Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1963: Masked Assassin

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A cut-off sword, very inconspicuous, but shattered the legendary Saint Soldier of the Overlord, pierced through his body, and penetrated a blood hole that was transparent from the front and back, which was the size of the mouth of the sea bowl.

Ye Tian's powerful killing intent, through the broken sword, even shattered his aura, and his soul was instantly shattered.


Before his death, Ba Tianye only said this word, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.


The huge corpse, more than two meters high, fell straight down, shaking the mountain and trembling, and blood splashing far away.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the audience, and everyone took a breath!

Even though everyone is mentally prepared, Tyrannosaurus may not be Ye Tian's opponent, but being knocked out by just one move is still unacceptable and difficult to calm down.

This is just like a fantasy, very unreal.

"What is the origin of the black broken sword in his hand?"

Many people were shocked and looked at the broken sword in his hand.

If it weren't for this sword to be sharp enough to crush the Holy Soldiers of the Overlord, the battle would not end so easily, and it might not even be able to kill the Overlord.

This sword was really inconspicuous, it was dark, with rust stains on the surface. From a distance, it was really like a burning iron rod, smoked black.

Everyone would never have imagined that this humble broken sword would be so sharp.


A ray of light from the avenue descended from the sky, covering the whole body of Ba Tianye.

However, after all, he was not lucky enough to be able to leave a fairly intact corpse and send it to the outside world. Just when the light of the avenue was about to roll up his corpse, the corpse suddenly split in four or five and exploded into blood, mud and broken bones.

However, since the light of the avenue had descended, it still sent the blood mud and broken bones out, and fell outside the domain gate where the hidden gate disappeared.

Even though there were only blood mud and broken bones, the identity of the Tyrant was quickly recognized, because the physique of the Tyrant combat body was different from other physiques, and the blood and the bones were very special.

Of course, there are some other clues, such as the soul lamp of the Ba Tian Ye in the Tyrant Sect has gone out, and so on.

Overlord was dead, and this information soon swept through the entire hidden door, like an earthquake, causing the small world to tremble, and everyone's heart was shaken, unable to calm down.

There was a golden core aura on the corpse, and even fragments of golden core could be found, indicating that it was clear that Domination had already proven the golden core before his death, and it was the second grade of golden core just like the Son of Crape Myrtle.

Both the Tyrannical Sect and Ziwei Sect belong to the first-class strong sects, second only to the four top sects.

Ba Tianye is also a proud son of heaven comparable to the Son of Crape Myrtle. If you want to overcome the catastrophe, you will be able to prove the Golden Core a few years earlier, just like the Son of Crape Myrtle.

Every Jin Dan Tianjiao is a character who wants to be included in the annals of cultivation history. The fall of such a character is really a great loss to the hidden gate.

On this day, the Tyrannical Sect wailed up and down, filled with suspense and endless sorrow. The true master disciple died, as if the sky had fallen.

"Who killed Ba Amano?"

"Will it be Devil Ye Xiao?"

"It must be him. Although the corpse of Tyrant Wild does not have the sword aura of the Ziying Sword remaining, I can feel the killing intent of Devil Ye Xiao. This killing intent is very weak, and most people can't perceive it."

"Yes, the killing intent is weak, but it is very real, and it is the same as the killing intent on Devil Ye Xiao."


After a round of discussion, Ba Tianye's death was once again counted on Ye Tian.

The overlord of the Overlord Tianzong was hated and mad. After rising to the sky, he held a spear and smashed several mountains in succession. He wished to enter the Fairy Ruins now, but he couldn't do it.

The two Jindan Tianjiao, the son of Ziwei and Ba Tianye, died one after another, which sounded the alarm for the hidden door and made the four top sects panic. Will Ye Tian take their **** son and saint?

At the beginning of the trial, when Ye Tian entered the Immortal Ruins, some people had expressed similar worries, but they did not expect that worries had become reality.

"Don't come out alive, this desolate demon king, or let his body be broken to pieces." The Golden Crow Clan said.

"My Shushan and Ye Xiao Devil's hatred are not shared." Shu Shan also uttered cruel words.

"I Haotian..."

"My crape myrtle..."

"I am bullying..."


The three top sects declared war on Ye Tian one after another, and they were listed as the number one enemy of the Tianzi of their respective sects.

Immediately afterwards, the first-rate sect, the second- and third-rate sect, also began to declare war on Ye Tian.

For a while, it seemed that the entire inner hidden gate was mobilized, and they wanted to join forces to punish Ye Tian, ​​except for Yaochi and the sect behind him.

The Hidden Gate has rarely been so united, forming alliances, uniting and cooperating for a common goal.

The pressure on the sacred place of Yaochi is very high.

Many voices came out, letting Yaochi Holy Land release Ye Tian's apprentice, Xiaoyue'er, to accept the trial of the teachings and make atonement for his teacher.

Our Lady of Yaochi withstood the pressure and remained unmoved.

However, some second- and third-rate sects who followed Yaochi couldn't bear this pressure, and were unwilling to follow Yaochi anymore, following the general trend, and declaring war on Ye Tian.

