Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2037: Fire domain refining

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"True Phoenix Art", a supreme divine method in the universe, has a total of nine changes. Those who have the blood of the true phoenix will gradually reincarnate and purify the blood of the body.

Xiao Yue'er had only practiced this method for more than a year, and no major changes had occurred, but for this experience, Ye Tian had great expectations for her, that she would be able to transform once and her bloodline to evolve once.

As Xiao Yue'er walked forward in the realm of fire, while quietly operating this divine technique in her body, her small body was changing swiftly, and she became more and more adaptable to the realm of fire.

There are traces left by the Holy Spirit of the Fire Phoenix. When she walked to the fourth layer of fire, she felt the traces, and immediately felt a sense of blending with the world.

From the scars of the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit, she was able to draw strength, and the shape of the True Phoenix that shrouded her body became more condensed.

What was even more surprising was that Huohai was actually giving way for her. Flame tornadoes struck, but they fell apart before touching her body.

This fire area contains the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit, and the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit is like the master of this fire area. Xiao Yue’er’s True Phoenix bloodline is born with the traces of the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit, which is in harmony with this world and is mistaken for this. The master of the world.

This is the power of Tao, and it has nothing to do with all spirits.

In a Taoist state, Xiaoyue'er became calmer, and the next step of her foot was bright, as if she was pulsing with the fire domain. The monstrous sea of ​​fire took the initiative to open a passage in front of her, unable to touch her body.

Ye Tian was shocked that Xiao Yue'er could enter a realm of enlightenment so quickly.

When he came here, he was not as calm as Xiaoyue'er.

This is the bloodline talent, not acceptable.

Ye Tian brought Xiao Yue'er here, and he had chosen the right place, and he would definitely gain a lot.

On the fifth layer of the fire domain, the color of the flame is almost pure white, like a flowing lotion, misty and misty, making people walk in it with the illusion of walking in a quagmire. Every step is extremely difficult.

Although the flames were still giving way to Xiao Yue'er, the pace under her feet was obviously slower. On the white forehead, there were beads of sweat dripping from rice grains, and the weak body was trembling slightly, invisibly like her body. There are tens of millions of weights.

Ye Tian was guarding his body with the Chaos Qi falling down, feeling the heat and pressure.

"If you can't do it, don't try your best. I have a holy medicine of Fire Golden Lotus, which can replenish your vitality. After swallowing it, it will not be too late to move forward." Ye Tian said to Xiao Yue'er, and she took the holy medicine of Rock Fire Golden Lotus. In the hands, the fragrant medicine smells.

"I can still hold on." Xiaoyue'er said stubbornly, trying to dig out the body's potential and the power of the deepest bloodline in the extreme environment.

The sixth floor of the fire field emits a faint green color, like a dark fire. It has no earth-shaking momentum, but it is very scary. Coming here will really give people the illusion of being in hell.

As soon as he stepped into this area of ​​fire, Xiaoyue'er had a feeling of skin and flesh, and his soul was also being burned, as if he was being tortured by eighteen layers of hell.


It really seemed that the power of the hidden bloodline was stimulated. Just when Xiao Yue'er felt that she was going to be unable to do it, a divine light suddenly burst out of her body. This divine light had a strange power, which made her endurance limit. It has improved a bit.

Bang, bang, bang!

She continued to move forward in the gloomy fire field, her body was shining, her brilliance was little bit, and her hair was incredibly shining, like a beautiful flame elf, her whole body swaying, her posture was extremely beautiful.

Reluctantly walked out of the sixth layer of fire territory, at the intersection of the sixth and seventh layers of fire territory, Xiao Yue'er's body finally couldn't support it. She was under too much pressure and consumed too much mana to be unable to interact with it anymore. The world pulsated, and he staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Ye Tian guarded her with the Heaven-shaking Seal.


Pieces of golden petals flew up, like they were made of **** gold, with dao marks intertwined, there was light blooming, crystal clear and gorgeous.

It was the lotus petals of Yanhuo Jinlian, after flying out, directly integrated into Xiao Yue'er's body, making her body crystal clear, and the hair on the surface of her body was in Shenghui.

After adding a little bit of energy, Xiao Yue'er's state suddenly improved a lot.

But Ye Tian didn't let her continue on the road. Instead, he taught her the entire Rock Fire Golden Lotus and asked her to refine it.

Xiao Yue'er followed her grandfather up the mountain to collect medicine since she was a child. She naturally knew the preciousness of the holy medicine. Looking at the entire inner gate, there were not a few plants. It was a truly priceless treasure.

Xiao Yue'er was grateful and she seemed to have a thousand words to say, but Ye Tian asked her to stop and quickly refine the holy medicine.

Ye Tian hadn't told Xiao Yue'er what a rock fire golden lotus holy medicine was, and next he would give her a fire phoenix holy spirit comparable to the magic medicine.

Xiao Yue'er didn't have the ability to swallow the holy medicine in one gulp. A rock fire golden lotus was refined for a week, which was much faster than when Ye Tian first refined the rock fire golden lotus.

