Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1959: Take away the broken sword

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Although this is a broken sword, the possibility of repairing it is almost zero, but the materials of the light-forged sword are extremely precious and have immeasurable value, so they will be coveted.

The main material of the broken sword is Shen Tie Jin, also called Shen Tie Zhen, or Shen Zhen Tie, which has spatial attributes and can shrink freely, becoming larger and smaller.

The main material of Ye Tian's Ziying Sword is God Iron Gold.

He once participated in an auction at Waiyinmen and bought a piece of iron and gold at a sky-high price.

The fist-big **** iron gold is so precious, not to mention this huge broken sword like a mountain.

Ye Tian stepped forward and approached the Broken Sword, preparing to collect the Broken Sword.

He was going to deploy a peerless killing formation in the Beiming Dongshan enchantment, and cooperated with the great sea formation, which was defensible, defensive, and attackable, but there was no good material on hand.

This Broken Sword can definitely be used for warmth and nourishment, and use it as an array of eyes to lay a golden core level peerless killing array.

The strength of his golden Eucharist has advanced to an incredible level. The broken sword cannot be taken away by others, and he is confident that he can do it.

Moreover, he took the Ziying Broken Soldier from the sword forest of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, which was also a divine weapon Broken Sword, and he had a wealth of experience.


When Ye Tian was still 100 meters away from Broken Sword, the whole world suddenly seemed to be turned upside down. The otherwise unremarkable Broken Sword suddenly lit up with a dim light, and the sword intent was surging like a vast ocean, even though the naked eye did not. It can be seen that there is no sharp crowing, only the faint crowing from the sword body, like a dying old man, whispering on his deathbed, but it makes people feel like they have been slashed by thousands of swords, and the body desires. crack.

This is the immortal sword intent, the traces of kendo, although invisible and invisible, it is absolutely dangerous.

The clothes on Ye Tian's body shattered into strands almost between the fingers of his fingers, and tiny traces were cut out on the golden body.

But Ye Tian was not shocked and rejoiced. Although the sword-breaking power was lost a lot, he still had the instinct to attack independently. It was not really decayed and became a piece of scrap iron.

He did not retreat, and continued to move forward step by step, approaching the broken sword.

Crystal scales appeared on his body, forming a crystal scale battle suit. Although it could not completely isolate the sword intent, it could weaken a little.

The closer you get to Broken Sword, the stronger your sword intent, as if you are facing a **** or devil, and there is a mighty coercion coming, forcing people to retreat and stay away.

When Ye Tian approached the sword body and there were five feet, the crystal scale suit on his body was a little unbearable and began to be torn.

This Divine Soldier Broken Sword was really terrifying, it was probably the sword of a pinnacle Nascent Soul, even Ye Tian's Ziying Sword could not be compared.

The golden core is divided into nine ranks, and the Nascent Soul naturally has three or six or nine ranks, which is only a gap of one level, and its combat power is also quite different.

Ye Tian didn't have much idea about the great star of Middle Earth before the ages. When he came to Xianxu, he watched the leopard in his tube, and awe gradually rose in his heart.

It was a shining age of cultivating immortals, and the land was vast. Although it could not be compared with the central galaxy world, it was definitely a hegemonic existence in this star field.


A purple sword glow rushed out of his body and turned into a purple big sword, hanging above his head. The spurted sword gas turned into a sword field, which competed with the sword power of Broken Sword and guarded Ye Tian.

In the end, he even took out the broken skyshaking seal.

Although the Great Seal is broken, it still has a certain degree of protection, which can drop the chaotic energy.

Finally, Ye Tian strode the last few feet with difficulty, and slapped a palm on the sword body.

At that moment, the earth in a radius of tens of miles shook, like an earthquake.

There was even an invisible wave surging out, spreading throughout the Xianxu. The congenital monks may not be able to perceive it, but the golden core monks are all aware of it. They only feel that their hair is creepy, no matter where they are.


Ye Tian coughed up blood, his internal organs trembled, and the whole figure seemed to be torn apart.

There were blood stains on his golden body, and golden blood stains flowed all over his body.


The three chains of order rushed out, and they were the chains of the gods of order of the void that Ye Tian tempered with void fragments, and they were wrapped around the sword body.


Ye Tian tightened the chain of the **** of order and used the power of a bull to shake the mountains, but he couldn't shake the broken sword.

"It seems that opportunistic tricks are not possible, so I still have to bother to sacrifice!" Ye Tian smiled bitterly.


He endured the pain in his body and injected mana into Broken Sword, but Broken Sword did not respond at all.

Ye Tian ignored it and continued to inject.

After the battle with the crape myrtle son, Ye Tian rested in the sulfur marsh for three days, and his mana was restored to its peak state, and his true essence was strong.

When Ye Tian consumed all the true essence in his dantian, and used most of the true essence of the Fire Xing Yuan Pill, Broken Sword finally had a slight improvement, and the light became bright.

But then, a terrible scene happened. An invisible suction came from the depths of Broken Sword. Ye Tian only felt that the huge True Qi in his body would be absorbed by Broken Sword.