Even inside the Yaochi, some voices were heard, giving up a little month to protect the entire Yaochi, and not let a single mouse feces ruin a pot of soup.

Puff puff!

A sword light swept across, and several female disciples of Yaochi who were chewing on the roots of their tongues and deliberately arguing about the sect of the sect were cut off their heads with a sword from the Virgin Mary, and the sound was finally suppressed a little. The Yaochi Holy Land recovered to be quiet, but secretly it was also panic.

Xianxu, deep in the mountains and forests, a **** killing field.

The corpse of the Tyrannical Field disappeared, leaving only a pool of bright red blood on the ground, which shocked people's hearts and throbbed the hearts of all the trial disciples who followed.

Ye Tian proudly faced everyone on the spot, his breath dropped, and his golden blood was restrained, showing a beautiful face, like a harmless boy next door, but still terrifying, giving people a kind of god. The magical sense of sight.


The same voice sounded in everyone's hearts almost at the same time.

Even the disciples of the Tyrant Tianzong were no exception, they didn't dare to seek revenge from Ye Tian, ​​because there was no possibility of success.

At this moment, on a high mountain in the distance, a tall figure appeared, covering her face with black veil, and her appearance was not to be taken lightly.

Suddenly, this person bends his bow and shoots arrows, making a gust of wind and thunder, and shoots at Ye Tian.

call out!

A blazing divine rainbow rushed out, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. As soon as it appeared, it made the mountains tremble, the wind raged, the rocks collapsed, and the clouds were vast and unpredictable.

This person made a sneak attack, taking advantage of Ye Tian not paying attention, the arrow feather shot at Ye Tian's back.

He shot from a long distance, thinking that he was afraid of Ye Tian.

The cold and faint arrows are breathtaking, as if they are about to destroy the world, with amazing lethality.

This is a big steel arrow, as thick as a war spear. It was shot out by a big bow, and it sounded like dragons and tigers roaring all day long.

There are several deep blood tanks above the sharp arrow, showing a dark red color, with Ye Tian's name engraved inside, and a few drops of golden blood, which is Ye Tian's golden holy blood.

Ye Tian walked along the way and fought again and again, with wounds on his body and bleeding out of blood.

These drops of golden holy blood must have been picked up on the battlefield, not from Ye Tian.

Obviously, this secret killer came prepared.

The steel arrow is very unusual. It has been blessed by a master of Gedai. It is a peerless forbidden weapon with cursing power. Once shot, it can tear the void, absorb the essence of the ten directions, and keep chasing Ye Tian.


The void trembled, and the blood-colored steel arrow shattered the void, destroying it and decayed. The void seemed to be nonexistent, and it rushed behind Ye Tian with just one or two fingers.

Ye Tian didn’t notice that there was a sneak attack behind him, but his keen sense of spirit still made him feel some crisis is coming. He felt cold all over, blood streaks faintly appeared between the eyebrows, and the sea of ​​consciousness on the eyebrows seemed to split apart. , Icy stinging.

This feeling is like the soul is being attacked with taboo secret technique.

If you change to someone else, even if you can perceive the danger, you may not be able to avoid it, because the speed is too fast, and it can be locked in, shocking the soul.

At this moment, Ye Tian directly displayed his magical powers, trying to escape from the place.

However, the iron arrow with a deep blood tank also rushed into the void passage, tearing the void passage continuously, and chasing after it.

Ye Tian was ready, offering a black broken sword, and blasting the iron arrow.


There was a loud noise like Hongzhong and Dalu, and the black broken sword and the iron arrow collided, like iron, splashing a large splendid spark.


The blood-colored iron arrow broke every inch, and then the arrow exploded suddenly, as if it detonated a small nuclear weapon, surging out of destructive energy, and even a mushroom cloud rose on the spot, and several nearby mountains were shaken. split.

This blood-colored iron arrow turned out to be a peerless weapon, specially designed for the ultimate power, it is really If Ye Tian didn't wield an indestructible broken sword just now, he would smash blood with one blow. The arrow is shaken with the palm of the hand, and the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

He said that although Ye Tian broke the arrow, he was also affected by this terrifying explosion.

As for the Kill Demon Squad, a group of dozens of people, more than half of them were swallowed up by the giant explosion, screaming one after another, and some people were blown into blood mist at that time.

A flaming golden light rushed out of Ye Tian's fleshy shell, turned into a golden field and spread out, making a sound like a avenue and humming, expelling the destructive energy after the huge explosion of the iron arrow out of the body.

Then, Ye Tian took out a treasure bow, held it in his hand, lunged for thousands of times, with a cold expression. With a sudden bowstring, it looks like a full moon in an instant

He is full of hairs like a waterfall, his look is firm, his body and the bow are like a natural one, arousing a lot of vitality of the world, making the bow tires emit immense light, and the monstrous mana is condensed into a light arrow.

call out!

Ye Tian let go of the bow string coldly, and an earth-shaking light arrow rushed out, as if it could shoot the stars in the sky, it was a hundred meters long, and rushed towards a tall figure on a big mountain in the distance.

"Damn it!" With a curse, he hurriedly fled, rushing towards the foot of the mountain.

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