Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2529: he is god

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Aaron was forced to have no choice but to sacrifice the Ark of the Covenant as a magic weapon to attack Ye Tian.


This is an artifact that makes the space unbearable, burst out with all its strength, and its power is close to that of Nascent Soul, and it is no problem to wipe Tianhai City from the earth.

"Unfortunately, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation was destroyed, and it is difficult to activate the Immortal Execution Sword. The sword just now consumed almost all of Ye Tianren's mana."

"Ye Tianren is injured and fights repeatedly, otherwise these turkeys can be crushed to death easily."

"My God, Ye Tianren won't be crushed to death, right?"


While everyone was discussing, they saw Ye Tian gritted his teeth and punched out.


The phantom of the Devil God Swallowing appeared out of thin air behind him, and then quickly exploded, and all the power was poured into this punch.

At that moment, terrifying chaotic demonic energy burst out from between his fingers.

As if the sky and the earth were collapsing, the sun and the moon were chaotic.


As the fist passed, the void burst open, the vitality of the heavens and the earth was stirred into chaos, and the space burst into a huge black hole.

The endless chaotic demonic energy swept through the sky and the earth, making the space of thousands of meters in a radius of darkness, like a reappearance of the demonic realm.

Chaos God and Demon Fist!

Ye Tian sacrificed the Chaos Swallowing Devil God, and turned the power of this punch. Although it is far from the realm of God Transformation, it is also more powerful than ordinary Yuanying. an asteroid.

This is the real immortal boxing technique, which transcends Wuji Shenquan and is prepared by Ye Tian for the future battle with Wuji Xianzong.


There was a sound like a big bell and a big Lv. The ear drums of the 30 million citizens of Tianhai City were buzzing, and the big clouds in the sky were also shattered.

The Ark of the Covenant is worthy of being the supreme sacred artifact of the Holy See, it actually persisted for a few seconds under Ye Tian's punch before it burst open.

"What? The Ark of the Covenant... was it blown up?"

Countless people were stunned and couldn't believe it at all.

The Ark of the Covenant is of extraordinary significance, and even the supreme sacred artifact of the Holy See, seeing the Ark of the Covenant is like seeing the legendary supreme being.

"No, it's impossible." Aaron, the son of God, was also howling miserably, finding it hard to believe the result.

However, facts are facts.

Infinite rain of light rushed out from the broken Ark of the Covenant, like waves in the vast sea, sweeping in all directions, and like the flood of the Yellow River, out of control.


The terrifying fist strength continued to rush out, and finally hit Aaron more than ten miles away.

The dazzling holy light just bloomed from him, and before he could build a protective light curtain in time, the whole person was blasted into the void by the terrifying fist and shattered into powder.


that moment!

Everyone took a deep breath.

The power of this punch is really too terrifying, too terrifying. It blew up a sword artifact, and blew up a golden core. Compared with the sword that was slashed with the help of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, it was not inferior at all, even A bit stronger.

"As I said, he is a god, invincible. We were wrong from the beginning and shouldn't provoke the gods."

In the mansion of the head of state on the other side of the ocean, the old head of state Hopkins was still kneeling on the ground and muttering.

"He actually dared to kill the Son of God, Adam would never let him go." Howard, the new head of state, had a cold voice.

"He is dying now, and his injuries are very serious," said a senior general.

"We need to contact all the forces of the dark alien races, summon those quasi-native infants, gather them into a stronger force, and take advantage of Ye Demon King's serious injury to kill him." Howard said surprisingly, always killing Ye Tian's heart will not die, and the heart of a great eastern country will not die.

At this time, it was seen in the camera that this earth-shattering punch was thrown, and the breath on Ye Tian's body fell again, as if his body was completely drained, his footsteps were vain, and he was swaying in the void.

Some disciples of Beiming Xianzong wanted to go up to help, but he refused.


His eyebrows lit up, and a powerful mental force was released, like countless tentacles, stretching into the void.

Among the faith thoughts that overflowed from the Ark of the Covenant and rushed in all directions, there was a godhead that was extracted from Qinghan.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Tian's spiritual power rushed into the belief power, and two completely different forces began to collide, causing the heaven and the earth to vibrate violently, as if there were infinite lightning resonating.

Ye Tian is not fighting against the emperor, but also against thousands of followers of the emperor, with pure spiritual power.

If he was in his peak state, he would be able to find out the godhead of Qing Han without much effort.

But now, he is really too weak.

The infinite belief power is like the sea and like a knife, surging, radiant, sacred and majestic. It is also impacted by Ye Tian's spiritual power.

With a stagger, Ye Tian retreated a hundred feet.

"elder brother."

"Xiao Tian."


Ning Xiaoyu, Gu Xiaoman and the others shouted, they really wanted to rush forward to help.

"Don't worry about me." Ye Tian said, swiping his hands, one after another splendid rain of light was sorted out from the belief power, cut through the sky, and rushed into Qinghan's body.

Every time the light rain falls into the body, the aura on Qinghan's body will rise by one point.


