Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1982: bloody battle

There were ten Highnesses of the Golden Crow Sect, all of them were Tianjiao outstanding figures, but nine of them died, all of them were beheaded by one person, and only the Golden Crow Prince was still alive. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

   Everyone in the audience couldn't calm down, I just thought it was too unreal.

   This is the Golden Crow tribe, a powerful race that has been strong forever. It is known as the number one killer and the courageous champion of the past and present. Who would have thought that there would be today?


   Now that everything is superfluous, only by beheading Ye Tian can he alleviate a trace of his hatred.


   He came out with a spear, and his body exuded a sharp edge that was the world's best. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a peerless war spear, with murderous aura pervading the nine heavens.

   Now that the nine brothers are all dead, he has no scruples anymore, launching a lore, even if the fish die and the net breaks, he will not hesitate.


The Wujin spear pierced through the sky and the earth. With the trembling of the golden crow prince, thousands of cold killing awns appeared. Each of them was real. There was the power of piercing the gold and cracking the stone. Soon, Shamang spread over the sky, like a sky collapsed, and the aura of destruction swept across the sky and the ground.

   Wherever the killer mang passed, the mountains and rivers shook, the earth broke apart, everything was shattered, it was difficult to resist, and the peerless edge can penetrate all tangible things.

"Go and kill all the remaining children of the Golden Crow tribe. This golden spirit fruit is your reward." Ye Tian took out a golden spirit fruit and stuffed it into the mouth of the Gold Devouring Beast King, and then removed it from the Gold Devouring Beast King. Leaped up on his back, stepped into the sky, and rushed towards Prince Golden Crow.

   There are still a few missing fish from the Golden Crow clan who are still alive, running faster than rabbits. Ye Tian is too lazy to do it himself, just let the Golden Beast King do it.


   The Golden Beast King roared, his body was full of golden light, the breath of the Invincible Beast King made people tremble with endless chills, and he involuntarily retreated.

   Boom, boom!

   The ground shook the mountain, and the Golden Devouring Beast King really chased the disciples of the Golden Crow tribe who had slipped through the net, roaring loudly and fiercely in a mess.


   A Golden Crow child who ran like a bereaved dog, was soon overtaken by the Golden Devouring Beast. A large iron hoof with a grinding plate stepped on it, and the whole person turned into blood mud, staining a piece of land with blood red.


  The Golden Beast King opened his mouth, and the blood from a place was sucked into his mouth. He didn't even let the white woods in the shattered skull, as if he was eating the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, with relish.

   You know, the gold-eater not only eats gold, but is also bloodthirsty!

   "Go, kill it!"

   Seeing this, the Golden Crow Prince also rushed out from the back of Huang Jinxian, letting Huang Jinxuan go to a decisive battle with the Golden Devouring Beast.


  Golden 犼 roared, shook like thunder, grinned with teeth, a thick golden hair exploded, and each one was as straight and tough as a steel pin, and glared at the Golden Beast King.

   A breath of supremacy among the beasts radiated from the body of the golden silk, which was frightening.

  Golden Yen is a powerful race of brutal beasts, resembling a lion, but more feral and good at fighting. In some myths and legends, it is a mount of gods.


   Ye Tian slammed a fist and shook the Ujin lance of the Golden Crow Prince with a golden fist, sparks splashed everywhere, and a sonorous voice shook the sky.

   Only he dared to fight hand-to-hand with Prince Golden Crow with bare hands. Such courage alone is worthy of awe.

   Of course, he is not trying to be brave, but wants to borrow the hands of Prince Golden Crow to sharpen his body.

Both of his palm fingers turned into golden colors, like immortal gods of gold, not war soldiers, but better than war soldiers, hitting on the spear shaft again and again, making the straight spear shaft a bit twisted and straight. The world broke and the ground broke, and the ghosts were crying and howling.

   A terrifying wave erupted between the two of them, like waves in the vast sea, devastating and ruining, endless destruction, big cracks one after another, spreading in all directions.

   The battle between the two was extremely fierce, and people couldn't keep up with their eyes. Only two brilliant lights were fighting each other, and every collision was earth-shattering, like a big collision between heaven and earth.

   The two flew to the sky, and they moved from one place to another in an instant, as if they were crossing the void, their bodies were radiant and powerful, and they were shocking.

   Ye Tian bare-handed fists, but he did not let the wind fall in the slightest. His body was like an immortal soldier, not inferior to the spear in the hands of Prince Golden Crow.

   "Is this the collision of the strongest bloodline? It is amazing. As expected, other people can't compare with it. If you go up, you will die without life."

   There were bursts of exclamation from the crowd onlookers.

   This is a thrilling scene. Every move and every style can be called a lore. It makes people chill and breathe constantly.

   is so far apart, everyone can feel the terrifying killing intent, like falling into an ice cave.


   The Prince Golden Crow roared, his whole body exploded, and he turned into a burning man. In his hand, the Ujin spear stabs and shoots out one after another, each one is as thick as a bucket, and the sharpness is unmatched.


   The sky's killing light burst out, like a thousand arrows shooting, stab Ye Tian overwhelmingly, and even the void was riddled with holes.


   Ye Tian was not afraid, and he swung out a golden fist, and the golden fighting spirit burst out from the tip of the fist, like the waves of the vast sea, and the golden waves were heavy.