This holy medicine can fully push Xiaoyue'er's cultivation base from the early stage of the gods to the later stage of the gods, and the proving to be immortal is just around the corner.

The endless flame energy filled Xiaoyue'er's limbs, viscera and internal organs. From the outside, her body was dyed red by countless red lights, like a red diamond.

The divine phoenix phantom on her body is more full and concrete, and her physical body even has a feeling that she can transform into a true phoenix.

However, there is still a little opportunity to complete this change.

Ye Tian told her not to rush, and when the trip was over, she would definitely be able to become a real phoenix.

"At that time, you should have become an earth fairy." Ye Tian chuckled lightly.

"Earth Immortal?" Xiao Yue'er was obviously taken aback and couldn't believe it.

Her current cultivation base progress is already extremely fast, looking at the inner hidden door's cultivation history annals, she can be ranked among the top. In the realm of Dixian, she expected to herself that in three years, it would take two years at the earliest. After all, she was only in the early stage of the realm of God.

But now a holy medicine pushes her to the **** realm, and she is really not far from the earth immortal.

The next two continue to move forward, the destination is the seven-color flame in the center of the fire field. Ye Tian wanted Xiao Yue'er to fuse the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit there and reborn.

Xiao Yue'er, who was in a great divine realm, was obviously slowing down at her feet, and easily touched the scars of the Fire Phoenix's holy spirit again, and her body merged with the Tao and pulsed with the heavens and the earth.

Under her feet, a golden lotus, one step at a time, is transformed by Tao Yun, the graceful curve of the body is graceful and graceful to the extreme.

After taking a holy medicine, the little girl is not only good at her cultivation, but also taller and more mature and dignified.

"Uncle, when will you leave the earth? Can I leave with you? I am already very strong now and will not hold you back." Xiaoyue'er said, her body is crystal clear, she walks calmly, her white dress is purple Fluttering in the flames, very eye-catching.

"If you want to go outside the territory, you can't do it right now. Where does this ancient road lead, I don't know, how can I take you to risk?" Ye Tian smiled faintly.

"I am not afraid of danger. You also said that I will be able to break through the immortal soon. If I encounter bad people, I can fight side by side with you." Xiaoyue'er said seriously.

"That's not okay. I want to go outside the domain. Let's talk about the golden core after you prove it. The golden core has nine ranks. You must at least give me a seventh or eighth rank. Otherwise, I don't recognize you as an apprentice."

"Seventh-Rank and Eighth-Rank?" Xiaoyue'er slapped her tongue.

Now, the fourth-grade golden core is already the limit of the inner hidden door.

The two talked about it, and before they knew it, the ninth layer of fire arrived.

Seven-color flames, seven colors are shining, they are dazzlingly beautiful, but they are also the most dangerous. As soon as they entered this field of fire, Xiaoyue'er felt that her body was about to be unable to bear it, and her ivory white and smooth skin was cracked. The danger of the whole person seemed to be burning and turned into ashes.

She couldn't resist it even if she used her mana. The seven-colored flames penetrated everywhere, and even penetrated into the human body from the pores.

Although Ye Tian's body had been tempered by the Seven-Colored Flame, and he had some resistance, it was still uncomfortable.

Ye Tian took out a Jade Jing bottle, which contained some earth spirit milk crystallized, and it was liquid like milk. It was shining and fragrant. It was obtained in the sea of ​​blood secret of the thirteen blood ancestors. After the Dongshan Secret Realm, there was still some left. After a sip, he finally felt better.

The remaining little Xiao Yueer drank it in one swallow, and the horrible feeling that he was about to turn to ashes disappeared a little, and the whole person became energetic again.

However, her situation is still very dangerous, and the time that Earth Spirit Milk can support is limited. Once time passes, her physical body will be difficult to support, which will bring extremely terrible consequences.

Ye Tian wanted to rush to the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit Cave, UU reading www. seemed impossible now. He found an open area nearby, and Ye Tian planned to let Xiaoyue'er come to refine the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit.

As long as the fire phoenix holy spirit is refined, this seven-color fire field is like going home to her, and she can come and go freely.

"Uncle, don't you need it? You can use such an important divine object on your own body. Your golden body has fire changes, and this Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit is also very useful to you."

When he knew that a Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit was comparable to a magical medicine, Xiao Yue'er couldn't calm down, and was too flattered.

Compared to herself becoming stronger, she wanted to see Ye Tian become stronger.

From a lowly status of a peasant girl, she is satisfied that she can stand at the height of today.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get ready. You are of the True Phoenix bloodline, and this Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit was born for you." Ye Tian said in a reprimanding tone, but the depth of the words was more about love.

In his hand, he held a seven-color light ball, inside which was sealed a fire phoenix holy spirit, like a phoenix egg.


He squeezed it suddenly, and the group of seven-color lights suddenly turned into seven-color radiance, which was thousands of times more dazzling than the extreme width of the north pole of the earth. The gods like the sea were surging and poured directly into Xiao Yue'er's body.

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