Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2000: Underground Chamber

When it reached the depth of six hundred feet, the first golden core tester couldn't bear the pressure and turned back.

   After that, people kept coming back.

   Ye Tian at this moment was not hindered in the slightest. The chaotic golden body's wooden changes made him feel like a fish in the water, walking with his hands on his back, better than walking in a leisurely courtyard. The gushing wooden spirits separated in front of him, forming a long corridor for him to walk through.

   Although the other people do not have his supernatural powers, all of them are extremely powerful.

   The Haotian God Child held the Haotian Mirror, and the five-color divine light radiated directly tore the gushing life essence away, and moved forward strongly, always walking in front of Ye Tian.

   Shushan Jianzi holds the Qinghong sword, opens the road every mountain, builds bridges when encountering water, and the road is unimpeded.

   The Queen of the West is on the head of the saint of Yaochi, and the mighty power descends, floating like an immortal.

At the end of the Qianzhang deep well, there were exactly ten people, Shushan Jianzi and Taoist, as well as a Jindan Junior, Haotian Godzi and two Taoists, plus a Jindan Junior, Yaochi Saintess and one Sister Jindan, and finally Ye Tian.

Sure enough, there is an underground secret room under the well, wider than a basketball court, and there are obvious traces of artificial excavation. It is not as lifeless as imagined. The strange flowers and plants are not less than on the ground. Ganoderma lucidum is densely packed with spirits. , Like a fairyland.

   Ye Tian glanced over and saw a few superb elixir, very rare.

   But Ye Tian didn't pick it, but looked at the core of the secret room.

   The life essence there is like a big waterfall, thousands of times, foggy, terrifying, and people can't help but want to bow down.

   In the surging life essence, there is an emerald green light group, hanging in the air, floating up and down in the essence.

   is this emerald green light group, illuminating the whole secret room a bright, exudes a strong breath of life.

   Boom, boom!

   The beating sound like a heart is heard from the light ball. Every time it beats, the life essence in the secret room will be like a tide, and it will be collected and released.

There is a platform below the light group, almost completely submerged by the gushing life essence, only the upper part is exposed, which is extremely magnificent.

   The light group is the green glow that burst out from Taichung, formed thousands of years later, and it is one of the two objects Ye Tian was looking for, the heart of the wood spirit.

   The underground of Daotai is where the main root of Xianxu's spiritual root is located. It is like the main pole of a big tree. The developed root system extends to all directions, spreading the entire small world, every corner.

   While on the platform, a corpse was sitting cross-legged, without a trace of flesh and blood, only a skeleton remained, like a cyan-gold color, with a cyan-gold luster, and crystal clear like glass.

Ye Tian turned his eyes and golden pupils, through the heavy fog, he saw the Daotai as a whole. It was not very tall. There were nine floors above and below, but it gave people a sense of sight like a mountainous mountain, with nine steps. It seems to represent the nine heavens, once you step on it, you can reach the heavens.

   Thousands of life essences gush out from the top of the Taoist platform, and like a waterfall, it drops down the nine steps, which is extremely magnificent.

   There are many old medicines taking root on the steps, and each plant is extraordinary, not only reaching the level of the best elixir, but some even reaching the level of the quasi-holy medicine.

   This platform made Ye Tian more frightened as he looked at it. It was clearly a starry sky teleportation array, connected to the underground spiritual root, sitting on the spiritual eye, so that he could draw a steady stream of energy.

   "A miracle!" Shushan's protector muttered, his eyes straightened.

   "Is there a person on it, is that the unknown white-clothed **** from Shushan? Unfortunately, there is only one skeleton left." Shushan Jianzi said.

   All eyes were paid, and my heart was shocked.

   This is a place of good fortune, and it's hard to find a second place between heaven and earth.

  The figure above the Daotai platform, although only a skeleton is left, still exudes a terrifying aura, just like a fairy king, which makes people want to worship on the spot. If it hadn't been for the magic weapon in everyone's hands, and part of the breath had been cut off, someone might have knelt down.

   The nine-story road platform is not tall, but it looks like a big mountain and a big tomb. The monuments are mottled and filled with the scratches of the years. In the crevices, there are a few old medicines growing tenaciously, drifting down with a refreshing fragrance, which penetrates into the bones of human beings.

   Among them, the emerald green light group floating up and down in the mist haze attracted everyone's attention and coveting heart. Running eyesight, it is not difficult to see that this green glowing group is heart-shaped, palm-sized, green like jade, and the vitality of life is exuberant. It is a kind of **** of heaven and earth.

   "Holy girl, do you remember what I said to you before? The other thing I want is it." Ye Tian raised his hand and pointed at the heart of the wood spirit.

   But, as soon as his voice fell, a figure rushed out.

   "Why do you say it's yours, it's yours, whoever grabs it first will get it."

   This is a golden core tester of the Vast Sky Immortal Sect, the junior and senior disciple of Vast Sky Divine Child, who behaves very strongly at this moment, and he is determined to win the wood spirit.

   "Brother Ye, kid, ignorant, don't blame it," said the **** son Shushan, smiling faintly at Ye Tian, ​​but didn't stop the younger brother's actions.

   Seeing this, the Jindan Junior Brother of Jianzi Shushan also rushed out quickly, trying to fight for the heart of the wood spirit.

   The elder sister of the saint of Yaochi was about to move, but she was grabbed by her. It's not that she keeps her promise and doesn't want to be loved by others. UU Reading www. but she has a bad feeling that there will be danger on the platform.


Sure enough, as soon as Haotian Divine Child’s Jindan Junior Brother took a step on the stage, he was shocked and flew out, as if he had been critically punched, with bleeding from his mouth and nose, all over his body convulsed, and his bones crackled. Is scary.

   Shushan Jianzi’s Jindan Junior Brother was shocked, and rushed to the foot of the Taoist platform, but hesitated and did not dare to go up, lest he would also be shocked.

   The breath of a great avenue permeated the platform, and the rumbling sound roared, like an ancient universe was born and died, and the terrifying horror seemed to remind everyone not to step beyond the thunder pond.

   "It's close at hand, but can't you get it?" said one of Haotian's guardians, his expression solemn.


   A golden pill in his body is booming, surging out of monstrous divine energy, the whole body is glowing, blood is boiling, like a demon **** awakened, and then stepped out step by step and walked towards the Taoist platform.

   "God, help me clear the way with the Haotian Mirror."

   "Okay, be careful."


   The Haotian Divine Child urged the Haotian Mirror, rushing out a five-color divine light, shining on the golden core protector, and blessing him. At the same time, this five-color light can also break through the chaotic spirit on the stage.

   Awesomely, the God Child Haotian didn't buy the previous three-three-one accounts, and he was determined to win this wood spirit.

   Although he doesn't understand this heaven and earth **** treasure, anyone with some common sense can see that it is extraordinary, at least comparable to the holy medicine, and precious.

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