. He is our hero and the savior of the human race. Aliens are the common enemy of the human race."

"Ye Tianren will win, Beiming Xianzong will win, Eastern powers will win, and the world will win."


A word of speech, boiling the whole world.

Looking at the world, I am afraid that only he has this ability, right?

"Don't you think that Ye Tianren is a little too arrogant? The old dragon king is a Nascent Soul, and he can only rival with Jindan?"

"The old dragon king is not fighting alone, and he is secretly colluding with several other dark forces, in order to kill with one blow."

"So, Ye Tianren is still too strong. Even though the old Dragon King has an advantage in realm, he doesn't dare to take risks. Hahaha, what a **** turtle Dragon King."

"The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. As long as the goal can be achieved, what means do you use? After all, be careful to make the Wannian Ship."


People were talking, waiting for a big war to happen.

This war has a lot to do with the human race and the alien race, who can become the orthodox in this world.

Eastern Ying Kingdom, Tokyo.

Thick black clouds obscured the sky and the sun, like a mountain of mountains, and the black pressure was stacked in the sky.

It was obviously noon, but the sky in Tokyo was as gloomy as midnight.

Moreover, there is a faintly oppressive atmosphere in the air, which makes people feel inexplicably flustered and inexplicably fearful, like the dullness before the storm.

Pedestrians on the street were in a hurry, fearing that the rainstorm would suddenly come, and they would be drenched in soup.

Suddenly, in the dark clouds that covered the sky, a void of the earth suddenly appeared, as if an exotic time and space appeared, and the scene inside could be clearly seen.

The mountains and rivers are scorched, and there is no grass. Lava flows in the rivers and lakes, or the dark turbid currents are clearly a place where life is extinct.

However, if you look closely, you will find that in the long river of red lava, in the dark turbid lake, there are groups of grotesque monsters wriggling.

Under the stunned and astonished gazes of countless people, a blood-colored sun was rising, hanging over the scorched earth. Ominous blood.

Then, a scene that made everyone extremely frightening happened. A strange figure with closed eyes slowly emerged from the blood-colored sun. It was the image of a woman, wearing a simple servant in the shape of a traditional shrine maiden costume. Absolutely beautiful, with a slender body, a black head that can be seen, and a vertical pupil between the eyebrows, but his face is a little pale and sick.

"Amaterasu Great God, it's Amaterasu Great God!"

"I'm going, Amaterasu Great Imperial God has appeared holy, hurry up and worship first."


The loud noises came and went, and the whole of Tokyo was jubilant.

Amaterasu Great Imperial God is the sun **** in Eastern Ying mythology, and also the main **** in Shinto, the strongest god, the cultivation base has reached the perfection, and he is only half a step away from the Nascent Soul.

"Is it really Amaterasu God? Why does it give people such a bad feeling?"

"Yeah, the blood-colored sun, without a trace of warmth, makes people feel extremely cold."

"I'll go, she won't eat us, will she?"

"A bunch of bastards, what nonsense are you talking about? That's the great Amaterasu God, the most ancient **** of my East Ying. It's too late to protect my East Ying, how can they return us?"


In the huge Tokyo Metropolis, the void is blood-stained, the atmosphere is chilling, and the tragic atmosphere is overwhelming.


In the clamor of countless people, the blood-colored sun in the void suddenly twisted and turned into a huge scarlet vortex.

Afterwards, I saw a waterfall of blood gushing out from the whirlpool, like a flood of Yellow River water, it was out of control and washed away in countless high-rise buildings in Tokyo.

Wherever they passed, souls were harvested one after another, leaving only a walking corpse.

Countless souls turned into blazing soul light, which was sucked by Amaterasu's mouth and swallowed.

As she absorbed the soul light, her pale complexion gradually became rosy and radiant.

The ancient two river basins, the promised land flowing with milk and honey, the place where the legendary Garden of Eden exists.

On this day, suddenly a divine light rushed into the sky, illuminating the sky.

In the void, the divine light that rushed to the sky suddenly spread out, spreading out like a picture scroll. First, a phantom of the earth appeared, and then the earth continued to improve and manifest, and finally turned into a small heavenly world.

Like a holographic projection, every detail is revealed, and it is true.

The holy light is lingering, incomparably flamboyant, the flowers are blooming, the grass is puffing, and every grass and every tree is crystal clear, as if carved from the finest white marble, the halls are shining and magnificent, and little angels flutter their fans. Flying cheerfully with wings, there are bursts of choir singing, which is fascinating.

