Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2411: Ling Ri Shenjun

"Then Xuantian Daojun is still alive?" Ye Tian guessed in his heart, and a glimmer of hope rose.

Since Divine Sovereign Ling Ri is in the Ancient Demon Territory, it is almost certain that Xuantian Saber Monarch also came to the Ancient Devil Territory.

If he didn't break through the return to the virtual world, Xuantian Daojun wanted to live until now, I am afraid he could only fall into the devil's way like Lingri Shenjun, and turned into a devil.

If this is the case, Ye Tian's mood is a little complicated.

The demons are bloodthirsty, and people and demons are incompatible. If Xuantian Daojun falls into the devil's way, after the two meet, they are destined to meet in battle.

At this time, the demonic titan-like Lingri Divine Sovereign was stepping out, trying to rush out of the ancient demon realm.

And the several Beichen peak Nascent Soul and Quasi-Hua Shen old monsters in his hands are being stuffed into his mouth, clearly wanting to swallow the rhythm.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you must not let him come out, otherwise my Beichen Star Territory will be in danger." The ancestor of the town demon roared, very panicked.

At this time, he was still held in the palm of the palm of the palm of Ling Ri Shenjun, but at this critical moment of life and death of a star field, he could not care about his own safety.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, save me first! You alone are not enough to kill this demon god, but saving me can help you," said the old palace master of the Palace of Gods.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, we were still fighting side by side just now, and now you can't wait until you die." The old sword master of Wuji Sword Sect was also shouting.

"We are a team, don't give up, don't give up."

Next, the old Sect Master of Jiuyang Dongtian, the old Hall Master of Changsheng Hall, and several other peak Nascent Soul old monsters all implored Ye Tian to take action and save their lives first.

"Go back to me!"

Of course Ye Tian wouldn't stand by, after rushing out from the ground, he held his sword in both hands and slashed out.


This sword slashed the sky straight, and the sword beam was so bright that it slashed ruthlessly at the arm of the Demon God Lingri.

In the dazzling sword light, Ye Tian's whole body, including all the mana, supernatural power, and soul, seemed to be integrated with the Ziying sword, regardless of each other, the whole body turned into a flaming sword light.

Chi Chi!

In the dilapidated void, another "Scar of the Sky" was cut out, which complemented the domain gate of the ancient demon domain.

The big sword move, the sword breaks the sky!


After splitting this sword, the breath of Ye Tian's whole body dropped a bit. It can be seen how much it takes to split this sword.

Not only all those who saw this sword were deeply impressed, thinking that this sword could cut down the gods in the sky.

Even Ye Tian himself was extremely confident in this sword.

Even if he couldn't kill the Demon God of the Sun, he could cut off one of his arms.

No matter how bad it is, it will definitely be no problem to save the great powers in the hands of the Demon God Lingri.

However, the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone happened.


With just one wave of his arm, Demon God Lingri made a small movement like driving a fly away. He didn't use any magic weapon or supernatural power. With pure physical strength, the sword light shattered through the sky and turned into an infinite sword qi and sword light. The earth in a radius of thousands of miles has turned into a storm in the Sword Region.


Ye Tian even took his sword and shot back again, smashing a bottomless pit on the ground.

"How is this possible?"

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned and shouted in disbelief.

"It's ridiculous that the mayfly shakes the big tree. You little beast, sacrifice your body, and this **** can give you a decent look." Qi Tian said with a sneer, only the core and soul were left, turning into a human-shaped phantom. , standing on the shoulders of the Transiting Demon God, as if he was in control of this invincible Demon God Titan.

"Shenjun Qitian, help. Hurry up and stop God Sovereign Lingri." The old palace master of the Palace of the Gods shouted.

"Shenjun Qitian, we belong to the same star region and are the closest combat partners."

"My family has a peerless magical medicine that has been treasured for tens of thousands of years, which can help the gods recast their bodies."

The grass on the wall falls on both sides.

Seeing that Ye Tian's combat power was crushed, it was impossible, these old monsters in the Beichen Star Region began to ask Qitian Shenjun for help.

"Shut up. Who shot me just now and wanted to seal my town into the Ancient Demon Realm. Do you think I'm blind and can't see?" Qi Tianshen's eyes were cold, like the ice under the nine seclusions. , staring at the crowd and so on, without the slightest emotion.


Demon God Lingri stepped out of the Ancient Demon Realm with one foot, and his body was full of black demonic energy, covered with black scales, as if he was wearing a piece of armor made of black gold, with two horns on his head and big scarlet pupils. Like a mountain, he straightened his waist, and his upper body rushed to the top of the clouds. His might was unbelievably powerful.

A mountain of ten thousand feet high, at its feet, is like an inconspicuous little mound.

While shoving the old monsters in the giant palm into the giant mouth, he stepped on the giant pit that Ye Tian fell and smashed.

Those giant feet, pitch black as ink, like Buzhou Mountain lifted by the giant spirit god, descended from the sky with the aura of crushing everything.


But just as the giant feet were about to step on the ground, a super-nuclear explosion-like destructive force suddenly came from the ground.

The strength and terror of this force made Lingri Demon God's giant feet like mountains stand up for life, and he couldn't step down all of a sudden.

Then I saw a golden dao lotus wrapped in chaotic air, like a world tree, suddenly rising from the ground, growing higher and higher, as if to hold up the sky, endless stars flashing between the branches and leaves move.

In the previous battle with several old Nascent Soul monsters in Beichen, Ye Tian had used similar magical powers, and he caught a few people by surprise.

However, the Demon God of Lingri, after all, cannot be compared with several old Nascent Soul monsters.

The chaotic golden lotus shines brightly, rushing out of thousands of chaotic divine lights, each of which is transformed into a chaotic heavenly sword, slashing horizontally and vertically on the body of Ling Ri Demon God, cutting fiercely.

However, the layer of black scales on the outside of the Demon God Lingri, like a thick layer of divine armor, was too indestructible. After a ruthless operation, it only shattered some scales, and it did not hurt the muscles or bones.

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Demon Venerable Lingri opened his huge mouth, like a black hole, from which endless demonic energy spewed out, covering up the chaotic divine light of the chaotic qi, and the chaotic qi dissipated.

"A Dao seed, very good. If you have a chaotic Dao body like yours, why did this **** lord spend so long in the realm of transforming gods, and he would have returned to the virtual world long ago." Even more determined.


Ye Tian snorted coldly.

All the chaotic divine lights falling from the chaotic golden lotus merged into one, and the laws of chaos were constantly intertwined, and finally turned into a long chaotic divine chain, the length of which was unknown, like an ancient dragon, dancing in the sky, madly wrapping around the body of the demon **** of transit. go.

Chaos Binding Dragon Rope, this is a magical power recorded in the Chaos Golden Body Art, which claims to be able to bind real dragons.

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