Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2039: Practice

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In the center of the fire field, at the root of a huge rock, the cave where the Fire Phoenix's holy spirit was born, the colorful glow was still gushing, permeating endless vitality.

It is not easy for Ye Tian to come to the center of the fire area, because the temperature here is so high that the golden body almost burns as soon as he stands at the entrance of the cave, even if he is running the chaotic golden body's fire changes. Will not work.

This strand of flame, showing colorful colors, is like a divine fire above the nine heavens, which can burn all the heavens.

In the colorful flames, there are surging psychic powers, so rich that they even condense into tiny ice crystals, the smallest ones are as big as sesame seeds, and the largest ones are as big as peanuts, just like colored diamonds. The gushing colorful rays of sunlight rushed out of the cave, like it was endless, it could not finish.

Don’t underestimate these flame spirit crystal particles, which are even more terrifying than the fire spirit crystals Ye Tian obtained in the Sulfur Marsh of the Fairy Ruins. The flame energy contained in the same volume is dozens or hundreds of times more than that of sesame mung bean. Particles, the flames released are enough to turn a golden core into ashes.

The crystal scales on his body were protected from the collision of the tiny flame spirit crystal particles, crackling and crackling, and at least one crystal scale would shatter with every collision.

In a short while, the crystal scale protection of his body became useless, and in the end it was the Golden Eucharist who bore everything.

Ye Tian knew that it was the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit that was born from the colorful flame spirit crystal particles. There must be more inside, the larger colorful flame spirit crystal, the total amount of psychic energy contained in it is not known how many times it is better than a fire phoenix holy spirit.

If you can absorb all these flame psychic energy, not to mention that one Fire Element Pill, that is, ten or twenty Fire Element Pills can be condensed, and they will all be accomplished in one step.

Ye Tian even suspected that the formation of the entire area of ​​fire might be related to this cave.


When Ye Tian stepped into the cave, the colorful glow that spurted out of it was even more violent, like a torrent, blocking Ye Tian's entry.

When Ye Tian withdrew his foot, the colorful glow of the glowing rays of light converged a bit, not so violent.

After repeated this, Ye Tian knew that it was not so easy to enter the cave, and he might have to fight his life.

But desperately, he couldn't do it at all. He simply sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, taking in the psychic energy in the colorful flames, and the flame spiritual crystals, refining them into the body.

His body was enveloped in a layer of golden light, and a chaotic golden lotus also emerged, swaying behind him, and the wisps of chaotic energy were hanging down, forming an even more earth-shaking seal to protect his golden eucharist.

It was at the entrance of the cave that the flame psychic energy was also on board, and it was rich to an astonishing degree.


As he exhales and inhales, the rainbow-like colorful flame psychic energy, like a long whale drinking water, is swallowed into his body. The amount of each breath is comparable to the fire movement aura contained in a fire spirit crystal.

As soon as those flame psychic energy entered his body, they turned into fire-traveling true essence. With the operation of the fire-traveling pill, layer upon layer superimposed on the pill, making the pill more radiant, spinning, crystal clear, and even A hint of colorful brilliance began to emerge, revealing a touch of immortality.

In addition to the dissipated flame psionic energy, Ye Tian also deliberately captured the flame psychic crystal particles from the colorful glow to refine, the effect is even more dissipated psychic energy.

These colorful flame spirit crystals are not only more psychic, but also more refined. Once they burst out, the consequences are unimaginable. They can turn a hundred-zhang mountain into magma, and thousands of grains can turn into a sea of ​​fire.

With such surging flame power, Ye Tian dared to take it lightly, catch it carefully, and refine it carefully, refining only one grain at a time, starting from rice-sized grains.


A rice-sized colorful flame spirit crystal exploded in his body and quickly turned into a billowing flame psychic energy, filling his entire meridian dantian, every inch of flesh and blood, and finally sprayed out from the seven orifices and even every pore.

If it weren't for his golden body to be strong enough, this one rice-sized flame spirit crystal particle might have turned his body into ashes.

The Fire Xing Yuan Pill ran wildly, refining the flame power erupted by the Fire Xing Lingjing.

One, two, three...

With the refining of more and more flame spirit crystal particles, Ye Tian's golden body gradually became resistant, the speed of refining became faster and faster, and the particles of refining became larger and larger.

And Ye Tian's meditation position has also moved from the cave entrance to the cave, and as the body's resistance increases, it will continue to move toward the depths.

The more you go to the depths of the cave, the more powerful the flames are. The seven-color flames inside are like flowing liquids, misty, and you can even see the process of the formation of spirit crystals.

As more and more flame psychic energy is absorbed, the Fire Xing Yuan Dan has also become more full and solid. It looks like a small one, but its weight is beyond imagination. A slight shock will make Ye Tian's The golden body made a creaking sound, which seemed to weigh ten thousand tons.

The color of the Yuan Dan has also changed from the original crimson to seven colors, and the phantom of a red bird in it has become more and more concrete. As long as Ye Tian has a thought, a red bird can be drawn out.

Suzaku and Phoenix are originally the same species, but they are called differently, so the refined seven-color flame psychic power is very compatible with the Suzaku Yuandan.


In the cave, a flame storm blew directly, and millions of flame psychic energy gathered together, forming a huge funnel above Ye Tian's head, desperately instilling it into his body. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The carrying capacity of his golden body is getting bigger and bigger, and his appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

Such a huge amount of flame psychic energy is not only moisturizing the elemental pill that is on fire, but the excess energy is also moisturizing other elements of the elemental pill according to the principle of the five elements intergrowth.

Fire generates soil, of which Tuxing Yuandan is the biggest beneficiary. The benefits of the native rebirth of gold, the Jinxing Yuandan is obviously not as good as the nativexingyuandan. And so on.

In the end, Ye Tian not only cultivated the Fire Xing Yuan Pill to completion, but also the Earth Xing Yuan Pill.

At this point, the five yuan pill, three of them have been completed, namely, the Jinxing Yuan Pill, the Fire Xing Yuan Pill and the Earth Xing Yuan Pill.

Ye Tian's golden sacred body is like a bottomless pit, absorbing massive amounts of flame psychic energy, making the gushing seven-colored flames in the cave dim a bit.

There are also a lot fewer spirit crystal particles in the seven-color flame. Some are refined by Ye Tian, ​​and some are because the concentration of flame psionic energy in the air is reduced, and the particles decompose by themselves.

In the depths of the cave, Ye Tian also picked up some relatively large seven-color flame spirit crystal particles, the largest being the size of an adult's fist, and wanted to take it away as a cultivation resource. However, it was found that it could not be preserved or sealed. As long as it left the cave, the spirit crystal particles would directly turn into flames.

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