Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2072: Blocked

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

On the ground in front, there was a crack erected, with a shining light, about ten feet high, and it looked like a void portal from a distance, which was the entrance and exit of this ruined sacred soil.

This is a portal constructed by Yuan Ying with the power of law. It is extremely strong, and only people who meet certain conditions can pass.

Unlike the immortal ruins on the earth, the gate of immortal ruins opened every sixty years, and would close soon after each opening, and would not open again until a year later. And the portal of Penglai Ancient Star was open from the beginning of the trial to the end of the trial. If you want to end the trial at any time, you can go out. However, once you go out, you can't come back again, unless you wait until the next trial.

At this moment, in front of Ye Tian and Princess Seventeen, several figures were also rushing towards the portal, they should be trying to end the trial.

This was originally a very normal thing, because the environment of the Immortal Ruins Divine Land is very harsh and will cause a lot of deaths and injuries, and not everyone can go to the end. So sometimes it's a wise choice to just accept it when you see it.

However, these people kept turning their heads when they were running, looking at Ye Tian and Princess Seventeen, they seemed to panic, making Ye Tian suspicious.

He opened his fiery eyes and golden pupils, looking directly at the origin of the blood, and seeing the figure of the Peacock tribe from these people.

Ye Tian suddenly thought that he had just killed King Sparrow, these people might be going out to report.

There must be a lot of great powers guarding outside the portal, coming from all major sects, major families, and major holy land dynasties, waiting for the return of their trial disciples.

Once the news of Ye Tian killing Little Sparrow King and some other Tianjiao testers is passed on, the consequences will be disastrous.

"No, absolutely can't let them go out alive." Ye Tian muttered to himself, quickly took out the Longjiao Divine Bow, and shot it to death.


With a light tremor, the bowstring loosened, and an energy light arrow flew out, breaking through the sky in an instant, piercing a tester of the Peacock tribe, and then tearing it apart.

Seeing someone being shot and killed, all the people in this group were stunned. They increased their running speed to the fastest speed. Two figures even turned into peacocks, flapping their wings and flying at a faster speed.

At this time they were very close to the gate of light, right in front of them, as if they were within reach.

Shoo, hoo!

Ye Tian continued to draw the bow, and the two Peacock Tribe testers who fluttered their wings were quickly shot to death.

There are three others who are not from the Peacock tribe, and they don't know what the origins are.

One of them was scared to pee, kneeling and surrendering, begging for mercy, snot and tears, while the other two were still rushing towards the light door unconsciously.

Puff, puff!

Two **** lights flew up in succession, and the two figures rushed to the front of Guangmen, but they almost couldn't get out with their feet. They were shot and killed by Ye Tian in front of Guangmen and fell into a pool of blood.

There was the last one left, kneeling on the ground, shivering.

"Fine, let him go. You see he is scared like this." Princess Seventeen said, begging Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took a few glances, but couldn't bear it, so he let him go.

After rushing out of the light gate, the sky is high and the birds fly, Ye Tian will stay away from this place of right and wrong for the first time, without fear of anything, even if this person goes out to confess.

It's just that sometimes people are not as good as the sky.

Om, hum!

The seventeenth princess and Ye Tian, ​​one after the other, rushed through the light gate, and came to the outside world, a more expansive world.

Looking up, the sky was blue, like a huge crystal stone, otherwise there was a trace of impurities and dust.

The breeze is coming, and there is a breath of fresh vegetation, which contains endless vitality, which makes people refreshing and refreshing.

This is the land of Zhongshenzhou, which can be regarded as the center of the ancient star of Penglai, just like the middle-earth land on the earth, the place where the whole ancient star is most vigorous.

Looking far from the distance, the four fields are open, and it turns out to be an empty green plain, dotted with inconspicuous small hills sporadically.

"This...?" Ye Tian was somewhat surprised.

In the plains, it would be hard to find a place to hide, which made Ye Tian feel a little worried.

The four fields are full of figures, and a powerful aura permeates, or the devilish energy is overwhelming, or the evil spirit is rushing into the sky, or the war spirit is rising, ..., intertwined with each other.

When Ye Tian and Princess Seventeen rushed out of the light gate, they looked at them with countless gazes.

The performance of the seventeen princesses was fairly natural, after all, they were used to seeing all kinds of big scenes, and there were guardians of the Dashang Dynasty here.

Ye Tian's nerves were tense, and he immediately released his spiritual thoughts, sensing the wisps of aura from the outside world. He didn't feel relieved until he was sure that there was no Yuan Ying present.


Two powerful figures flew, with gray hair, golden eyes, and awe-inspiring. They all walked to the late stage on the road of the golden core, and they became the golden core.

They are the guardians of the seventeenth princesses, flying by, respectfully, standing around the seventeenth princesses.

Not far away, there were some great merchants, chariots rumbling, and the rustling of battle flags, embroidered with a fiery red "Shang" character.

In addition, Ye Tian glanced at it and saw the Peacock tribe. There were not many people, but each one was very powerful. The peacock flag woven by the five-color feather feathers flutters in the wind, emitting a bright five-color brilliance. This is not only a banner, but also a magic weapon.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The two guardians must take away the seventeen princesses immediately and return to the Shang Dynasty through a huge teleportation formation.

