Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2171: Xuangui

Taoist Xuangui's body continued to expand, and the endless light was like a blazing sun, illuminating the entire world.

The strength in his body climbed steadily, quickly surpassing the Nine Dragon Kings, and even better than the giant whale veteran just now, reaching an unbelievable level.

Taoist Xuangui may be Penglai Guxing’s eldest primordial infant, and he has lived for nearly 10,000 years.

This race has a long life, and after being cultivated into a Nascent Soul, its life is longer than that of a normal Nascent Soul. It has lived for almost ten thousand years, and only has some old attitudes. It is hard to say how old it will eventually live.

After living for so long, even a pig can become a spirit, and Taoist Black Tortoise is strong, so it's no surprise.

It is even more rumored that Taoist Xuangui has a trace of the bloodline of the nine-day beast Xuanwu, not an ordinary tortoise.

"Speaking so full, aren't you afraid of being slapped in the face?"

At this moment, a sarcastic voice came, as if he didn't put the old Yuan Ying in his heart at all.

Taoist Xuangui suddenly condensed his eyes. It was not that he was irritated by Ye Tian's words, but he saw a scene that shocked him extremely. When he was speaking, Ye Tian actually crossed his black ocean domain, as if shrunk into an inch, and appeared in front of the Nine Dragon King in an instant.

In addition, the three Yuanying Tianjun of the Human Race were also extremely surprised. With a glance, Ye Tian disappeared in place and stood in front of the Jiu Jiao King.


King Nine Jiao's expression became stiff, and even his breathing stopped.

Compared with his huge body, Ye Tian's small figure is almost like an ant, but at this moment, he has the sense of sight like a Titan Demon God. The body became stiff for a while, and I couldn't even speak.

A golden fist became the only one in the world, like a golden flame shooting star, piercing the sky.

Without any suspense, the last head of King Nine Jiao was blown by the volley.

There was only a **** mist left in the air, a headless corpse, everyone was stunned, punched out, the world collapsed, such an invincible punch is really terrifying.


The huge body of King Nine Jiao fell into the crater and was soon submerged by magma.

No one noticed that the huge amount of life essence in the corpse of the Nine Jiao King was being absorbed by the ancient bronze palace.

The same was true for the corpse shattered by Venerable Giant Whale just now. After falling into the crater, the vital energy was absorbed by the ancient bronze temple.

Bang bang bang!

In the ancient temple, the heartbeat that came out was even stronger.

However, at the moment when the war is going on, no one notices and no one cares.

"Damn you!"

The tortoise-shell mysterious shield fell in the air again, like a **** mountain smashing into Ye Tian's head, countless chains of order intertwined, like the will of heaven is angry.

Ye Tian's eyes were frightening. At this moment, he raised his fist simply and rudely, and blasted out against the mountain-like shield.

This punch, Guanghua introverted, no wonder, only the invincible fist intent surging, dominates the world.

"Is he crazy?" Princess Seventeen gasped.

With a fist, there is only one dead end to shake the natal artifact controlled by Yuanying Tianjun.

Everyone in the audience exclaimed, unable to understand. It's like smashing an egg into a stone, the ending is doomed from the beginning, very sad.

The seventeenth princess couldn't bear to see it, and turned away.

Taoist Xuangui had a cold smile on his mouth, he was confident enough to beat Ye Tian to death with this shot.

No matter how strong the body is, it is still vulnerable to absolute power.

In addition, the three Heavenly Monarchs of Human Race did not dare to underestimate Ye Tian, ​​and in order to be foolproof, they all shot.

Boom boom boom!

Star ring, birdling magic knife, purple gold pagoda!

The three Heavenly Monarchs of the Human Race were also merciless in their moves, directly using their life artifacts to strike with all their strength.

As before, the scene is surprisingly similar.

Penglai Fairy Island was almost too much to bear, and the vast space of hundreds of miles in a radius turned into a sea of ​​energy.

Countless fires and feng shui are roaring, turning into terrifying storms, containing the power of law, sweeping everything, tearing everything up, countless mountains collapse, countless flowers and trees destroyed,...

However, the volcano where the tomb of the Nine Phoenix Goddess was located was safe and sound.

This volcano seems to have been remodeled, with restrictions imposed inside and out, and it is unbelievably strong.

Moreover, during the war, Ye Tian deliberately led the energy to the outside world instead of rushing to the crater.


A loud sound like the beating of a heavenly drum came out, and Ye Tian's fist and the tortoise shell mysterious shield came into close contact.

Ye Tian's fist did not turn into blood mud, only a few drops of golden blood splashed out, but the tortoiseshell mysterious shield was knocked out and flew out.


On the shield surface, there were several cracks unexpectedly. Under the traction of Qi, Daoist Xuangui's half of his body was numb in shock, with a look of disbelief, and he retreated several steps in a row.

The flesh-and-blood body hardly shakes the natal artifact that Yuanying Tianjun urges, how overbearing is this?

Everyone in the audience seemed to be petrified, all stunned.

However, no matter how strong Ye Tian was, there was only one person after all, two fists were hard to beat four legs.

The next three human Tianjun's destiny artifacts blasted, Ye Tian tried his best but only broke the Purple Golden Pagoda of the Purple Night Holy Land Lao Tianjun.


He descended from the sky, slammed into the earth like a meteor, and once again smashed a bottomless pit, almost piercing the center of the earth.

This time he didn't give Ye Tian a chance to rush out at all. Dao Xuangui stroked his hands, and a black ocean overflowed from between his palms and fingers, facing the huge pit, and quickly submerged the huge pit below.

Immediately afterwards, a cold breath whistled, freezing the sky and the earth, and even the wind in the sky was frozen. The huge pit where Ye Tian was was not only filled with ice, but also an iceberg on it.

The iceberg was terrifying, it turned out to be black, and it gave out a breath of endless darkness.

"This is Netherworld Xuanbing. It can kill the golden core and freeze the Nascent Soul by freezing it. Taoist Xuangui is really a good method. He has cultivated this amazing supernatural power..."

The three human origin infants frowned, and seemed very jealous of the black ice of Taoist Xuangui, and they couldn't help but step back. UU reading www.

But just as the flattering voice fell, a terrifying scene happened.

Under the ice-bound huge crater, it seemed that a super volcano had erupted, and a golden flame skyrocketed like a golden fire dragon. Wherever it passed, the so-called Netherworld Xuan ice continued to melt.

"Your Xuanbing doesn't seem to be so good?"

Accompanied by a ridicule, a golden figure rushed out of the huge pit.

The four Yuan Ying suddenly felt hot on their faces. They thought they could seal Ye Tian, ​​but after only one finger, they rushed out.

The golden fire dragon soared into the sky, as long as a thousand feet, and as large as a mountain. Under the control of Ye Tian, ​​it bombarded Taoist Xuangui.

This is the chaotic golden flame, which can smelt all things in the world.

Taoist Xuangui's expression changed, he swiped between his palms again, and rushed out with another big ocean, directly impacting the golden fire dragon.

In the end, the Xuangui Taoist had fully used seven supernatural powers in the vast ocean domain before smashing a golden fire dragon.

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