Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2223: Dan Cheng

One, two, three!

When the thunder robbery reached the third path, it had already turned into a sea of ​​thunder.


The thunder is shocking the world, the lightning is like a wave, the void seems to be blown up, and the dazzling thunder light fills every inch of space.

Lei Hai represents the will of heaven and earth, the anger of the universe, and the punishment of trespassers. It seems that all creatures in the world can be wiped out, and the soul can't help shaking.

"Tianjun's Great Tribulation is nothing more than that, right?" An old Penglai descendant muttered to himself, his scalp numb in shock.

He had only seen the sacred great pill crossing the Tribulation, but it was the first time he saw the sacred great pill crossing the Tribulation.

Penglai Xiandao also has the inheritance of alchemy, but it can only refine the sacred great alchemy, and it will take several years to produce a furnace. Just like Ye Tian, ​​he had made a divine pill in more than half a year, just like a fairy tale.

A small pill, but the size of a quail egg, competed in the thunder sea, flaring like a small sun, shining, compared to the thunder sea, very eye-catching.

Under countless thunder blasts, Xiao Dan Pill was not broken, but the light on the whole body became more and more bright, the divine power that diffused surging like waves, the strong fragrance of medicine spread all over the entire Penglai Immortal Island.


Suddenly, Xiao Dan Wan swooped over to the ground, approaching Ye Tian, ​​trying to pull Ye Tian through the robbery together.

The little thing has a hint of wisdom, knowing that it will cheat others.

The descendants of Penglai Xiandao turned pale at the time. If this earth-shattering thunder tribulation fell down, they would also be affected. Not only would their lives be unsafe, the entire village would be razed to the ground.

"Huh, little thing, still want to pit me?"

With a cold snort, Ye Tian directly sacrificed the heaven-shaking seal, like a long whale chanting water, absorbed the thunder that had smashed him into it, and guarded the ancient village and the descendants of Penglai in it.


Ye Tian punched, Xiao Dan Wan flew upside down, and rushed into the thunder sea again.

"Continue to cross your Thunder Tribulation, and strive to imprint a few more Thunder Tribulation Divine Marks." Ye Tian sneered.

Like the Dao artifact, the **** pill must have the purple-gold thunder **** mark imprinted by the tribulation to be regarded as a real **** pill. There are several divine marks on the Zijin Avenue, which represent several grades of divine pills.

The stronger the foundation and the stronger the strength, the stronger the Thunder Tribulation will be, which will either imprint the golden stigmata or the purple-gold stigmata.


In the thunder sea, Xiaodanmaru buzzed and trembled, and it seemed that it was about to be unsupported, and it felt that it might burst at any time.

It is no exaggeration, if the pill of blasting, the pill of God is absolutely destroying the world, and its power is comparable to that of a nuclear explosion.

But Xiaodan Maru is very tough, and it has been strong for countless thunderstorms. It is crystal clear, brighter and more radiant. Originally there were some dark black marks. After being baptized by Thunder Tribulation, all the dark spots disappeared, like the best crystal diamonds, without a trace of flaws.


The thunder is violent, and the lightning is like a wave.

A scene of destruction between heaven and earth.

This thunder sea frenzy lasted for a full quarter of an hour, and then there was a slight sign of fading.

"It's finally over."

An old man of Penglai descendant said, secretly relieved.

His old man also had Jin Dan's cultivation base, but his two ears were also buzzing, and he was almost shocked to bleed.

The other descendants were also uncomfortable, and even some of the weaker ones had fainted.

This is still under the protection of Ye Tian, ​​if there is no Ye Tian, ​​the small village would have been wiped out long ago.

"It's not the end, there will be even more terrifying Thunder Tribulation."

Ye Tian raised his head, looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself.

The violent thunder sea quickly faded, and the whole world, at this moment, suddenly calmed down.

But soon, a gust of wind raged, moving the remnant clouds.

A thundercloud with a radius of hundreds of miles condensed quickly, and finally formed a huge thunder and lightning vortex with the small village as the center. In the vortex, a terrifying energy gathered.

"Oh My God!"

The descendants of Penglai were stunned and suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.


In their stunned eyes, an unprecedented roar fell from the sky.

The sound was so loud that even the rocks on the ground were shattered, and many flowers, plants, and trees were simply turned into dust.

The sound wave even penetrated the boundary membrane of Penglai's small world and came to the outside world, shaking the devil sea with big waves.

"What a powerful Thunder Tribulation, is someone finally going to prove Dao Yuanying?"

A powerful monk felt this wave of fluctuations, and was surprised.

Swipe it!

In an instant, many eyes looked in the direction of Penglai in the East China Sea.

At this time, on Penglai Fairy Island, an earth-shaking thunder catastrophe was still in progress.

After the thunder, I saw a thunder dragon, as thick as a mountain, descending from the sky.

The thunder dragon is full of gold color, with all eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the details are clear, revealing a majesty that controls the world, just like a nine-day real dragon.


The Thunder Dragon bombarded Xiaodan Maru fiercely, causing an explosion that destroyed the world.

The ground below continued to shatter and collapse, spreading large cracks.

The small village is guarded by the Heaven-shaking Seal, which is not harmful for the time being, but the rest of the surrounding area is all dilapidated.

This kind of thunder tribulation is too terrible, and the Yuan Ying Lei tribulation, if the ordinary golden core is smashed, it will be wiped out in an instant.

Frankly speaking, Ye Tian was really worried that Xiao Dan Wan could not bear it and burst the pill, and all his efforts would be wiped out.

He rushed into the sea of ​​thunder and used the purple golden body to hardly hold the thunder, and help Xiaodanwan protect the law.

"Xiao Ye, come back soon, it's too dangerous. God pill is important, but human life is more important." An old Penglai descendant shouted to Ye Tian.

"It's okay!" Ye Tian said.

He protects Xiaodanmaru, and he is also worried about Xiaodanmaru's escape.

Once this little thing successfully crosses the robbery, UU reading www. can definitely fly to the sky and escape the ground, and its intelligence is greatly increased, not inferior to the best dragon marrow. If you let him slip away at that time, you will lose a lot.

Not only Thunder Dragon, there are various Thunder Beasts in Thunder Sea, bombarding Xiaodan Pills indiscriminately, and Ye Tian is also affected.

This wave of thunder waves was very strong, but it lasted very quickly, just over three minutes before it began to fade.

But at this time, Ye Tian's body was scorched, and the purple-gold divine body was split into several pieces, and purple-golden blood was flowing out. But resisting the pain, staring at the center of Thunder Tribulation, the bright light ball.

He powerfully opened the golden pupil of the fire eye, looked directly at the source, and in the blazing thunder light, he saw a crystal clear pill, shining in the air, the whole body was transparent, without a trace of impurities, as if it were an unparalleled gem, with a trace of lightning encircling the surface. , Beating like an electric snake.

Vaguely, Ye Tian even saw his eyes, ears, nose and mouth above the pills.

When the pair of peasy eyes opened.


The sky is shaking, and all the heavens and all paths seem to be roaring with it.

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