Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2131: Re-turning big business

By teleporting the formation, Ye Tian once again came to the imperial capital of the Shang Dynasty.

He wanted to know the news of Penglai Xiandao.

The Arctic Continent was deserted and there was no way to find out. He was the first to think of Dashang Huangdu because he had an acquaintance, the seventeenth princess.

Moreover, in the hands of Dashang Royal, there is also a fragment of an ancient map of Penglai Xianzong. Therefore, you should be able to ask a lot of news when you find the seventeenth princess.

After a few months in the blink of an eye, he didn't know if the fragments of the ancient map were unified? Or has it been cracked? Or has Penglai Fairy Island been discovered?

The Dashang Dynasty had a vast area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, which was larger than the total area of ​​all land on the earth.

The Dashang Dynasty was only one of the four ancient dynasties in Yuezhou. In addition, there were dozens of small countries and independent sects.

Looking at the entire Penglai ancient star, it is hard to imagine the huge scale. The earth is too pediatric on its surface, like a giant to a baby. Without a teleportation array, it is really difficult to travel.

The imperial capital of Dashang is surprisingly large, with a radius of thousands of miles and a population of tens of millions. It is one of the largest cities on the ancient star of Penglai.

When Ye Tian came here last time, he teleported to the Arctic Continent before he could even get out of the door of the teleportation hall.

This time, when he walked out of the teleportation hall and saw the true face of Dashang Huangdu, he was taken aback.

This is a magnificent city with wide streets and tall buildings. There are even some floating halls, floating islands, cars and horses like dragons, crowds of people, and the prosperous streetscape is by no means inferior to modern cities on the earth.

The large mountains and mountains dotted the city, filled with aura, mist and smoke, straight to the huge city dressed up like a garden, flowing springs and waterfalls, towering ancient trees, and fragrant elixir.

This is a city, and it is also a pure land, just like moving the magnificent mountains and rivers into the city.

This is a city of cultivation, a city built for cultivation.

Ye Tian changed his appearance, walked in the imperial capital of Dashang, felt the beauty of the red dust, and tasted the various forms of life.

His divine thoughts were released, and instantly enveloped the entire ancient city, and he felt a lot of powerful auras. It was truly a golden pill walking everywhere, and there were as many immortals as dogs.

He wanted to deliberately search for the breath of the seventeenth princess, but did not find it, but found that a strong breath was particularly dense in one direction.

He looked around and found a tall city within a city, with red walls and glazed tiles, solemn and sacred.

This should be the palace of Dashang, the center of power, where the royals live.

The ancient city wall, as if made of metal, has a cold luster shining, reaching an astonishing one hundred meters in height. It is grand and magnificent. Standing in front of it will make people truly feel their own insignificance and royal Dignity and majesty.

The gate tower is even more like a big mountain, towering so majestic, like a icy ancient fierce beast, lying here, looking at everyone indifferently.

From the tall gates and walls, Ye Tian could vaguely imagine that Da Shang's palace must also be huge.

However, the imperial palace is heavily guarded, and ordinary people thousands of meters outside the city gate can't get close. Groups of powerful soldiers in iron armor mount dragon-scale horses to patrol. Above the city wall is one post with five steps and one post at ten steps.

This is just a precaution visible to the naked eye, and invisible to the naked eye, there is also a heavy protective array that guards the entire palace as hard as gold.

If the seventeenth princess were in the imperial capital, most of them would be in the imperial palace.

Ye Tian's spirit was released toward the direction of the imperial palace, like mercury pouring into the ground, pervasive.

But this time, there was still nothing. Unless the seventeenth princess uses a powerful secret technique to cover up her breath, or she is not in the ancient city at all.


Suddenly, in the depths of the palace, a faint breath was felt by Ye Tian.

This breath was very strange, like a gossamer, but it made Ye Tian's heart jumped, and there was a wave of Yuan Ying's fluctuations, but it was not a real Yuan Ying.

Even if the real Nascent Soul is here, why is Ye Tian afraid?

And this breath, like a candlelight, was blown by the howling cold wind, which could be extinguished at any time, and it did not pose a threat to him.

It doesn't matter if you haven't found the seventeenth princess for a while, anyway, Ye Tian is not too anxious, maybe he can get news from other places.

He measured the ancient city with his feet and moved forward.

The imperial city of Dashang is really prosperous, the wide streets are full of traffic, crowds, and lively. There are shops on both sides of the road, some selling medicine, some weapons, some animal skins,..., the business is very good.

However, there were a lot of soldiers with swords on the road, and the cold light and iron clothes made the atmosphere a bit depressing and a bit of killing. Ye Tian didn't know that the emperor of Dashang had always been like this, and it was still special today.

There are many pedestrians on the street, all walking in a hurry, afraid to speak loudly.

There is a forbidden air circle in the void, which cannot fly, and even birds cannot fly over here.

After walking for a while, Ye Tian found a restaurant, sat in, ordered some side dishes, and drank himself.

The restaurant is not very high-end, and there are many people who come to eat. Some people are carrying their bags, and they come from all corners of the world, and they talk about it here.

"The prince of Dashang really played a good trick. UU reading will send the second prince who is most threatening to his throne to find Penglai Xiandao. It is clear that he wants to kill with a knife and put the second prince to death."

"Yeah, the prince will be enthroned in three days. Even if the second prince receives the news, he may not be able to come back in time."

"Even if you come back, you will inevitably die. Now the second prince in the capital has been cleaned up, and they are all replaced by the prince. If they come back, there will be no life. Let me say that the prince asked him to look for it. When Penglai Fairy Island, we should refuse."

"I heard that the old emperor of Dashang has not died yet and has been put under house arrest. The prince will be enthroned soon. It's really anxious, unkind and unfair. This kind of person has become an emperor and belongs to the people of Dashang. Unfortunately!"

Ye Tian sat in a seat by the window, leaning on the street view outside the window, listening carefully, and quickly grasped some information.

No wonder the emperor is heavily guarded, there is a breath of rain and wind, it turns out that the prince is about to ascend the throne.

The second prince went to find the Penglai Fairy Island, and the seventeenth princess probably also followed.

This shows that the five fragments of ancient maps have been combined into one and have been cracked.

Except for the great merchants, the Peacock tribe, the Purple Night Holy Land, and the Star Lin Family, they must have all been sent there, and even a few Yuan Ying ancestors might have followed.

"Will the Penglai Fairy Island have been discovered?" Ye Tian felt a little in his heart.

He is not very interested in the treasures of heaven and earth in Penglai Fairy Island. He hopes to find a teleportation formation that leads to the ancient starry sky.

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