   Ye Tian has the charm of Dao between his hands and feet, adhering to the method of breaking ten thousand with one force, smashing the spears to pieces.

  At this time, the Golden Devourer and the Golden Sword also fought together.

  In the beginning, the two beast kings could evenly divide the colors, but gradually the golden ya fell into a disadvantage. The gold-eater not only has sharper mouths than it, but its flesh is also indestructible, just like a body made of copper and iron, making it impossible to lay its mouth.


  Golden Ya roared, the sound spread for hundreds of miles, this time he opened his mouth and spit out, and flew out a golden disc, more than two meters in diameter, and whirled at the Golden Devouring Beast King.


   The golden disc pierced through the sky, bright and brilliant, and the outer edge was extremely sharp, like a round moon knife wheel.


  Golden Devourer Beast King didn't even dodge, letting this knife-wheel-like disc slash on him, but instead threw out, raising a big paw to pat the Gold Devouring Beast.


   Between the golden palms of the Golden Devouring Beast, dense innate patterns emerged, killing thousands of weights, as if to be intertwined into a terrible prison.


   The round moon knife wheel slashed on the gold-devouring beast king's body, and a string of sparks spattered, and a dozen pieces of golden scales fell, but it was OK.

   But Huang Jinyan was slapped by the big paw of the Golden Devouring Beast King and flew out, staring at the gold star for a while, and even standing a little unstable.

   To make matters worse, more Gold Devouring Beasts rushed out of the black mist to fight alongside the Gold Devouring Beast King.

   For an instant, Huang Jinyan fell into a desperate situation, including the fish that slipped through the net among the Jinwu tribe.


At this time, a loud noise came from the battlefield. Ye Tian's punch seemed to have penetrated the nine heavens. Various runes were imprinted between the golden palms. The spear in the hands of the Golden Crow Prince, immediately after this punch, hit the Golden Crow Prince's chest again.


   Prince Jinwu’s chest was pierced all of a sudden, scarlet blood splashed everywhere, bones and rotten flesh were splashed all over the floor, leaving a shocking blood hole.

   Prince Jinwu also slammed Ye Tian's body with a punch. It was also in the position of the chest cavity. It was sunken in a big piece, but he could not penetrate, only a few ribs were broken.

   Ye Tian’s golden body is, after all, much stronger than the Golden Crow body of Prince Golden Crow. If one is refined steel, the other is just ordinary steel.


   The Prince Golden Crow spouted a mouthful of old blood, and hurriedly retreated, and distanced himself from Ye Tian.

   Although the blood hole in the chest looked shocking, for the existence of the Golden Crow Prince at this level, it was far from losing his life. At the wound, strands of golden haze grew, like thousands of silk threads, constantly intertwined, to stitch up the wound.

   At the same time, there was a loud rumbling noise from his body, which shook the world.

   This is a powerful wound repair magic technique that can restore the wounded of the Golden Crow Prince in the first time, but it will consume a part of the body's energy.

   Ye Tian also has his own healing magic, the Suzaku Nirvana regeneration magic, which healed his injuries faster than the Golden Crow Prince.

   Although he had condensed four yuan pill, he was always using a golden yuan pill to grind his body against the enemy, and he was also honing the gold yuan pill.


   Ye Tian climbed to the sky in one step, holding the Heaven-shaking Seal in his left hand, and came to the high sky, just above Prince Jinwu.


  The terrible Shengwei rushed out, like a huge ocean slamming the shore, the sky was moving, the sky-shaking seal suppressed it, and the earth was riddled with holes and constantly cracking.

   Prince Jinwu hit back with the Sun God Pan, like a big sun rising slowly, rushing out of the endless flames, and struck across the sky.


   Like a big collision of The sky is shaking, and the frightening breath rushes in all directions.

   There are violent waves everywhere, strong lights everywhere, and destructive energy everywhere. There seems to be no safe place under this sky.

  Many onlookers were shocked. The creatures were smeared with charcoal, blood stained the earth, and even the condensed pills fell.

   But the Golden Crow Prince's heart is like a stone, his eyes are full of killing intent, the fall of life, the bone and blood of the tester, he didn't care at all, he just wanted to kill Ye Tian.

   The sun **** disk was fully urged by him, and the **** mark revived, shaking out a wave of energy, and the destructive Qi machine turned into a vast ocean, it was like a round of Shenyang bombarded, and finally Ye Tian's sky-shaking mark was shaken off.

   "Ye Xiao Devil, you kill my eight brothers, you have a sea of ​​blood and hatred, and you don't share the same heaven!" The Golden Crow prince went mad, and his anger was to the extreme, and his internal organs were about to burn.

   Actually, he didn't know that the prince of the Golden Crow was also killed by Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian really killed his nine brothers, not eight.


   The Sun God Pan was held in front of his chest and suppressed Ye Tian.

   "The people I kill are all people who deserve to be killed." Ye Tian responded simply, without unnecessary nonsense.

   In this situation, there must be a death between the two in order to stop the fight.

   Ye Tian cleaved the Ziying Sword, blocking the blow of the Sun God Disk.

   For a while, the sky broke and the earth cracked, there were bright lights everywhere, nothing else could be seen, and even the two sides of the duel were temporarily submerged.

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