Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2014: Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit

Remember in one second【】

This is a world of flames, a sea of ​​fire, endless flames burning on the dry earth, dyeing the sky red, and the thin air forming a billowing heat wave. The radius of the sky is hundreds of thousands of miles, endless.

"Is the fire of the lungs of the earth?" Ye Tian muttered to himself, his speed suddenly slowed down, but he was still walking in the air, with a rhyme flowing every step of the way.

A long distance away, you can feel the high temperature and wipe out all vitality.

But to Ye Tian, ​​these temperatures are nothing at all. His golden body has just been tempered in the brimstone swamp and the fire-golden vine, and it is not much better than the treasure of the Dacheng Golden Pill, and it has condensed a Fire Xing Yuan Pill.

It is not uncommon for a planet to spew out flames on the surface, because no matter the star or the planet, the inner core is burning, high temperature and high pressure, unless the absolute dead star, the inner core is dry.

Ground fires can be seen on the earth spouting out of the ground, which is called the fire of the lungs, but a ground fire with such a large area is really rare, and it is even more terrifying than a forest fire.

This sea of ​​flames of unknown ancient stars has been burning for many years. There is no vegetation on the ground, no magma spewing, and numerous cracks crisscrossed on the reddish scorched earth. There is no material that can support the burning at all, only inexplicable. Flame.

Ye Tian originally thought that there might be spiritual veins in the ground. After searching for it in the sea of ​​fire, he was disappointed.

The more you go to the depths of the sea of ​​fire, the higher the temperature, and the color of the flame will gradually change, from the outermost red, to yellow, then blue, purple, and the central flame shows a cool colorful color. It's fascinating, and it feels a little unreal.

When walking into the purple fire field approaching the center, the blazing flame is like a flowing liquid, which makes people feel like they are plunged into the mud. The sky-shaking mark floating on the top of Ye Tian's head is a little unbearable, and a little burnt. Signs of melting.

Ye Tian also felt the terrible high temperature in the chaotic air falling in the Heaven-shaking Seal, and a layer of crystal scales outside his body cracked open, which was clearly a sign that he couldn't bear it.

This sea of ​​fire is not as simple as Ye Tian imagined, it is really dangerous.

After passing through the purple fire domain, it is the core seven-color fire domain. The temperature here is really ridiculously high. Under the coolness, it is absolutely dangerous. The terrifying heat is like a big wave, surging, and Ye Tian just stepped into it. There is a feeling that the seed coat is open and fleshy, and it is almost washed out by the heat wave.

This kind of flame is extremely terrifying, making him feel unstable for a while.


The protection of the crystal scales on his body finally failed, and cracks criss-crossed.

The surface layer of the overturned seal actually melted, as if out of self-preservation, the falling chaotic energy was also reduced, and the divine light began to be restrained.

Without the crystal scales and chaotic energy protection, Ye Tian was almost walking in the sea of ​​flames bare buttock, letting the flames burn. If it wasn't for his golden body to be strong enough, it would be really dangerous at this moment.

But even so, his whole body was burning, and his golden body was burnt red.

If it weren't for Ye Tiangang to harden the body in the sulfur marsh and the fire-gold vine, it would be a good choice to temper the golden body here. This is not necessary now, because it is not very useful.

When he walked here, he didn't find any treasures, so Ye Tian was about to leave. He couldn't commit the crime of suffering.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a strange sound in the depths of the colorful flames, like a bird's call, very loud.

Ye Tian was stunned at the time, and his hair was horrified. The colorful flames here couldn't even bear his golden eucharist. What kind of bird could survive in this environment?

Although the flames are boiling and the noise is loud, Ye Tian is confident that he won't make a mistake, and wants to go in and take a look.

He ran the chaotic golden body's fire changes, turning himself into a Suzaku bird. At the same time, the Earth Xing Yuan Pill was also running, and a chaotic golden lotus appeared beside him, dangling chaotic energy.

The ground here is not level, with huge piles of boulders, strangely shaped, like a natural stone forest.

These stones are also very peculiar, they are not ordinary stones, and there is no sign of melting in the flames that are enough to melt steel.

Fortunately, Ye Tian turned into a Vermillion Bird, able to fly, otherwise, walking would be very difficult.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Tian heard the bird's call again, as if piercing a golden cracked stone, it was very clear, making his ears and drums tingle.

In the front, a huge boulder stands tall, like a mountain, several hundred meters high, and it is golden all over, shining in the seven-colored flames. The sound of piercing gold and cracking stones came from this golden hill.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a cave, bursting with colorful Ruixia, brilliance rushing into the sky, full of magic.

Ye Tian descended from the sky, transformed into a human form, and approached cautiously with the chaotic energy of the chaotic golden lotus.

"That is…?"

Lying at the entrance of the cave, Ye Tian turned his eyes and golden pupils, penetrating the gushing colorful Ruixia, and looking inside, the whole person was suddenly stunned.

He looked at both eyes, like two golden lamps, brighter than the sun in the sky.

The scary thing is that those eyes also saw him.


Suddenly, a terrifying breath came out from the stone cave, and the gushing colorful glow turned into a torrent, surging and rushing out Ye Tian.

After the torrent of colorful glow, a huge seven-color bird rushed out of the stone cave, passed across the sky, and rushed towards Ye Tian's direction.

^0^Remember in one second【】

The entire seven-color fire field seemed to become unstable, rumbling and shaking, violent wind roaring, fire blazing, and powerful divine power fluctuations like a vast sea.

Ye Tian could hardly believe his eyes. This turned out to be a colorful phoenix, with gorgeous feathers and noble temperament. The whole body burned with seven-colored flames, and its eyes were scorched with golden light, like two small suns.

"No, there is no vitality fluctuation. This is not a real Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, but a Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit." Ye Tian suddenly contracted his pupils and quickly made a judgment.

This is a fire phoenix holy spirit bred in this area of ​​fire. It has been surpassing the heavens and the earth for millions of years, and is nurtured by nature, not a flesh and blood divine phoenix.

However, no one is weak in the Holy Spirit. As long as they can be sanctified, they have the level of golden core. The Holy Spirit can be as powerful as a dollar baby and transforming a god. If transformed into a god, it will be comparable to returning to the vanity, harmony, and even stronger. .

The Fire Phoenix Holy Spirit instinctively regarded Ye Tian as an enemy and launched a fierce attack.


The fire phoenix holy spirit opened his mouth and spewed out a colorful torrent condensed into a liquid state. The temperature was so hot that it was unimaginable, majestic and vast, covering the sky, as if it had evolved into a small colorful world, facing Ye Tian. Come.

This is a fatal blow!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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