Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2146: In distress again

Five days later, they went deeper and farther, and they encountered more and more sea monsters, and they became stronger and stronger, and the battle continued.


Suddenly, a huge squid appeared, and a huge body emerged from the sea. First, a black mist sprayed out, and the entire warship was covered.

In this black mist, there is very poisonous, that is, the golden core will be uncomfortable after taking a few mouthfuls, and the innate will be directly poisoned.

Then, eight giant dragon-like soft feet entangled a strong one on the damaged warship, and desperately dragged it under the water to kill all the humans on the warship.


"Do not!"


Blood splashed on the battleship, screaming again and again.

Another **** battle took place.

Although the battle was over within a few minutes, the damage to the battleship became more serious, and five more monks fell.

"Damn it, isn't Penglai Fairy Island yet?" Gu Tianming cursed.

With his cultivation base, in such an environment, he has already felt a great deal of pressure.

In the previous battle, if it hadn't been for Ye Tianhu's hold, it would have probably fallen.

There are other old golden pills that survived, thanks to Ye Tian.


Not long after the journey, a human figure suddenly appeared in front of him, riding on a horse, undulating on the rough sea, blocking the way of the ship.

This is a human being transformed from a two-headed dragon. It is not completely transformed, only the body is transformed into a human body, and the two heads are still the heads of the dragon.

The horse on which it sits is a seahorse, but it is obviously hundreds or thousands of times larger than an ordinary seahorse, standing on the surface of the sea, like a giant elephant.

Bang bang bang!

The huge seahorse stepped on the waves, shaking its head and tail, raising its head and long hissing, it was powerful and terrifying. Every time the hoof with a large grinding plate fell, it could step into the void, and the big waves tens of meters high would shatter under its feet.

"No, this is the strongest among the sea clan!"

Someone exclaimed, with fear.

It's just a seahorse, faintly fascinated by the heavens and the earth, and the half-transformed two-headed floodwater is even more terrifying. Holding a black spear, the body emits monstrous waves, which is thousands of feet away. In the distance, the air force makes people breathless, as if the tide is surging.

"You, go and kill that creature." Jiang Shenjiang gave orders, with a cold glow in his eyes, pointing to Ye Tian.

"He can't do it alone, that two-headed flood is too powerful, let's send a few more people." said a gray-haired old man, who had been fighting side by side with Ye Tian.

"I think he is so brave and doesn't need the help of others. I believe he will fulfill his mission." Jiang Shenjiang said.

"Little brother, I am optimistic about you." Miss Lan also walked over, with a delicate face and a glorious look, with a charming amorous feelings.

Ye Tian looked at the sea in the distance.

The two-headed water dragon seemed to be aware of Ye Tian's gaze, and looked straight at him. The scales on his body were like a steel battle suit, with a flowing cold light and an overwhelming vigor, and an intent to fight surging out like a mountain. Coming to Ye Tian.

"You..." The white-haired old man said in a dark voice, how could he not see that Ye Tian was being shamelessly targeted, and he was very angry, but under the roof of people, he had to bow his head.

"I'll accompany you!" said the white-haired old man.

"I will accompany you, too. There are so many people and powerful. I don't believe that this marine animal can't be killed." Another old man said.

"And I."

"Count me in."

Five elders expressed their opinions one after another, out of gratitude, they wanted to help Ye Tian.

Gu Tianming's expression changed wildly, as if he was still making a choice in his heart, with great pressure.

After all, that two-headed flood was too powerful, he walked forward in a hurry, it is likely that the aftermath alone would have shook him to death.

Who is willing to take the initiative to die?


Just as Gu Tianming was about to speak, suddenly Ye Tian also spoke, and said, "No, I'll be alone."

While speaking, Ye Tian stepped out step by step, came out of the ship's side, stepped on the void, and walked towards the double-headed flood, with a halo next to his feet, which was the manifestation of a marvelous road mark.

"Who is this young man? He is so powerful at a young age?"

There was a lot of discussion on the battleship, and all eyes were swept across.


The waves are terrifying, and the waves are shocking!

Ye Tian and the double-headed Jiao are still hundreds of feet away. The invisible field formed between the two bursts open with a bang, forming a vast abyss, and the sea of ​​the sky will make the big clouds in the sky one after another. It collapsed, and the silt on the bottom of the sea was also revealed.

The field formed by the confrontation alone is so overbearing, how powerful is this? What a wonder is this?

This double-headed Jiao is an invincible powerhouse in this sea area, and is about to reach the limit on the road of the Golden Core. The Nascent Soul can't come out, and it is rare in the ocean.

"Human, you are very strong, but today you are destined to be my dead soul under the sword. Your flesh and blood has a strange power that makes me intoxicated." said the two-headed Jiao, two heads and four eyes, looking very strange .


Ye Tian didn't have too much nonsense, and directly smashed the Heaven-shading Seal.


The double-headed Jiao squatted, and two huge dragon tails rushed up from behind him, and went up against the sky, entwined on the top of the Heaven-turning Seal, exerting a huge force, trying to break the Heaven-turning Seal to pieces.

Like a large mountain and a big mountain falling from the sky, the sky and the earth cracked and the sea was tumbling, and the sky and the earth became a small broken world.

However, the seal of the sky was so strong that it shook out a supernatural power, which in turn shattered the two dragon tails.

The Seal of Overturning the Sky continued to suppress it, towering like a mountain, with a mighty power that destroys the world and destroys the earth. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"Damn it!" Two-headed Jiao yelled angrily.


Void trembled, the black spear in his hand pierced through the sky and the earth, Cang Yu collapsed, and the wind and clouds were mighty.

The majestic mountain-shaking seal was actually resisted by a spear, and then the double-headed dragon shook his palm fingers and flew out horizontally.

"You didn't disappoint me," said the two-headed Jiao, spit out a suffocating breath, and set off a huge wave, his eyes were very gloomy, and his expression was very calm.

"Three tricks, take your life." Ye Tian whispered, stepping forward step by step, the breath of his body suddenly disappeared, as if pulsating from the heavens and the earth, waving the power of the avenue, and slammed forward.

"Look at it, what's up front?"

Suddenly, a monk on the warship let out an exclamation, staring straight at the sea ahead.

Apart from the fighting between Ye Tian and the two-headed flood, there suddenly appeared tide-like creatures on the surface of the sea, including tiger sharks, sea snakes, electric eels, squids,..., all of them were refined sea monsters with breath. The vast, the lowest cultivation level also has the **** realm, the innate is uncountable, and some are golden cores.

These sea-monster creatures were following the orders of a sea-monster king, forming a battle formation, arranged in a certain special orientation, and united as a whole.

The Sea-Monster King standing at the forefront also mounted a huge seahorse, but it was not a two-headed scorpion, but a semi-transformed Shark King.

"No, this is the battle formation of the Sea-Monster Clan. We are about to be surrounded."

All the monks on the battleship changed their faces wildly.

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