This is Zhongshenzhou, and there is an endless ocean separated from the Dongyue State where Dashang is located. It would take at least a few months if it were to fly over it purely. This is still in the case of a smooth journey.

You know, in the endless East China Sea, there are terrifying sea races, which are forbidden for human monks. Even flying in the air is very dangerous, and one who is not careful will be caught as prey.

"Brother Ye, let's stop here. If you have time, you can come to my big business imperial city, I will show you to play, and all the expenses will count for me." Princess Seventeen chuckled lightly, with two shiny little tiger teeth Shining, with a sweet smile, he gave Ye Tian a fist.

"Okay, if you have time, you must go." Ye Tian also smiled, his eyes always watching his surroundings vigilantly.

He and the seventeenth princesses have the best dragon marrow on their bodies. Although they are sealed in a bottle, there is always a sacred breath overflowing, and it is difficult to escape the perception of power.

The seventeenth princess is noble and protected by the protector, so naturally no one dares to think badly.

But Ye Tian was different. He didn't know how many eyes were staring at him, all with greed.

A decent person, a great religious person,

Ye Tian strode forward, just wanting to leave here quickly.

But he didn't walk a few steps, with a bang, the ground shook, and a tall figure stood in front of him. He was a very strong middle-aged man. vast.

"Little brother, how many superb dragon marrow do you have? Take it out, I will take it all, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory price." The red-haired man said, his nine-foot male body was as thick as a mountain, and his voice sounded like a thunder. thorough.

Many eyes looked at it, and many others were ready to move, walking in all directions.

After all, the Supreme Dragon Marrow is too rare.

"Little brother, I'm not greedy. I'll give you fifty thousand spiritual crystals, and you can buy one drop." Another old man with gray hair came over, with a goatee, looking kind, but he always felt a little treacherous.

"If you are willing to join my Purple Night Holy Land, my Purple Night Holy Land can protect you."

"No matter what price they offer, my Peacock tribe pays double the price."

The unruly plotters came from all directions and surrounded Ye Tian in the middle, very passive.

The seventeenth princess looked at this place and knew that Ye Tian was in trouble and wanted to help, but was persuaded by the two protectors to prevent her from having trouble.

"Oh, everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime." A Taoist advocate sighed lightly.


The teleportation formation was urged, and a void channel appeared, and a group of people from the Shang Dynasty passed away in a flash.

"Get out of the way, I don't have any superb dragon marrow, even if I have it, I won't sell it to you." Ye Tian said coldly, too lazy to talk nonsense with this person, just want to leave here quickly.

"Junior, I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. The dragon marrow is naturally raised, and there is no owner. If you want to swallow it alone, many daoists will not agree to it. Quickly take out the dragon marrow and sell it to me, etc., don't force us to do it." Chi The man said, his tone became more and more fierce, and his breath became more and more violent.

Ye Tian had never seen such a thick-skinned person, and he didn't even have a face when he said such utterly conscience.

"What a despicable and shameless villain. Get me as far away as you can, don't force me to kill you." Ye Tian was not afraid, and gave the red-haired man a murderous look.

"Young man, I don't know the depth, it's your honor for Lao Tzu to buy your dragon marrow,..."


This time, before the red-haired man could finish speaking, Ye Tian started his hand, slapped him with a slap and slapped it out.

The golden light was dazzling, Ye Tian's slap was like a golden grinding disc, patted the red-haired man's Tianling Gai.

"Junior is looking for death!"

The red-haired man was furious, UU read www.uukanshu. Com roared, his right hand slammed into a fist, and slammed Ye Tian's slap.


The two collided violently, and Ye Tian remained motionless, but the tall and red-haired man was like a rotten puppet.

"Junior, you are too mad. If you don't sell Dragon Marrow, you shouldn't beat people. I will teach you a lesson for your parents today." The goatee old man said, not only did he not learn the lesson when he saw it, but he also told Ye. Heaven shot.


The light in his palm was shining, and he sacrificed a **** sword, turned into a **** horse, and slashed at Ye Tian.


What Ye Tian responded to him was another slap shot, a huge palm like a mountain, not only smashed the old goatee's **** magic knife, but also slapped him half of his body, rushing out like a broken leather ball.

The two of them thought that Ye Tian was a condensed pill to bully, but they were beaten into a dog.

Everyone also exclaimed. They didn't expect Ye Tian to be so strong, just a small Ning Dan, and he would casually beat the two golden cores into serious injuries.

Ye Tian stepped away, and the surrounding crowd was tumbling, and no one dared to stop him for a while.

It's not that everyone is afraid of him, but he is such a powerful Tianjiao, who must have a big backing, and before he shoots, he has to weigh and weigh.


The domain gate shook, and another figure rushed out from the trial ground.

Seeing this person, Ye Tian frowned, because it was the poor worm tester he had let go.

The moment his eyes met, Ye Tian glared at him fiercely.

But this person was not frightened, he was very strong, and he met Ye Tian's gaze, and then shouted: "Hurry up and stop him, it is he who killed the little bird king, the son of the purple night holy land,..."

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