Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2041: Back to the sect

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Ye Tian didn't stay in the unknown ancient star for a long time. After Xiao Yue'er got through the terrible thunder catastrophe, he returned to the earth together.

After tearing open the boundary membrane of the Immortal Ruins, the two rushed out of it, just in front of the mountain gate of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect.

A magnificent world appeared in the eyes of the two of them. The peaks were beautiful and the spirits were compelling. The tall palaces stretched into one piece. A series of waterfalls fell down from the mountains. The white horses were like a galaxy hanging upside down. And magnificent.

In two months, under the sculpting of the innumerable skilled craftsmen, the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect has changed its appearance. Every corner is well-crafted, even Ye Tian, ​​who is accustomed to seeing all kinds of sacred places. , Can't help but nodded, very satisfied.

In the sky, a huge mountain is suspended in the clouds and mist. The mountain is covered with towering trees and full of greenery. From time to time, the roar of apes and tigers can be heard. Like a fairy mountain.

The sage of Yaochi stomped over and told Ye Tian that this was a floating mountain contributed by the Vast Sky Immortal Sect. It was ready-made by the Vast Sky Immortal Sect, and was directly transported. It also included a large floating array invisibly, which was of inestimable value.

"I'm interested." Ye Tian smiled happily, then glanced at the saint of Yaochi, and then said: "You have worked hard too."

"I don't work hard, it's my honor to serve the Lord of the Fairy Gate." The saint of Yaochi smiled sweetly, with red lips and teeth, her graceful body was indescribably crystal clear, with a deceptive look.

The saint of Yaochi has always been very arrogant about her beauty. In this world, she dare not say that she is the first beauty, and that is also one of the most outstanding beauties.

But now, standing with Xiao Yue'er, for the first time in her life, she feels ashamed.

Although the girl in front of her is still in bud, she is very immature, but her body naturally exudes a noble temperament, hazy with seven colors of light around her body, just like a nine-day mysterious girl descending in this red dust, anyone In front of her will be compared.

The saintess of Yaochi knew that this was the temperament that the True Phoenix bloodline gave Xiaoyue'er.

The true phoenix was originally one of the most noble **** species in the vast universe.

The nine changes of the true phoenix can fade away from the mortal womb and turn into a true phoenix. Xiao Yue'er has only transformed for the first time, giving people a sense of sight of the true phoenix.

Even the saintess of Yaochi felt this way in front of Xiao Yue'er, let alone other people, she would humble into the dust.

"Earth fairy."

As a golden core power, only by her breath, the saint of Yaochi knew the realm of Xiaoyue'er and broke through the fairyland.

And when she left two months ago, she was only in the early stage of the Divine Realm!

It only took two months to prove to the earth immortal. In the eyes of the sage of Yaochi, it is simply too far-fetched. Looking at the tens of thousands of years of cultivation history in the inner hidden gate, there is no match. .

Moreover, even though Xiao Yue'er was in the early stage of the Earth Fairyland, the aura of the whole body was thick, the foundation was solid, and the physical body was powerful, and it was not much better than that of some later stages of the Earth Fairy.

From Xiaoyue'er's body, she could vaguely feel the power of the remaining thunder, and she had just passed the Tribulation of the Immortal Thunder.

But she really didn't get through the Thunder Tribulation, because she didn't have the qualifications to attract Thunder Tribulation.

If it is an ordinary monk, relying on drugs to improve the cultivation level will cause the foundation of the Dao to be unstable and make the path of the proof become incomplete.

For Xiao Yue'er, it is the true Phoenix bloodline, and this problem is inevitably there. However, the Tribulation of the Immortal Thunder has made up for this defect to a certain extent, allowing her to transform her bloodline and soul, which is almost a re-creation and consolidation. Daoji not only made her land immortal Daoji stable, but also far above ordinary earth immortals.

"It is true Phoenix's Divine Vessel, the darling of heaven and earth, and the fast growth rate is staggering. By the mid-Earth Immortal stage, the fighting power will not be like her uncle, who can go shopping for the golden core. It is no wonder that Mother esteemed her so much." The saint of Yaochi was shocked and couldn't calm down.

"Sister, are you okay?" Xiaoyue'er noticed the strangeness of the saintess of Yaochi, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, maybe it's because I haven't rested well during this time. My sister hasn't congratulated you yet, for breaking through the earth immortal so soon. Our family Yue'er is really great. In the future, it is destined to be recorded in the annals of history and become a world-shattering big man. "The sage of Yaochi smiled, stroking Xiao Yue'er's hair, her eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred.


She took a long breath, and soon stabilized her mind.

"Sister, don't laugh at me. It's all the uncle's credit, who has given me so many treasures. By myself, I don't have this ability." Xiaoyue'er said ashamed.

"That's also our family's Yue'er bloodline. If it were someone else, no matter how much he was given to him, he wouldn't be able to grow so fast."

The saint of Yaochi has a mouthful of our family's Yue'er, and she is not unfamiliar at all. It is surprising that she is having a relationship with Xiao Yue'er, and in the end she still wants to board the big ship of Ye Tian.

Next to the Hanging Mountain, there is a hanging hall, which is golden and gleaming. A ladder is connected to the ground. It is very magnificent and majestic.

"This floating hall was originally called the Temple of the Sun. It was contributed by the Jinwu tribe. It can emit light like the sun at night." The saint of Yaochi told Ye Tian.

"The Golden Crow Clan is quite interesting." Ye Tian smiled faintly.

"Oh, yes, the Jinwu people have closed the mountain. From now on, for at least a hundred years, they will no longer be involved in world affairs." Yaochi Saintess continued.

"Really? They are self-aware."

Ye Tian was not surprised at all.

The Jinwu people were forced to close the mountain, and it was the only choice.

The Beiming Immortal Sect and the Jinwu Clan stand in the same domain, which is a kind of shock and protection.

Otherwise, UU reading is declining with the Jinwu clan nowadays, and once they have established so many enemies, they will not become the target of public criticism, and eventually the clan may die.

In the voice of the words, Ye Tian stepped on the cloud ladder, step by step to the sky.

The four characters on the plaque of the Temple of the Sun were erased by Ye Tian raising his hand, and the four characters "Beimingxiangong" were rewritten with iron painted silver hooks, vigorous and powerful.

The temple is very old, and it has a history of tens of thousands of years, standing up to the present, it is still immortal, and it contains extremely mysterious Dao patterns that can last forever.

In the palace, the jade pavement is smooth and moist, not stained with fiber dust, and all the materials used are the most high-end materials, which are comparable to the Xianjia Palace.

In the center of the temple, there stands a round high platform, which is very eye-catching.

"This is the teleportation formation leading to the inner hidden gate. It was sent by Jianzong Shushan, saying that it might be useful to you." Ye Tian nodded, stepped to the edge of the high platform, and examined it carefully.

After a while, he let Xiaoyue'er and the saintess of Yaochi leave. He was going to stay here for a while, but instead of practicing, he portrayed a new teleportation formation and reopened the passage of inner and outer hidden gates.

As for the two of them, Ye Tian also handed over a task to prepare for the fairy tale ceremony.

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