Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2016: Jin Xing Yuan Yuan

Remember in one second【】

When this punch fell, everything came to fruition.

The body of the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit was smashed and almost shattered. If it were a flesh and blood body, the blood would surely fill the sky.

Although the body of the Holy Spirit is generally powerful, how is Ye Tian's golden body waiting for it?


The Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit yelled, in addition to the anger, there was a bit more sorrow in his voice, not as strong as before.

Its entire body burst into flames, and its seven-colored flames obscured the starry sky.

This is the innate supernatural power of the True Phoenix line, as long as there is a trace of vitality, it can be reborn through the divine technique of Nirvana.

Although the fire phoenix holy spirit is not a true phoenix, its vitality is not comparable to that of ordinary creatures, and it is very difficult to really kill it.

Ye Tian was unforgiving, attacking forcefully, flashing magical powers, like a flash of lightning, he chased him in an instant, and he hugged the sky-shaking seal with both hands, as if he was embracing a large mountain, and smashed it down severely.


The slightly healed body of the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit opened again, and the wounds crisscrossed one after another.


The fire phoenix neighed and opened its huge mouth. This time, instead of spewing out flames, it rushed out a sound wave that pierced through gold and cracked rocks.

This is a kind of magical sound, a means of sonic attack, which is hard to guard against.


The sound waves thunderous, as if to crush the will of heaven and earth, shaking Ye Tian dizzy.

"Break it for me!"

Ye Tian roared and threw the sky-shaking seal directly, washing out a more turbulent chaotic energy, breaking the sound waves every inch.


The fire phoenix holy spirit screamed more intensely, both eyes were breathing fire, and the sound waves rushing out of the mouth unexpectedly condensed into a single sound line, almost transformed into substance, just like the super sonic weapon in the science fiction world, it is all indestructible, and it bursts and washes all at once. The Chaos Qi that came finally hit the Heaven-shaking Seal and shook the Great Seal out.

This sound wave was so terrible, it shattered the void around Ye Tian, ​​like a hundred thousand thunder roaring, terrifying.

As a last resort, Ye Tian had to use Zhuxian Broken Sword to split the sound waves condensed into sound rays, and then bullied himself, preparing to give the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit a sword and split it in half. If it is really killed, there will be no Method.

It turned out that after the fierce manipulation of the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit, it looked like a deflated ball, and its breath dropped sharply, not daring to fight with Ye Tian, ​​and rushed straight to the area of ​​fire below.

"Come here!" Ye Tian said in a deep voice, put away Zhuxian's Broken Sword, and slapped it out.

The Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit first noticed a bad premonition, and then suddenly raised his head, his pupils shrank in shock.

Above its head, a huge shadow fell from the sky, and the five golden fingers were like five mountains, suppressed, exuding the pressure of the sky and the earth.

What's more terrifying is that a small world like a black hole appeared in the palm of the giant palm. First it confined it, and then sent a powerful suction power to **** it in.

The fire phoenix holy spirit can be captured with nothing. After all, it is about life and death. He did not hesitate to use the power of the original source to spit out the sky with seven colors of flames, which collapsed the void. Palm, and Ye Tian deity.


A series of earth-shaking attacks slammed into Ye Tian's collapsing giant palm. Thousands of sparks burst out, but they all collapsed in vain.

The Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit is the end of the crossbow after all, and can't pass the Lu manuscript.

Suddenly, Ye Tian shook his five fingers abruptly, and separated the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit, together with the several meters of the whole body, from a distance of several tens of meters. It turned into a crystal ball, and was finally firmly grasped by Ye Tian's palm. Hands.

In the crystal ball, the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit was still trying to resist.

This species is really difficult to kill, as long as there is a breath, it can be revived with Nirvana's supernatural powers.

Ye Tian let out a sneer, and shot thunders, turning the small space sealed by the crystal ball into a small thundering world, and bombarding the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit wildly.

In the end, the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit had to be honest and obedient.

Although the process of capturing the Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit was full of hardships, Ye Tian finally did it. After returning to the hidden gate, this holy spirit will be used to wash Xiao Yueer's pulse and improve his cultivation.

After an episode, Ye Tian continued to wander the ancient star to see if he could find anything.

This ancient star is really too big, dozens or hundreds of times larger than the earth, almost equivalent to the earth, wood, and wood of the solar system. Even with Ye Tian’s ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, it appears to be on this big star. Especially insignificant.

Fortunately, his spiritual thoughts were strong enough to radiate, and it could radiate thousands of miles.

Just as radar waves are shielded and absorbed by special materials, divine consciousness will also be interfered by various forces, such as strong geomagnetism, disordered heaven and earth vitality, artificial seals, prohibitions, magic arrays, and so on.

Some high-end treasures of heaven, material and earth often naturally emit divine power, just like a beacon in the dark night, which can easily be perceived by divine consciousness.

Especially above this desolate ancient star, the energy interference factor is very small.

But this time, Ye Tian didn't seem to be very lucky. After searching for a long time, he found nothing.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I Ye Tian can come to this day, never rely on luck, rely on my own efforts." Ye Tian let out a wry smile, ready to go home.

