Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 253: Go for barbecue

Su Mengyao pouted and smiled, it was agreed, but Ning Xiaoyu looked at his brother with a jealous look, it seemed to be trying to win his consent. Before going out, she promised her mother to go home before 10 o'clock, and it was almost time now. If I eat barbecue, I can't go home at twelve. She is a girl outside, and her family is definitely not assured, so she must be accompanied by her brother to eat barbecue, otherwise she will not be able to eat.

"Let's go, please be happy." Sun Junhao sent an invitation to Ye Tian. He wanted to take this opportunity to get along with Su Mengyao. If Ye Tian didn't go, Xiaoyu wouldn't go, so the dinner would be ruined.

Although Wu Ziming was unhappy, he couldn't say anything. However, this guy Ye Tian will not let him go easily, he came to his place, and he will have the world clean up later. Their Wu family is a hegemon in the local area, and his Wu Ziming is also known as the Sanjiang Xiaoba Wang. Few people dare to play against him.

Ye Tian has always resisted on such occasions. Mo said that eating with strangers is too much for attending acquaintance parties. But seeing his sister's eager look, he really couldn't refuse. Just sit and sit for the sake of his sister, and eventually he makes a decision.

The barbecue street is at least five kilometers away from the pedestrian street where everyone is now. You can only get there by car.

Tonight shopping only Wu Ziming drove a car, more than 200,000 five-seat Highlander. Since it is five seats, it can only seat up to five people, but now there are six people, one more. Overloading one is against the law. Points are deducted. Trouble!

Wu Ziming was sitting in the driver's seat, Sun Junhao was sitting in the co-driver, the three girls were sitting at the back, and one Ye Tian was left standing outside.

"I'm really sorry, the car is small, I can't stand your great god. Should you take three trampolines to go by shuttle bus, ten dollars can be reached, and I can help you out?" Wu Ziming laughed and let him Ye Tian was embarrassed, not without ridicule.

There are so few taxis in this small county town, but there are three jumpers all over the place.

"Squeezing, it's okay." Su Mengyao said.

"Yes, it's okay to squeeze. The three of us are very thin and can sit down in two seats, just to make room for my brother." Xiao Yu also said.

"It is illegal to overload a baby. Six points will be deducted. If you are arrested, who will bear the responsibility?" Wu Ziming was weird, with a look of reluctance.

Everyone stopped talking. Since it is illegal, everyone will definitely not do it.

But Wu Ziming's mouth suddenly showed a smirk, and then said: "But my trunk is large enough to fit the next person. The camera can't take it. Ha ha, if the brother is not too disgusting ..."

As soon as he spoke, his girlfriend Tian Tianyi laughed out loud. But the other three were expressionless and thought that Wu Ziming was too bullying.

Let people sit in the trunk, but you can figure it out!

Insulting people does not bring such insults.

"No need, I'll take a taxi by myself." Ye Tian frowned slightly, cold face.

"Brother, let me accompany you." Ning Xiaoyu got off the car unhappy.

"I want to accompany Xiaoyu. We haven't seen you for a long time. I have a lot of things to say to her." Su Mengyao also got out of the car, like a conjoined baby, and didn't want to be separated from Xiaoyu. She has a better relationship with Xiao Yu than Tian Tian, ​​and much better.

Sun Junhao looked at Su Mengyao who got out of the car, his brows straightened, and he suddenly opened the door and got out of the car. The purpose of his coming out tonight was to be with Su Mengyao, and Su Mengyao got out of the car. He had no reason to stay in the car.

When Su Mengyao got out of the car, Wu Ziming and his girlfriend Tian Tian didn't think there was anything, but when Sun Junhao also got out of the car, both of them suddenly turned green, hot, and felt the face in public. They wanted Ye Tian to get out of the way, but they didn't want to burn it to themselves.

Wu Ziming and Sun Junhao made friends because of the background of his deputy county magistrate's son. Sun Junhao and Wu Ziming made friends because his girlfriend Tian Tian and Su Mengyao had a good relationship and wanted to follow the curve. Their friendship could not stand the test.

Wu Ziming finally gave Ye Tian an indignant glance, left the car with him, and the throttle boomed so loudly that he flew far away. Like his mood at the moment, irritable. Although it was Sun Junhao and Su Mengyao who gave him no face, he blamed Ye Tian, ​​thinking that Ye Tian was the originator. The shame and shame will be paid back ten times and hundred times in the future.

Three bunnies were uncomfortable sitting, and four people decided to take a taxi. Although there are not many taxis in the small county town, the pedestrian street is a bustling area with a lot of people, and taxis are very happy to come here to pick up passengers and wait for a while.

Xiao Yu and Su Mengyao talked happily. She could talk about the sesame and mung bean, and the conversation was endless, and she laughed a lot from time to time.

Compared to girls, boys are much quieter. Ye Tian and Sun Junhao have nothing to say, although standing together.

Sun Junhao has been looking at the girls. He fixed himself on Su Mengyao, with a few glances in his eyes. How can an image of an infatuated species look?

"She's not for you."

The silence between the boys was eventually broken by Ye Tian. Judging from the fact that Sun Junhao had helped him talk, people seemed okay. He decided to call the kid and let him get lost and return to the shore.

"Oh? Why is that?" Sun Junhao sank.

"You are not from the same world. Being together will hurt you as well as her."

Sun Junhao sneered, and said, "Ziming just said that I have one more love rival, I don't believe it. Now it seems that I am naive, and I really have one more love rival ~ ~ But it doesn't matter, Meng Yao is a school flower , There are more boys chasing her, more of you than one, and less of you. "

Even if Ye Tian is a love rival, it is a negligible existence in the eyes of Sun Junhao, so he doesn't care.

"I've already spoken, you can't help me if you don't listen." Ye Tian shook his head gently.

Then a taxi stopped and everyone got on.

Soon the barbecue street arrived, and the taxi stopped at the door of a popular barbecue restaurant.

The barbecue street should be called the gourmet street, because there are not only barbecues, but also various other cuisines.

As soon as you get out of the car, the scent of barbecue is rushing. The fireworks in the whole county are the strongest here. Not only ordinary people like to patronize here, rich people also like to come here for fun. There are not many luxury cars on the roadside parking spaces. One of the cars was particularly windy, cool to the endless red Ferrari, but the license plate was from a foreign country, the license plate of Yancheng.

Even the people of Yancheng came to Sanjiang to eat barbecue, and we can see how popular the food here is!

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