Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2083: Donghua Ancient City

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Ye Tian was surprised. He also accidentally heard from the seventeen princesses of the Dashang Dynasty that the Penglai Fairy Island might exist. He thought it was a myth and legend, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

If Penglai Fairy Island really exists, then the entire Penglai ancient star will boil and stir up the world.

Because in the legend, there are endless treasures in Penglai Fairy Island, and there are endless treasures of heaven and earth.

When Penglai Immortal Sect was first established on this ancient star, the ancient star was still wild. The indigenous people lived a life of slash and fire, and the treasures of heaven, material and earth were scattered everywhere on the ancient star.

For tens of thousands of years, Penglai Xianzong ruled this ancient star, and the wealth he collected was absolutely astronomical, and it is impossible to imagine how much.

And this astronomical wealth, when Penglai Xianzong retreated in Zhongshenzhou, he took all of it to Penglai Xiandao, the sky-shielding formation was opened, and it was hidden from the world.

Of course, this is just a legend, widely circulated on the ancient star of Penglai, tens of thousands of years have passed, the true and false are indistinguishable, and there is no way to inquire about it.

However, through the ages, there have been too many people looking for the traces of Penglai Fairy Island, but they have all come back in despair and cannot find them at all.

The East China Sea is vast and vast, much larger than Zhongshenzhou. Even the windless weather will also bring up huge waves and the environment is extremely harsh. Moreover, in the endless ocean, there are still powerful sea races, which are at odds with the land human races, and it is even more difficult to find Penglai Xiandao.

In other words, if Penglai Fairy Island really exists in the East China Sea, the Sea Race should have discovered it before the Human Race on the land. However, there has not been any news of Penglai from the Sea Clan since eternity.

"Penglai Fairy Island, does it really exist?" Ye Tian's heart commotion, his eyes flickered.

Whether he can find Penglai Fairy Island or not, Donghua Ancient City is worth a visit, because he doesn't want to let go of any information about Penglai.

It's not that he wants to get Penglai's treasure, but that there are other reasons.

After all, this ancient star is just his temporary foothold, and one day he will set foot on the ancient starry sky and continue on.

The ancient starry sky road ahead, he didn't know if it still existed. And if it exists, it will probably be related to Penglai.

Therefore, he didn't want to let go of any information related to Penglai, and wanted to find a new ancient road to the starry sky.

Ye Tian finally let go of this beautiful woman and only erased part of her memory.

Ye Tian was disrespectful of the more than half a million spiritual crystals, so he naturally accepted them all.

With so much money, you can even participate in the auction of Donghua Ancient City. Maybe you can get some good things.

Following the direction pointed by the beautiful woman, Ye Tian discovered an ancient city after three days. It stood on the coast. The wall was towering and black as cast iron. From a distance, it looked like a black steel great wall, giving it a kind of sight. The sense of majestic and majestic.

"This should be the ancient city of Donghua, right?" Ye Tian muttered to himself, driving the flying sword and rushing directly into the city.

Because he saw that other people did the same, and some directly drove the flying boat and battleship to rush in, no one stopped.

To be on the safe side, Ye Tian changed his appearance, appeared with another face, and deliberately restrained his energy, making himself look like an ordinary person.

The inside of the city is another scene. It is more prosperous than Ye Tian imagined. The flow of people is like weaving. The total population of the entire ancient city is at least several million people. It is a veritable big city.

Donghua City, Xihua City, Nanhua City, and Beihua City are the four most prestigious ancient cities in Zhongshenzhou. They have existed for tens of thousands of years. They existed during the Penglai Xianzong period. They were used to guard east, west, south and north. An important border town in the four major seas.

Because there are powerful sea races in the sea, they will invade the land races from time to time.

Even if it arrives and this generation is still the same, the sea clan has always been the top threat of the land human race, and wars have occurred from time to time.

Even after tens of thousands of years of history, the war of beacon, the rotation of dynasties, and the change of times, the ancient city of Donghua has always stood firm.

Of course, it must have been repaired many times in the middle. After all, it is too old. Whether it is on the city wall, on the buildings in the city, or on the bluestone ground, you can see many knife marks and arrow holes, revealing a breath of endless vicissitudes and longevity.

However, now, the ancient city of Donghua has become a city of no masters. It does not belong to any party. It is a city of freedom and a city of sin. There are a large number of monks infested, not only the human races on the land, but also many seas. Clan monks, fights happen from time to time, **** sacrifices are normal.

Every time an auction is held, there will be many powerful people coming here, such as the sect master, the family leader, and even the emperor of the dynasty, etc., and so on.

As for the three teachings and nine streams, there are too many to count.

Now, another piece of the ancient map fragment of Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea has been discovered, and it will be auctioned off in the ancient city of Donghua. As soon as the news came out, the entire Penglai ancient star was going to commotion.

Because several pieces of ancient map fragments of Penglai Fairy Island have been auctioned off before, it is rumored that as long as Penglai Fairy Island can be deciphered, Penglai Fairy Island can be found, so as to find the wealth of a wealthy country and the uninherited Penglai Fairy Sect.

However, because the previous fragmented map was lacking, a complete map could not be constructed, so it was too late to crack. Now add this fragment that is about to be auctioned, and maybe an ancient map can be complete, thus solving the mystery of Penglai Fairy Island.

This will be an earth-shattering event.

The ancient city of Donghua is destined to become a gathering place. There is a lot of traffic here, and there is a constant stream of people coming in. Even if Penglai Fairy Island has nothing to do with me, I want to join in the fun.

There are teleportation formations in the ancient city, and some powerful forces can be teleported directly, without the need to travel far. Otherwise, coming from other continents, even if you drive the flying boat, it will take ten and a half months to arrive, and the time may not be too late.

Ye Tian put away the flying sword, descended from the sky, walking in the ancient city, there is an illusion of returning to his hometown, UU reading www. because many architectural elements of the city are very similar to those of the ancient middle earth.

The pavement of bluestone is wide, but a little broken, full of scratches from the years.

Maple trees are planted on both sides of the street, they are extremely thick, and any tree can be as thick as a few people's arms.

Now this season, the autumn breeze is gradually rising, the maple leaves turn red, and the luxuriant branches and leaves, the fiery red of a tree, has a dreamlike beauty.

The auction will not be held until three days later. Ye Tian found a place to live, and while practicing, he paid attention to the auction.

Sure enough, his worries were not wrong. When walking in the ancient city, he saw many portraits of him. The Peacock tribe offered a reward of 300,000 spiritual crystals to buy his head. Several other major forces have also issued wanted warrants, offering a lot of rewards.

Fortunately, he changed his appearance and reduced his breath, so he should not be discovered.

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