10%, 20%, 30%,...

In the end, Ye Tian's mana was absorbed by almost 70%, his face was pale, even the rosy flesh and blood became skinny, such a mighty mana is absolutely comparable to a great golden core, Broken Sword finally stopped, satisfied There was a soft whistle, buzzing and shaking.

"Get up!"

Ye Tian drank low, exerting strength all over, trying to pull out the broken sword.

However, Broken Sword remained unmoved, as if it had taken root on the ground, connected to the entire mountain as one.

Without the subsequent infusion of True Essence, the sword body became dim again, and the loss of essence was very fast.

It's no wonder that so many people came forward, and they couldn't take this broken sword.

"Huh, don't you accept it after eating it dry?" Ye Tian sneered.

"How can I wasted 70% of my mana?"


Ye Tian stomped his foot abruptly, displayed a military training tactic, and began to sacrifice this broken sword, just as it was when he sacrificed to refine the broken soldier in Shu Mountain.


Rays of golden light shot out from Ye Tian's palm and fell on Broken Sword.

The light seemed to have spirituality, after falling on the sword body, it began to madly penetrate into it.


Broken Sword was aware of the crisis, and the shaking became more severe, and there was a backlash against Ye Tian's body.

"Hehe, do you still want to kill me? It's better than your master, Yuan Ying Da Neng, I didn't know that I killed too many in my previous life. Not to mention the broken sword he left behind."

Ye Tian continued to practice, urging his mana to the extreme.

After a full day and night, Ye Tian finally suppressed the restless soldiers and completely controlled them.

Although his physical body was riddled with holes and wounded more severely, and his mana was almost drained, he laughed heartily.

With a move of his mind, the broken sword kept shrinking, and finally turned into a length of more than two feet, which he grasped in his palm. In the same place, a huge pit was left.

Ye Tian observed that the broken sword that was one foot long should be only one-third or one-fourth of the original one, and the length of the entire sword should be six or seven feet long.

If it was a whole sword here, he wanted to take it away, it couldn't be so easy, and it would take ten and a half days to say nothing.

The Broken Sword is very good, and the Ziying Sword, whose quality is significantly higher than that of Ye Tian, ​​may really be the sword of a Pinnacle Nascent Soul.

After watching for a while, Ye Tian put the broken sword away. There were more than one hundred fire spirit crystals violently crushed, and the surging fire spirit ignited a nuclear explosion-like flame. He turned into a Vermillion Bird, used the magical power of devouring, opened his mouth and sucked, like a whale swallowing a cow, and sucked it into his body.

His dry flesh and blood finally had a trace of rosy, but the whole body still showed a morbid state, and the healing speed of bloodstains on his body was also very slow. If he wants to regain his peak, he will have to retreat for at least a few days to refine a lot of training resources.

But he did not choose to retreat, dragging some broken body, and continuing to move forward in the wild mountains, comprehending the roads here, and looking for possible treasures of heaven and earth.

The aura here is very plentiful. He uses a special breathing technique while walking. Each mouthful can swallow a large amount of aura, and the body's functions continue to recover, but the speed is not much.

The more you go to the center of Xianxu, the taller the mountains become. High mountains above 10,000 meters can be seen everywhere. The snow on the top of the mountain does not melt all the year round, and it is white. Mount Everest is nothing here at all.

At the same time, the more you go to the center of the Fairy Ruins, the stronger your spiritual energy will be, and the mists of Turing will float everywhere. Just taking a few mouthfuls is like taking a piece of ordinary spiritual stone. Thousands of old medicines are scarce, but there are really many elixir for hundreds of years and decades.

Ye Tian picked several rare and best elixir along the way.


In the thorn bushes ahead, a snow hare suddenly rushed out, the size of a calf.

The thorn bush was washed away by the snow hare, and Ye Tian saw a bright light out of the corner of his eye, like the light from a metal object.

Ye Tian walked in, UU read www.uukānshu. The com snow rabbit grinned unexpectedly, preventing Ye Tian from approaching.

What's ridiculous is that its body was trembling, obviously it sensed terrifying power from Ye Tian's body, knowing it was not an opponent.

Ye Tian didn't mean to kill it, just wanted to see what was in the thorn bushes.

With only a light wave of his big hand, a gust of wind raged, lowering the thorn bushes, revealing a huge metal block, the size of a bus, and a metal flying machine.

"Daxi's war aircraft!" Ye Tian hesitated and made a judgment.

This is not a flying saucer, but an irregular aircraft with several muzzles.

When Ye Tian took a closer look, he realized that this was not a complete aircraft, but just a corner, which had been cut out abruptly, with a neat sword mark.

There is a group of little snow rabbits frolicking in it, and it is surprising that the snow rabbits have made a nest in it, and the doves occupy the magpie's nest.

"Isn't it the broken sword that came out just now?" Ye Tian made an association, but didn't delve into it. After a few glances, he left, because he didn't find any value.

After all, this is only a corner of the war aircraft, not all, all the components have been destroyed almost in the years.

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