There was a trial disciple who had encountered it before, and there was a lingering fear in his heart.

   The black giant python that soared through the clouds and mist was also a beast king, with a huge body capable of crushing mountains.


Below   , Ye Tian, ​​surrounded by gold and blood, suddenly rushed out, vacated in the air, and fought with Jinpeng Bird.


   After just a few flicks, bright red Peng blood was spilled.

   Ye Tian was holding a purple sword, unshakable, and suddenly pierced a blood hole as large as a washbasin in one of the wings of a Jinpeng bird. The blood was like a pouring rain, and the ground was stained scarlet.

Ye Tian is invincible. After taking the blood phoenix fruit, the aura on his body continues to rise, the monstrous blood envelops him like a burning cloud, and the whole figure is like a divine phoenix who is in a reborn transformation, surging. The energy of is worried that there is nowhere to release it.

   Then he hacked several swords again, each of which was earth-shaking, almost cutting off the wings of the Golden Peng Bird, his body was shaky, his body was bloody, and his golden feathers were dyed red.

   Ren Jinpengniao is the Golden Core Beast King, and can't bear such an attack.

   It shook hard with its wings, but the wings were cut apart, it shook hard with iron claws, and the iron claws were cut off,...

   Jinpeng Bird wailed, shaking its wings violently, and went straight to the sky, trying to submerge in the clouds and escape from this dangerous place.

   At the same time, it also displayed a peerless big killer move. The feathers all burst up suddenly, and each of them was spraying thin sword energy, like ten thousand swords returning to the sect, strangling towards Ye Tian.


   Thousands of sword lights impacted, blazing and dazzling. Each of them was as thick as a bucket and was unmatched in sharpness. It stood up high and submerged Ye Tian in it all at once.

   This is a shuddering offensive. Ten thousand swords came out, smashing the high sky, and even the golden core was going to drink hate and was pierced into a sieve.

  In the distance, all the spectators were chilled back, and they could truly feel the horror of the Golden Peng Birds and Ten Thousand Swords. If you ask yourself, if you are any of them, it is absolutely impossible to fight so calmly.


   In the end, he saw that Ye Tian turned the sky-turning mark on his head, shattering the sword beams, and rushed forward, attacking the Jinpeng Bird King.

  , there was a splash of blood, like a pouring rain. After the Golden Peng Bird was overtaken by Ye Tian, ​​one of its wings was torn off. The scene was extremely **** and somewhat brutal.

   woo woo!

   Jinpeng Bird was desperate, let out a mournful cry, opened his mouth and spit out a small golden ball, and shot it away at a distance.

   This is its golden core, and its spirit is wrapped in it.

   Ye Tian's eyes were cold, his blood flashed, and the huge body of Jinpeng Bird was slashed. The golden core engulfing the divine soul finally failed to escape. After rushing out several thousand feet, it was smashed into pieces by the Ziying Sword.

   Seeing this, the black giant python turned around in fright, flying away in the mist.

   At the scene, the crows were silent, only the scarlet Peng's blood was spilled and stained all over the sky. The two halves of the torn Peng's corpse fell to the ground with a bang, shaking the ground.

   A group of golden beasts appeared like hyenas, and once they swallowed it, they quickly swallowed the corpse of Pengbird cleanly.

   Ye Tian sat on the back of the Gold Devouring Beast King again. This time, the Gold Devouring Beast King did not offer any conditions. He carried him and rushed towards the crowd watching the battle in the distance.


   The thick iron hoof of the Golden Devouring Beast King cracked the ground, and every leap was dozens of feet away, like a flash of lightning.

   Ye Tian's body is shrouded in divine light, shining like the scorching sun, flaming like a divine fire, holding a purple sword in one hand, like an immortal fairy king in the lower realm, shocking people.

   A group of golden beasts followed, and the momentum that erupted was like a thousand horses, it was really terrifying.

  The people who watched the battle in the distance all changed color. Some people had ghosts in their hearts. They tried to disadvantage Ye Tian just now and hurriedly fled.

   Zhang Daochen didn't leave, and stood with the people from Shushan, his body straight, and he looked like he was not afraid of shadows.

   As a result, Ye Tian did not chase those who ran away, and mounted the Golden Devouring Beast King, but rushed towards him.

   This made his heart jump for a while, the big sword in his hand clenched involuntarily, and his mana was also running.

   After all, he is a golden pill, afraid, but not scared to get down.

   If Ye Tianzhen dared to make a move, he might not dare to fight and fight to death.

   "Congratulations to Brother Ye for defeating Prince Jinwu. Starting from today, you must be the throne of the first person in the younger generation." Shushan Jianzi smiled softly and bowed his hand to Ye Tian.

  The protector of Shu Mountain had cold eyes, staring at the big sword in Ye Tian's hand.

   "Where did you get this sword?" Shushan's protector asked, although his tone was still cold, but it was not as strong as before.

   was himself, who had preached the golden core for decades, facing Ye Tian, ​​there was no certainty that he would win.

   However, Ye Tian ignored him at all, driving the Golden Devouring Beast King, and rushed straight towards Zhang Daochen, with a murderous expression on his face.

   "What do you want to do?" Zhang Daochen asked angrily. At the same time, he raised the big sword in his hand and stood in front of him, urging his mana to guard against Ye Tian.

   After all, he really took action against Ye Tian just now. Although he was stopped by the sage of Yaochi, he was very guilty in his heart, worried that Ye Tian would find him back.


The big sword shattered, and Ye Tian rushed past. The purple sword was radiant and brilliant like a galaxy. Zhang Daochen let out a scream and couldn't stop it. The abdomen was pierced by a sword, and blood splashed. , And then was picked up by Ye Tian holding the sword in one hand and hung in the air.

   It is useless for him to have many protective magic weapons on his body. Under the peerless blade of the Ziying Sword, all the protective magic weapons can not withstand a single blow, and the golden core treasures that have been tempered are like tofu, which can be easily penetrated.

   Everyone in the audience was shocked, full of shock, all involuntarily stepped back, far away from this demon god.

   Ye Tian's speed was really too fast. From Zhang Daochen's horizontal sword in front of him to his piercing with a sword, it was all done among the electric flint flowers. Even if Shushan Jianzi was standing next to him, he couldn't stop him.


   Zhang Daochen is also a golden pill anyway, it is so vulnerable, as fragile as tofu, which is really disappointing.

   For a while, there was a dead silence on the scene, and there was no sound!

   The **** Jian Feng was shocking.

   Zhang Daochen was like a grasshopper, being picked on the tip of the sword, shaking constantly, the mana of his body was rapidly losing.

   This sword was not only as simple as piercing his abdomen, but also slashed a golden core, and the Dantian Qi sea was broken, so that Zhang Daochen didn't even have the strength to struggle.

   The blood flowed down the sword, making Ye Tian's big hand holding the sword stained red with blood.

   This scene really makes people's spine chill, and a chill rushes from the soles of the feet, directly on the sky.

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