Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2395: I am invincible

Remember [New] for a second,! Boom!

An indescribable force exploded on the Qianzhang front desk, as if a supernova had exploded, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the sun, moon, and universe were turned upside down.


The Qianzhang Immortal Terrace, like a floating island, exploded immediately and was torn apart.

The energy storm like a tsunami swept out in all directions, and the dozens of layers of protection that shrouded the town of the Demon Suppressing Family's mansion were instantly overwhelmed and could not be stopped at all.

Fortunately, Sendai is as high as a thousand feet. If it were on the ground, the entire mansion of the Demon Suppressing Family might not be able to be preserved, and it would have to be razed to the ground.

In the void, many broken bones and rotten flesh can be seen splashing in all directions, and a cloud of blood mist dyes the void a dreary red, and the shrill screams are endless.

Even the three true Quasi-Humanization Gods were not able to get out of their bodies. The big mudra of the God-king's big mudra of the old palace master of the God-king Palace was blown up, and a palm and an entire arm were turned into blood mud. The chest cavity of the old emperor Beichen was pierced, and a blood hole penetrated through the front and back. The Demon Suppressing Ancestor simply shot backwards and disappeared at the end of the world, with an unknown number of broken bones.

Even the three quasi-gods are still like this, not to mention those Nascent Soul-level Sect Masters, who are injured, disabled, and dead.


When everything dissipated and the dust gradually settled.

Thousands of feet in the sky, there is only one person left standing proudly, the whole body is shrouded in the dazzling fairy light, and the chaotic energy is surging like a tide, which sets him off like a giant **** standing in the sky.


At that moment, the whole world was silent, the audience was dead silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

Whether it was the suzerain-level dignitaries who were blasted out of Sendai, the guests on the ground, or the residents of Tianma Town, they all stared at the sky in shock without making a sound.

Although the battle has only just begun, many people know in their hearts that the battle is over.

Young people from outside the realm are invincible, and an invincible fairy baby can really match the gods.

Except for the god-turning ancestor of the Beichen royal family who personally took action, it is difficult for other forces to defeat him.

According to legend, the power of the fairy baby can rival the power of the gods. At first, some people didn't believe it, but now they have to believe it.

What is invincible?

This is invincible!


Above the Beichen main star, a piece of fairyland belonging to the Beichen royal family, the ground suddenly cracked, and the earth-shattering momentum was like a super volcanic eruption.

A cave mansion rushed out from the ground, the scene was amazing, Ruixia gushed out, divine light filled the air, endless Dao marks were intertwined, and the roar of the avenue was deafening.

A thin figure walked out of the ancient cave, surrounded by a thick chaotic haze, the divine light rushing out of his body was even brighter than the sun, making people unable to look directly.

A mighty aura turned into a great avenue of pressure, swept the entire star in an instant, causing all living beings to sink in their hearts and inexplicably panic. The more powerful a person is, the more real they feel, as if there is a big mountain hanging above their head.

"Ancestor Qi Tian is out? What happened?"

"Is the ancestor about to break through? After a thousand years of seclusion, he is finally about to break through to the middle stage of God Transformation?"

"It's a pity that the old emperor and the eldest prince were not in the palace and went to the Demon Suppression Continent."

The people of the Beichen royal family were excited, and countless people worshipped the direction of the ancestor's exit.

Qitian Shenjun ignored the voices of the clansmen at all, and stepped out dozens of miles in a single step. In a moment, he came to the deepest part of the royal palace, shattered a mountain with one foot, and a portal appeared inside.

The inside of the portal is misty and hazy, like a mysterious realm. It is an independent space.

A huge Taoist platform, as high as 100 zhang, is located in the center of the Xuanjing. There are many Taoist patterns engraved on it, as well as some ancient characters, marking the various life stars of the Beichen Galaxy, as well as other coordinate points.

It is the starry sky teleportation array that can be teleported to any place in the Beichen star field.

The main star of Beichen and the Continent of Demon Town are dozens of light years apart. If Qitian Shenjun crosses the body, the cucumber dishes will be cold when he arrives at the place. With the help of the starry sky teleportation array, it will be much faster.

At this moment, the Continent of Demon Suppression, the mansion of the Ancestral Demon Suppression.

After the dust settled, figures flew back from all directions, and surrounded Ye Tian's body. The number of people was reduced by one third. Some fell, some were destroyed, some were scared, and they stayed on the ground. .

"Why, do you want to fight again?" Ye Tian looked around at everyone coldly, and said in a light tone.

Waiting for the arrival of Qitian Shenjun, there will be a difficult and fierce battle.

So Ye Tian didn't want to fight anymore, he wanted to preserve his strength.

Killing these ants really doesn't make much sense.

His original intention was not to conquer this star field, but to recapture the spiritual roots of the Middle Earth, very simple.

Xiao Shuangshuang was fine, and had returned to the ground safely, standing with the Goddess of Absolute Beginning.

"Release my son's Nascent Soul and Divine Soul," said the old emperor Beichen.

The Nine Dragons Holy Emperor's robes on his body were all smashed, and the Nine Dragons Holy Crown did not know where it flew, but the breath on his body did not drop, but rose, and continued to climb towards the ultimate level of half-step **** transformation.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw in horror that the body of the old emperor Beichen, like an inflatable ball, swelled rapidly, and instantly became tens of thousands of feet tall.

Like a giant Titan, the power of the old emperor Beichen has reached its peak, surpassing those peak Nascent Souls by how much, and there is a real feeling of being transformed into a god, which is daunting.

"Everyone, don't be afraid of him. Although he is a fairy baby, he should have just proving the Dao for a long time. He is still very immature, and his control over the power of the fairy baby is far from a level of freedom. Unlike me, a Holy Infant or Divine Infant, at least it has been polished for thousands of years. It is far from what he can compare. UU reading" The old palace master of the Palace of God said that he and Ye Tian have an inseparable hatred. abandoned.

Boom boom boom!

One after another terrifying divine light rushed out of his body, instantly turning into a field of bright golden light, covering the vast space.

In the realm, the figure of the old palace lord of the Palace of God was suddenly raised, and finally turned into a height of ten thousand feet, like a giant who opened up the sky and the earth.


In the palm of his hand, a black long spear suddenly rushed out. It was the black gold Holy Spirit Spear used by the Young Palace Master of the Divine Palace before, a divine weapon of the Innate Great Way.

At this moment, the Black Gold Holy Spirit Spear is ten times more terrifying than in the hands of the Young Palace Master in the hands of the Old Palace Master of the God Palace.


I saw that the terrifying fluctuations like the ocean rushed out from the black gold holy spirit spear, turned into a monstrous coercion, and rolled away in all directions, as if to crush the heavens.

The endless dao marks flickered and suddenly turned into a black gold dragon, which was 10,000 zhang long, with pupils like stars, overlooking the heavens, incomparably indifferent.

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