A mouthful of blood spit out.

The breath on Ye Tian's body kept falling, and the realm retreated from Jindan to Xiantian again.

"Hey, kid, just say it if you want divine liquid, do you have to play such a bitter scene?" Changbai Sanzu said with a bitter face, as if he could see something.

"Oh, yes, Shenzu, you have divine fluid in your body, help my brother quickly." Ning Xiaoyu suddenly realized.

Gu Xiaoman also cast fiery eyes, as if he had seen his prey.

Changbai Sanzu hid a few dozen meters away, reluctantly, but still opened his mouth, puff puff, and spit out five drops of divine liquid like a cannonball.

Each drop of the divine liquid was the size of a marble, crystal clear and emerald green, blooming with rays of light, with fragments of avenues floating in it, and the rich medicinal fragrance spread far away.

Of course, this is not a real divine fluid, just a quasi divine fluid.

But looking at the Middle-earth star, I am afraid it is also the only one.

Everyone in the world is dumbfounded. This thing is too precious and has immeasurable value. One drop can make life and death bones and bones. The monks can use it to break through the level and advance to a big realm.

"Thanks." With a chuckle, Ye Tian swallowed the Invincible Divine Liquid in one gulp.

The effect was immediate, the breath on the body rose rapidly, and the wounds on the body healed quickly.

"Samzu, give my sister-in-law a few drops too." Ning Xiaoyu cried.

"I've already given it, and two of the five drops are for the Empress, let your brother spit it out." Changbai Sanzu was not happy, and pretended to be very weak.

"Really not?"

"Not really."


Ning Xiaoyu squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and the Chaos Divine Thunder struck out.

Rao Shi Changbai Ginseng reacted quickly, and in an instant he fled into the ground, and the seeds in his head were buzzing, making a loud noise.

"Damn girl, are you crazy?"

A few dozen meters away, the ancestor of Changbai ginseng showed his head.


Another Chaos Divine Thunder blasted over.


One after another, the light rain fell into the body, and the whole body of Qinghan was shrouded in a powerful light. The body seemed to become transparent.

The internal organs became powerful again, beating wildly, and the skin gradually became smooth and lustrous, with a little bit of brilliance shining.

In the end, the girl recovered as before, just as she was twenty years ago, with a peerless beauty, like Ling Chen's fairy.

However, the godhead was stripped away, leaving a little Dao injury, and the golden core energy that could have been faintly felt, disappeared. If I want to find this feeling again, I am afraid it will take a while to cultivate.

A great war has finally ended, and the eastern land can live in peace for the time being.

Aaron the Son of God is dead!

This news, like a thunderbolt, spread all over the world, especially the Western world, major families, and various forces, all stunned.

Ye Tian killed Aaron, which meant that he would never die with the Western Holy See.

Of course, Ye Tian killed more than one Aaron, as well as many powerful people in the dark world of the West, and one person stood on the opposite side of the entire dark world of the West.

The heirs of the old dragon king of the Eastern Dragon King Palace, three died and one was abolished, this is also a great revenge that never ends.

"Just like 20 years ago, he wants to provoke the dark forces in the whole world. No matter what the result is, this courage alone is worthy of respect."

"The result must be that justice will win, and Ye Tianren represents justice. Those Jedi in the secret realm, just wait to welcome Ye Tianren's terror."

"Yeah, the whole world is a mess now, and the original system has long since existed in name only. Some countries have been conquered by alien and some countries have turned to alien races. What kind of human society is this, we have to rely on Ye Tianren Let's turn the tide."


In fact, not only the East, but many Western countries are also cheering and crying because of Ye Tian's appearance.

It has only been two years since the recovery of the spiritual energy, the population of the human race has dropped by half, the alien races have risen together, the beasts are rampant, and many dark powerhouses have appeared, beating the human race to the point of losing their armor and discarding their armor.

As strong as the five great powers, it is also struggling, barely maintaining its independence with powerful force.

And the world's great empire, not taking the usual path, has fallen to the dark alien race, and wants to regain the position of the strongest country with the power of the dark alien race.

People's hearts turn their backs, and I, a great power in the East, is the dawn of civilization in the entire world.

Ye Tian's return made the dawn of the world civilization, a great eastern country, burn more violently, and the light emitted by it became more splendid.

Like a ganquan, it is watered on the dry land, making people happy.

Even though he had used many brutal methods to slaughter endless creatures, as long as he stood on the side of justice, he was a hero of the human race.

"In this battle, Ye Tianren is not only fighting for Beiming, the great power in the east, but also for the human race of the whole world. Ye Tianren, you are my idol."

"You must step on all the dark powerhouses, kill the aliens, and dare not make a move, and return the human race to a pure land."

"Kill kill kill, go and pacify the major secret realms now!"


On the Internet, in reality, countless human races are ecstatic, singing and dancing like a festival.

There are even some extreme human races, urging Ye Tian to set off now, go to various secret realms, alien lair, kill a mountain of bones and a river of blood.

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