Click, click!

   The marks of the knife continued to spread, and eventually almost cut the sword weapon spirit into two, and the wound was difficult to heal. Even the whole ghost-like figure has become unstable, there are signs of dissipating, and the breath has dropped sharply.

   "What kind of supernatural powers are you?" Sword Breaker looked at Ye Tian in horror.

   "Surrender, or die!" Ye Tian said in a low voice, like a demon out of hell, suffocating.

   "You are looking for death!" Broken Sword Spirit was furious, and hurriedly rushed towards Broken Sword deep in the mist.

   As long as he returned to Broken Sword, Ye Tian would have nothing to do with it, and his injuries could be resolved slowly.

   "Second Sword!" Ye Tian stepped forward abruptly and slashed out again, still the blade of time.

   The knife cut out, and a strand of hair on his forehead suddenly turned gray.


   The void was imprisoned again, time stopped flowing, and the Sword Breaker Spirit was locked in it, like a mosquito in amber, unable to move a finger, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.


   There is no trace of time, and the years are like a knife. Once again, he swipes across the sword-breaker spirit, leaving only a simple mark, which does not seem to cause much damage.

But after a moment, time began to flow, and the Sword Breaker Spirit uttered a scream, a straight wound, starting from its Tianling cover, spreading down, and almost split it in half again, forming the first wound. A "ten" character.

   The breath on its body faded again, and its body became more blurred, like a plume of cooking smoke, which may dissipate at any time.

   The wound was very narrow, but it couldn't heal. Sometimes the law of time remained.

   "I know, time, this is the power of time. Human kid, who are you? It's just a mere condensed pill, and you can master the power of time?" The Sword Breaker spirit roared and asked Ye Tian angrily.

   Although it still looks aggressive, it obviously has no confidence, and it is terrified.

  Time and space are the only supreme avenues in the universe, which is extremely difficult to control.

   Even in the heyday of immortal cultivation before the earth eternally, the golden pill was like rain, and some primordial infants were born, but the time and space avenue was impossible for them.

  Even, even the transcendental power that can ramp up the universe and truly master the avenue of time and space is very rare, only for the first time.

   "Human race junior, I don't want your holy spirit to practice the secret method, let you go, how about you and me shaking hands?" Sword Breaker Ling said, his body trembling.


   Ye Tian responded by taking a step forward, stepping on it under his feet, revealing only one neck.

   "Either surrender or die!" Ye Tian said in a cold voice, and the sword came back again, and a blade of time that was as thin as autumn water emerged between his palms.

   Using the power of time three times in a row, Ye Tian consumed a lot. His movements were much heavier and slower than the previous two times. More hair on his head turned gray.

   With this knife, Ye Tian was about to chop off the head of the sword weapon spirit, which really moved.

The Sword Breaker Spirit struggled fiercely, posing a posture of dying with Ye Tianyu and breaking the net. The black mist with a radius of tens of kilometers was all under its control, turning into a thousand swords, stabbing Ye Tian directly, and at the same time the mist The broken sword in the depths was also spurred by it. The half-cut sword, with its hilt, tore through the void, and flew over at extreme speed.


However, as the blade of time between Ye Tian’s palm and fingers fell, the void solidified again, time stopped flowing again, thousands of sword lights stopped in front of and behind Ye Tian, ​​and the black broken sword also hovered over. The top of Ye Tian's head remained motionless.

   "Finally, you lunatic, stop it!" Sword Breaker Spirit roared and couldn't take it anymore.

  Although he is confident that he can kill Ye Tian, ​​but Ye Tian's blade of time will fall, and it will be fatal.

   "You first pass on my indispensable Holy Spirit Cultivation God Chapter, and I will consider whether I am the master or not," said the Sword Breaker Spirit.


   Time is like a knife, and with a light stroke on the neck of the sword-breaker spirit, an insignificant wound emerged, gushing out the vitality, and spreading heart-piercing pain.

   "Enough, stop, stop, I think you are the master." The Broken Sword Spirit shouted, but was defeated by Ye Tian after all, took the initiative to withdraw thousands of sword lights, and the black broken sword also fell.

   Ye Tian's eyes were dull, without a trace of emotion, his palms shook, and the blade of time disappeared.

   The Sword Breaker was so helpless, but he had to put away his defenses and let Ye Tian plant a brand on it.

   In fact, this kind of branding is nothing but a virtual reality to it, and it will be worn away soon.

   Really, it is taking retreat as a further step, first obtaining Ye Tian’s Holy Spirit Cultivation God Chapter, and then finding a way to escape.

   You need to know that the true spirit is a pill to become a holy, comparable to the golden core monks of mankind, there is no place to go in this world.

   But when he saw Ye Tian planting the branding technique, it panicked.

   I saw that Ye Tian suddenly rushed out of a golden villain from his eyebrows, holding a small golden sword in his arms, and drawing runes in the void with the power of spiritual thoughts.

   This rune, incomparably mysterious, not only has the laws of time and space that Ye Tiangang comprehend, but also draws blue dragon, white tiger, vermillion bird, basalt, golden lotus, five divine forms, containing infinite laws and rules.

   After writing this talisman seal, the aura on Ye Tian's body dropped a bit.

   This talisman is unnamed, if it is forcefully called it, it can only be called Dao talisman, or the talisman of the law, which is condensed from invisible laws.

   Then Ye Tian pointed it out gently, and the talisman turned into a golden light, rushing into the body of the sword-breaking weapon spirit.

   "Stop it, wait!" Sword Breaker had a bad premonition, and hurriedly called out loudly, wanting to regret it.

   At the same time, a terrifying aura burst out of its body, urging the black broken sword in front of its eyes to attack Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian ignored all obstacles. The Talisman of Law ignored all obstacles. It rushed into the body of the sword-breaker spirit like clouds and flowing water, and disappeared like a clay cow into the the moment when the Taoist Fu entered the body, the sword-breaker The body of the spirit suddenly stiffened, and a force of imprisonment surged across the body.

   The black broken sword that came quickly, with half of the hilt, hovered three feet in front of Ye Tian's eyebrows, and was caught by Ye Tianyi's hand.

  The blade of the broken sword is connected to the hilt, but it is obvious that there is a missing piece in the middle, it is rusty, and the divinity has also been lost a lot. Fortunately, the weapon spirit is still there, and Broken Sword can still exert its terrifying power.

   On the hilt of the sword, besides the word "诛", there is indeed a word "Xian".

   "Zhu Xianjian!" Ye Tian was overjoyed, everything was just as he had guessed.

   "What brand did you plant for me?" Sword Breaker yelled.


   A powerful Qi burst out of its body, trying to break through the restraints.

   However, not only did the restraint force not loosen, but the restraint force became stronger.

   "It's useless, unless your understanding of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth surpasses me, otherwise the imprisoning power of Taoism will never be cracked." Ye Tian flicked his finger and said calmly.

   "Well, good, you are good. One day, I will completely crush you." Broken Sword Spirit said in a jealous voice. Ye Tian is just a small pill now, as long as it transforms into the Holy Spirit, it can surpass it.

   It's just that the Sword Breaker Spirit didn't know that, Ye Tian said that it surpassed him, not now, but his previous life's perception of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, which is a true immortal of Hedao.

   I want to surpass the sword weapon spirit, at least I have to become a god.

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