Can catch fire alive

^0^Remember in one second【】

Phoenix Holy Spirit, he is already content.

However, just as he gathered his spiritual thoughts, he suddenly felt a weak wave.

He searched for such weak fluctuations along the way and found a lot, mostly the energy released by underground rock formations, the unstable earth's crust, or the explosion of geomagnetism, which has nothing to do with the treasures of heaven, material and earth.

This time Ye Tianben didn't take it seriously, but when the corner of his eyes inadvertently looked in the direction of the fluctuations, he saw a cold light, which felt like metallic reflections, although because of the distance, only one spot of light was seen, but But it succeeded in attracting Ye Tian's attention.

Anyway, the distance was not far, Ye Tian simply flew over to take a look.

This is a valley that stretches to an endless distance, bare everywhere, and piles of rubble.

Among the piles of rubble, there are many irregular metal blocks, emitting a faint golden light under the moonlight.

This turned out to be a gold mine, open-air, if the earthlings discover this place, they will definitely go crazy.

Ye Tian picked up a gold lump with the size of a grinding plate. He started with a heavy hand. With his palms together, he patted it into powder. It turned out to be 24k pure gold without a trace of impurities.

Golden bumps of this size are everywhere, and a train can't finish it.

Ahead, Ye Tian even saw a golden mountain. Looking at it, he found that it was indeed a golden mountain.

Ye Tian's eyes were straight at that time. It was not that he was shocked by this golden mountain, but the faintly vague aura of this golden mountain. Even when Ye Tian opened the fire-eyed golden pupil, he could see the evil spirit of Jin Xing escaping from Jinshan.

The fluctuation that his divine consciousness had sensed in the distance just now came from this golden mountain.

There is weirdness in this golden mountain.

After observing for a while, Ye Tian took out the Ziying Sword and slashed it directly at Jinshan.


The divine sword whispered, and even the sky seemed to be split apart, not to mention a golden mountain, and it was instantly split in half.


Suddenly there were earth-shaking fluctuations from the cut apart Jinshan, like the sky collapsed, and the void was trembling and roaring.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that in the big gap split by the Ziying Sword, bright golden light burst out, runes into pieces, and road marks densely covered.

"That is…?"

When Ye Tian's pupils shrank, he saw a condensed golden light group in the brilliant golden light, which was strange, sometimes turning into a little white tiger, sometimes changing into various weapons such as swords, spears, swords and halberds.

Even with the strength of Ye Tian's eyes and golden pupils, after staring at the group of condensed light for a few times, he would have a sharp tingling sensation like a needle tip.

"The origin of the gold line!"

Ye Tian was surprised. His previous experience of cultivating immortals quickly recognized this object. It is the origin of a group of golden travels, which can also be called the source of golden travels. Shen Zhen.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's discovery, after a few ten million years, this group of golden travels might have evolved into a holy spirit, just like the fire phoenix holy spirit, transforming into a white tiger holy spirit.

Even if there is no transformation, the origin of this group of golden travel is full of spirituality.

Ye Tian madly chased after him, using his flashing magical powers, and chased him close in almost an instant.

Jin Xing was originally spiritual, and seeing Ye Tian chasing him, he turned into a little white tiger, stepping through the void, speeding up a lot.

But so, its speed is much slower than Ye Tian.

call out!

The origin of Jin Xing turned into a pangolin, and one end sank into the ground.

The figure flashed, Ye Tian also disappeared from the void, burrowing into the ground, his divine spirit radiated, and at the same time he ran the chaotic golden body's earth-moving magical powers, following the footsteps of the source of gold.

This is an arduous pursuit. It has to be said that Jin Xing's original spirituality is amazing. Even if Ye Tian possesses the flashing supernatural powers and the talents of Earth Xing, he almost lost it. It took a full hour before he soared from a piece of ground to the sky. Jin Xing Yuan Yuan was caught in his hands and confined by his magic tricks.


Ye Tian let out a long sigh, UU read and muttered to himself: "With this group of golden travel origin, my golden travel yuan pill can be completed. My golden body can also be strengthened, perhaps. One level closer."

Ye Tian prepared to use this group of Jinxing's origins on himself, tempering the golden sacred body, and sharpening the Jinxing Yuandan.

Right where the split Jinshan was, Ye Tian sat cross-legged and began to practice, taking in the Jinxing evil spirit from the origin of Jinxing and refining it into his body.

The origin of the small Jinxing, but the big fist, the evil spirit contained in the Jinxing is like a mountain like a sea, every thread and every strand can cut the mountain and cut the mountain. Even Ye Tian couldn't be cautious about refining.

It took a full week for this group of gold travel to be completely refined. It was covered with golden light, bursting with an eternal and immortal breath, as strong as a golden pill, and could not even be shaken by nuclear weapons.

The Jin Xing Yuan Dan in his body bloomed with an incomparably bright aura. It was the last one of the five Yuan Dan to be cultivated, but it was the first to complete. A slight release of the aura will cause interaction between heaven and man and bring down thunder.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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