Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2413: The gap is too big

"Boy, is this all your ability? The so-called fairy baby is not so good!" Qi Tian Shenjun sneered, with a fox and a tiger, his eyes were full of resentment.

He was still haunted by the defeat just now.

If Ye Tian hadn't used the power of the Demon Suppression Array, he would never have lost so badly.

In his heart, he did not think that he was weaker than Ye Tian.


Ye Tian shouted angrily, and his figure flashed in the air, like a flash of light, he rushed in front of Qitian Divine Monarch, and punched out fiercely.

"Damn it, how dare you? I will smash your body into tens of thousands of pieces." Qi Tian Shenjun's eyes were about to split, and he was terrified to the extreme.

He didn't expect that Ye Tian would dare to take action against him instead of fleeing under the eyes of the Demon God Lingri.

"Trash, what am I afraid of?"


The fist is like a dragon, bursting out a shock wave of strong light that is as dazzling as a nuclear explosion, and the void is shaking.


Qitian Shenjun's immortal core like a diamond was blasted into cracks, and then like a flaming meteor, it shot backwards, passed through the gate of the ancient demon domain, and rushed into the ancient demon domain.

Almost at the same time, the attack of the Transiting Sun Devil God also arrived, and it was still only a flick of the finger.


Even though layers of golden light erupted from Ye Tian's body, he resisted to the point of being bounced off. Following in the footsteps of God Qitian, he also rushed into the Ancient Demon Realm, pulling out a large straight crack on the ground. There is no end in sight.

Bloodstained one after another, bones were broken and tendons were broken, and Ye Tian's Xiaocheng Zijin Divine Body, which was known as indestructible, was somewhat unbearable.


"How is this possible?"

"Is the difference in combat power between the two so big?"

The old Nascent Soul monsters who had escaped looked back and saw the scene of this battle being crushed. All of them were shocked and could not calm down.

Ye Tian punched fiercely, only hitting the Demon God Lingri until his nose bleeds, and the Demon God Ling Ri almost ripped apart Ye Tian's body with just one flick of his finger.

The gap in combat power between each other can be said to be like a cloud of mud.

At that moment, everyone who saw this scene was silent, unbelievable, and full of despair.

Once the Demon God of Lingri is born, it will definitely be a catastrophe for the Beichen Star Region, and no one will be able to take the lead.


The Lingri Demon God roared, and endless demonic energy erupted from his body. He also rushed back to the Ancient Demon Realm as soon as he turned around, and he had to deal with Ye Tian first.

This is an ancient world, completely different from the outside world. The land is dark brown, dry, and harder than steel. There is almost no vegetation, no flowers, birds, insects and fish. There is only a barren world.

The ground is full of strange-shaped rocks, even if there are some plants, most of them are ghost-shaped, with twisted branches and yellow leaves, as if they have been dead for many years.

But once a monk passes by, these dead trees will resurrect like ghosts, and their old roots will burst out to prey on living beings.

At this moment, a human race cultivator appeared, full of blood and energy, and as soon as he landed, there were endless monsters rushing in, like a group of ferocious hyenas seeing their prey, one by one excited.

The spiritual energy here is pitiful, and it has been completely polluted by demonic energy. Even the laws and avenues are completely different from the outside world.

Ordinary human monks come here, and their Taoism will be suppressed, and they can only exert a few percent.

The Ling Ri Demon God snapped Ye Tian into the Ancient Demon Realm. First, he was afraid that he would escape from the outside world. Second, he wanted to use the laws of the Great Dao here to suppress his Taoism, so that he could make a quick decision.


Regardless of the injury on his body, Ye Tian held the Ziying Sword, slashed out with one sword, and pulled out a long sword beam in the void, instantly blasting thousands of ancient demons into ashes.


Then, the others followed the sword, the sword was like a rainbow, and he chopped out a more terrifying sword, slashing at the Demon God Lingri.


The void is broken, and under this sword, it seems that the sun, moon and stars in the sky can be chopped down.


As soon as the Lingri Demon God raised his hand, the World Destruction Treasure Seal turned into a mountain of ten thousand feet. With the power of destroying the world, he blasted away Ye Tian.


The Ziying Sword slashed firmly on the World Destruction Treasure Seal, and there was a loud noise that cracked the folds of the void.

Under the collision of the incomparable force, Ye Tian shook his hands, the Ziying sword flew out of his hands, and the others also had a sweet throat, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew out involuntarily.


The World Destruction Treasure Seal once again burst into a shallow crack.

"Little bastard, how dare you destroy my magic weapon. When this deity captures you, you can refine it into my seal of destroying the world, and add the power of my artifact."

Demon Lord Ling Ri stretched out his hand, and the World Destruction Treasure Seal shook, and chased Ye Tian away again, wanting to kill people in one go.

"Old dog, go for your Spring and Autumn Dream." Ye Tian forcibly stabilized his body, screamed, and then slashed out with a fierce sword.


Under this earth-shattering confrontation, the World Destruction Treasure Seal added another wound.

But the Ziying Sword simply broke into two pieces, and Ye Tian flew out again.

Like an ant wrestling with an elephant, it is impossible to be an opponent at all.

Immortal infants can be powerful enemies of gods, and most of them refer to the early stages of gods, like the later stages of gods, which is already another concept.

What's more, this is the ancient demon domain, which belongs to the demon clan's territory, and Lingri Demon Venerable has the home field advantage.

This World Destruction Treasure Seal is the magic weapon that Lingri Demon Venerable has been sacrificing and refining since the Golden Core Realm. Later, he got a heaven and earth spirit root donated by Daxi, and it took hundreds of years to refine it into the World Destruction Treasure Seal, which greatly enhanced the power of the World Destruction Treasure Seal.


With a thunderous roar, the World Destruction Treasure Seal flew out again, turning into a cyan streamer, and crushed it towards Ye Tian.

Bang bang bang!

Shocking explosions came one after another.

This time, Ye Tian threw out various protective magic weapons to block it.

Some of these protective magic weapons were sacrificed and refined by themselves, but most of them were captured during the war. There were magical runes, diamond shields, Tianluo umbrellas, and so on. They were all over the sky.

However, under the World Destruction Treasure Seal, these so-called body protection magic weapons are all vulnerable, like an iron egg, smashing into a pile of eggs, crushing a large piece.

In the end, UU Reading a chaotic, golden hand reached out, shot it fiercely, and slammed into the World Destruction Treasure Seal.


Ye Tian pushed the power of Chaos Golden Light Divine Palm to the extreme, but he was still vulnerable. He only blasted a tiny crack on the World Destruction Treasure Seal, but he slammed into pieces.

"Too weak." Demon Lord Ling Ri said coldly.

"Ancestor Ling Ri, quickly control him and let me take over the house." Qi Tian Shenjun rushed from the depths of the ancient demon realm, and an immortal **** core also burst into cracks, and was constantly being attacked by demons. gas erosion.

If there is no fleshly body, just relying on the core of God, he cannot survive here for long, and he will not even have the chance to be demonized.

Therefore, he desperately needed Ye Tian's body.

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