Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2174: Blast the stars ancestors

"Little beast, do you really think you are invincible in the world?" The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land shouted angrily.


Endless stars descended from the sky, and a small world of stars unfolded once again, turning the space of several thousand feet into a star field.

In this small world of the star field, countless stars are shining, countless big stars are rotating, and there is an air of opening up.

Every pore of the ancestor of the Xingchen Lin family was swallowing essence, and the endless stars fell down and poured into his body, like a nine-day Milky Way waterfall being swallowed by him.

In a trance, every inch of his flesh and blood, every inch of bone, and every drop of blood, seemed to have turned into big stars, countless as bright as a galaxy, with a majestic atmosphere.

Boom boom boom!

His body suddenly rose up, inflated as if it were inflated, and in the blink of an eye became hundreds of feet high, like a giant that opened up the world.

There was a breath that could shake the earth and the sky, filling the void and reaching far away. The endless creatures on the entire Penglai Immortal Island were trembling at this moment, shocked and oppressed by an invisible aura.

This is the domain and modality of the ancestors of the Xingchen Lin family. After being displayed, it is many times stronger than the domain modality of the golden core.

As soon as the realm appeared, everything in the world was under control, and any golden pill that fell into it could only be slaughtered. And once the Dharma phase comes out, the power will explode several times.

Compared with the realm of Xuangui Taoist just now, the realm of the ancestor of the Star Lin Family was obviously more terrifying.

I saw that the endless ancient stars in the realm corresponded to the endless ancient stars in the sky, drawing the power of the real stars from the distance, and exuding the aura of eternal vicissitudes.

The ancestors of the Xingchen Lin family are also different from the normal ones. There are thousands of stars, the flesh and blood are transformed into stars, and the bones of the Tao are transformed into galaxies. It is like the galaxy and all realms are running in his body, evolving the original Qi of all things.

"Friend Daoist Ye, it's okay, retreat quickly!" The big business emperor shouted loudly, and he noticed a very unpleasant qi.


He flicked a sword, avoided the attack of the old Peacock King, and rushed towards the star field of the ancestor of the Lin Family.


He slashed out with a sword, smashing through the world, trying to break open the star field.

"Go away!"

The purple golden pagoda of the sacred land of the purple night, the king of heaven, waved, almost blasting the big sword of the big businessman out.

"Dashang Lao Huang, you traitor, give me death." The old Peacock King roared.


When the bird ling slashed with the sword, the old emperor of Dashang finally couldn't hold it, and the man with the sword was chopped and flew out, hitting the endless mountains.

"Everyone in Dashang must die!"

The old Peacock King's eyes were red when he killed the bird, and the magic sword of Que Ling came up again. This time the blade was pointed at hundreds of merchants and soldiers, including the second prince, the seventeenth princess, and the little boy Xuanhuang.

"Dare you!" The old emperor of Dashang was going crazy, rushing out of the gravel pile thousands of feet away, and once again entered the battlefield to stop the old Peacock King.


"The traitor never ends well." The Lord Tianjun of the Purple Night Holy Land stepped forward and blocked the way of the Dashang Lao Huang.


The seventeenth princess shouted, her face pale.

A thousand-zhang sword light volleyed in the sky, and the five-color light shone, like a divine rainbow, very bright and gorgeous, but it was full of murderousness, as if to cut through the mountains and rivers.

The old peacock king shot, naturally, he did not show mercy.

He held the magical tool of the Great Dao that he had given his life and gave him a full blow. The hundreds of soldiers of Dashang were just like ants, vulnerable to a single blow.


The old emperor of Dashang is going crazy, and seeing his children being killed with his own eyes, there is nothing more cruel than this.

No one noticed that in the ancient bronze temple in the crater, a lustful phoenix suddenly rushed out.

The Nine Phoenix Cauldron, which was shot by Taoist Black Tortoise with a paw just now, seemed to be summoned by some kind, and was rushing back quickly.


At this time, the ancestors of the Star Lin Family also exploded with their utmost combat power in the star realm, and the dharma form hundreds of feet high was as majestic and majestic as a mountain.


He stepped on it, and a big foot turned into a hundred meters in size, like the giant foot of a giant spirit god, descending from the sky, a river of galaxies flowing on the bottom of the foot, and the big stars are rotating, shining immortal stars, with Crush all the breath.

With this foot, he not only had to step on Ye Tianlian's body with Jindan into muddy flesh, but also stepped on the ground of Penglai Xiandao directly to the center of the earth.

"Little beast, my Star Lin Family's star technique may be in your eyes?" The ancestor of the Star Lin Family smiled, with contempt and arrogance in that smile.

"What kind of **** star art, from the point of view of this constellation, it's nothing more than a chicken." Ye Tian shouted, his expression surprisingly calm.

The ancestors of the Star Lin Family's eyes were torn apart.

"Chaos!" Ye Tian said again.


As this word fell, a force that resembled a super volcanic eruption suddenly exploded at the feet of the ancestor of the Lin Family of Stars.

The endless chaos surged, and the terrible breath rushed into the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, a golden lotus swayed in the endless chaos, rising from the ground, growing so fast, as if it was about to burst the sky.

In that star realm, the endless stars are supported by this chaotic golden lotus, just like opening up the world, propping up a big world.


The ancestor of the Star Scale Armor screamed.

The branches of the chaotic golden lotus directly tore his body and grew into his body.

Under the chaotic golden lotus, Ye Tian stood proudly with his hands under his hands, and his whole body was blooming like a **** of golden glaze, like a **** who opened up the world, and the aura of supreme permeation.

"You want to trample me to death?"

Ye Tian moved suddenly, stepping on the void and ascending to the sky.

"I don't believe it, how can your golden core ant hurt me?"

The ancestor of the star scale armor issued a heart-piercing roar, and his figure flickered, the stars fell like a waterfall, and there were many big stars falling down like a meteorite.

At this time, Ye Tian also punched out.

A vast sense of fist overwhelms the world, UU reading www. uukā shook the starry sky. This is the origin of Wuji Shenquan, an invincible boxing technique.


The fist was invincible, running through the sky and the earth, as if resonating with the nine heavens and ten earth, making Ye Tian's flesh and blood boil, the big stars were smashed to pieces, and the stars in the sky were beaten up and down. .

"Not good!" The ancestor of the Star Lin Family was frightened.

However, he wanted to escape, and it was too late.

That chaotic golden lotus penetrated his body, not only holding him back, but also drawing on his divine power.


It was more than a hundred feet long, like a mountain-like giant foot, which exploded out of thin air under Ye Tian's fist.

All flesh and blood, all bones, under that bright fist, are like paper, vulnerable to a blow.

Amid the screams, the ancestors of the Lin Family of Stars kept retreating, and at the same time desperately mobilized mana to prevent the injury from spreading in the body.

However, Ye Tian didn't intend to let him go at all. He was like a dragon, and continued to soar up, and hit him with another punch.


A huge explosion came out, and the ancestors of the Lin Family of Stars finally couldn't bear it, and even the law, the real body, and the realm were all burst into pieces.

The blood stained the sky red, and the strong smell of blood was pungent.

At this moment, Taoist Black Tortoise had just rushed out of the big hole in the ground, and he saw this incredible scene, and his whole person was almost frightened.

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