"Is this, heaven?"

Countless people knelt on the ground, worshipped devoutly, and offered their faith.


A gate to the sky opened, and a tall figure stepped out from it. It was a heroic man. His crystal face was like a knife and an axe. His hair was thick and full of holy light. Wings, revealing the supreme majesty.

Emperor, Adam!

The most supreme being of the Holy See in the West finally walked out of the Garden of Eden, looking to the east with an undisguised aura of killing.

At the same time, an unparalleled terrifying aura also erupted from the Mount Olympus, like a furious sea roaring, shaking off the big clouds in the sky and leveling a city at the foot of the mountain.

Rumbling, eighteen ancient chariots rushed out, surging out the overwhelming force, oppressing the world and shaking.

Northern Europe, a land shrouded in ice and snow.

The earth shook violently, sinking into a huge sinkhole.

That day, the pit was bottomless, as if it went straight to the depths of the earth, and suddenly the vast essence of heaven and earth spewed out, billowing and covering the sky.

In this vast essence, a huge divine tree rose from the ground, broke through the clouds in a few fingers, and went straight to the sky, as if it was opening up the sky and supporting a world.

"The world tree in Norse mythology."

Countless people screamed in horror.

Of course, this can't be the real world tree, it's just a branch of the spiritual root of the earth, and it has grown into a giant tree.

When the earth's spiritual roots were stolen by the Great Western Civilization, the branches of the world tree in northern Europe were preserved, supporting a small world in which the ancient gods of northern Europe were dormant.

At this moment, these ancient gods in northern Europe were summoned, and the small world showed their true appearance, no longer dodging, swearing their existence, and swearing their sovereignty to the world.

Whether it is compared to the Holy See, the Olympus **** system, or other branches of the gods, the power of this **** system in Northern Europe is definitely at the top.

Tianzhu, Asan Kingdom, also have dormant gods born.

Above a city, a gap cracked in the void, and a small golden world appeared. A man with a height of six feet and a naked body with only a few white ribbons around his whole body, his skin was as black as iron stepped out, and the earth under his feet followed. And pulsating, the Ganges water rolled up the monstrous waves.

This is an ancient **** whose appearance is unbelievable. He has five arms. One arm grows from the left and right ribs and the middle chest. He holds a trident, a serrated knife, a skeleton staff, and many other weapons. The head is square, with palm faces on each side.

"It's Brahma."

The people of Tianzhu went crazy.


In short, many ancient gods in the world have revived at this moment, and for a common goal, they went to the east to kill an invincible demon.

They know that even if they are not born, the big devil will probably not let them go, and will overturn and flatten their secret realms one by one.

This is a life-and-death battle.

Ye Tian represented not only the human race of the great eastern country, but also the human race of the whole world.


Suddenly, a terrifying aura descended from the sky and fell into a city in Europa, but it quickly spread out and swept the world.

Immediately afterwards, a sea of ​​thunder of ten thousand feet descended from the sky, instantly submerging a large city with a population of several million and turning it into a sea of ​​calamity.

Cain sucked the blood of people with great joy, swallowing the blood of almost 8 million people, and finally attracted the catastrophe.

I don't know if this catastrophe is his Nascent Soul catastrophe, or because of killing too many lives, the way of heaven can't see it, and the punishment is down.

A thunder as thick as a mountain smashed him out, and his whole body was scorched black.

But instead of being angry, he was happy, he laughed, and once again ascended into the sky, rushing into the thunder.

"I'm going, is Cain going to break through?"

" finally broke through. If you don't break through Europa, you have to be sucked dry by him."

"Why do my Western gods specialize in slaughtering people in the West? What's the use of such a god?"

"I want to be an Oriental in my next life, don't stop me."


Those Westerners who survived, the rest of their lives, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Beiming Dongshan.

Ye Tian continued to meditate, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

A chaotic golden lotus appeared behind it, its branches plunged into the void, tempering the flesh with the fire of law.

At the same time, he wrapped his hands around each other, drawing out a mysterious trajectory, seemingly without any rules, but it can drive the trajectory of his debut.

If someone opens the eyes of the sky, they can find that the spiritual energy of the earth veins in the thousands of miles around Tianhai City is slowly moving along the trajectory drawn by Ye Tian's hands, converging towards Tianhai City, and the final node is Beiming Dongshan.

Ye Tian wanted to make Beiming Dongshan a paradise with his supreme magic power.

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