Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1355: The Fall of the Son

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The horrible wave shakes the mountains and rivers.

The crape myrtle son hadn't reached a claw, but the earth was already riddled with holes, sinking into a big pit, and uncountable rocks crumbled.

The majesty of Jin Dan, terrible!

At this time, I saw that Ye Tian refused to give up, and his body burst out with the sun-like brilliance, like a sun god, controlling the light of the world.


He punched directly across the air and went up against the sky. The vitality of the fire in the sulphur swamp was once again attracted, rolled over, gathered on the tip of his fist, and finally turned into a small sun-like fist mark.


The purple flood claws that were a hundred meters long and looked like the giant pillar of the sky exploded out of thin air under the fist of Ye Tian.

All the purple scales, muscles, muscles and bones, under the bright sun-like fist, are like paper.

The mighty purple gas in the void was dyed red, and countless flesh and blood flew across.


The Son of Ziwei let out a heart-piercing scream, and his entire palm was blown by Ye Tian.

"Damn you, I won't let you go!" The son of Ziwei was really angry, two purple beams of light shot out of Senhan's eyes.


Suddenly, a cloud of purple gas appeared all over his body, shining brightly, and surging with divine power, rapidly expanding, like a big purple cloud, covering a space of hundreds of meters in radius.

The terrifying divine power filled the void, transforming into a domain within the scope, like a small world, isolated from the inside and the outside.

In the realm, the figure of the son of Ziwei suddenly became bigger, and it truly turned into a purple dragon, which was a hundred meters long, fluctuating a breath several times larger than before, filling the world.

field! Faxiang!

At this moment, the Son of Ziwei truly exploded with extreme power.

The domain isolated Ye Tian's contact with Huo Xing Yuan Qi from the outside world, and his mana was suppressed.

In the battle just now, it was obvious that Ye Tian's power was partly from the brimstone swamp.

"This is my domain, and all the vitality of heaven and earth listens to my orders. Without the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, what would you use to fight me?" The son of Ziwei roared, and the whole person turned into a purple dragon, with a length of one hundred feet. Like a mountain, entrenched in the void.


Ye Tian also pointed like a knife, cut out a sword wave that shook the sky, and rushed towards the purple dragon like a stormy sea.


As a result, the purple dragon's mouth opened, as if chewing on crisp bones, it bit the sword light into pieces, and then swallowed it.

Ye Tian frowned, feeling a strong oppressive aura.

The sacred child of Ziwei's flood dragon magic image is truly powerful to an incredible degree.

"The golden holy blood in your body contains terrifying divine power, which is comparable to a sacred potion. It really makes me intoxicated." The crape myrtle sacred son Jiejie smiled, his mouth radiates fluid, and there is a bloodthirsty breath.

He turned into a flood dragon, became stronger and more terrifying, but his animality also increased.

In essence, because he does not have the blood of the dragon.


His huge body like a mountain directly pressed against Ye Tian, ​​his purple dragon scales shining brightly, each with a large washbasin, like a purple **** of gold, and the sound of bursts of clamor was heard.

This blow, he was determined to win, to crush Ye Tian into a powder, and to destroy his body and spirit.

At the same time, he opened his mouth wide and sucked fiercely, sucking the vitality in the domain completely, almost into a vacuum.

Except for the power of the physical body, almost all of Ye Tian's mana was imprisoned.

However, just when the huge body of the purple dragon mountain ridge was about to press on the top of Ye Tian's head, a terrifying force suddenly burst out of Ye Tian's body and rushed straight towards the Xiao Han.

The vastness of this force is like a super volcano bursting open suddenly.

In Ye Tian's body, another Yuan Dan opened the seal.

The huge dragon claws of the purple dragon were first torn apart, and then a chaotic golden lotus rose from the ground, flowing chaotic energy, as if opening up the world.

The chaotic golden lotus grew bigger and bigger, swaying endless divine brilliance, and finally broke the purple qi field of the crape myrtle son.


The son of Ziwei screamed, and the Baizhang Flood Dragon flew to a thousand meters away, smashing a large mountain to the ground, and blood filled the void.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

I saw a chaotic golden lotus standing tall, hundreds of meters high, as if it had opened up a world.

Just below the chaotic golden lotus, Ye Tian stood proudly with his hands under his shoulders, and his body was covered with glazed golden glow, like a **** who opened up the world.

"A lotus flower? What kind of law is this? He proved that the golden core is not successful? But obviously there is no feeling of golden core, just the original core. How can the mere core of the original core be so powerful?" The woman in Qingyi stared at it, and her heart was full. It's messy and can't be calm.

The same is true of the trial disciples of Ziwei Sect, dumbfounded.

"You want to **** my blood?" Ye Tian opened his feet and stepped up to the sky.

Behind him, a chaotic golden lotus swayed out of the sky of chaotic divine light, each divine light, like a heavenly sword, can kill the innate.

The sulphur marshes in a radius of more than a dozen miles are shaking, and the mountains are shaking.

"Ahhhh, I am not convinced!"

The son of crape myrtle roared, the giant tail twitched, the rock collapsed, and he rose into the air again, the scales shone with purple light, every inch of his body was overflowing with purple blood, and his body was still full of trembling aura.

Then he shook his body and charged towards Ye Tian again.


Above the sky, the Baizhang Jiaolong and the Chaos Golden Lotus which are hundreds of meters high collided together, as if two ancient kings were fighting, their breath shook the sky and the earth, stirring up shock waves one after another, breaking one flower after another. cloud.

The Baizhang Flood Dragon, with its entire body shining with purple light, flew out again.

Ye Tian took advantage of the momentum and chased after him, and the chaotic golden lotus behind him was shining brightly, filled with an aura that shook the world and the earth.

"It's impossible? Why is it?"

The son of crape myrtle was hysterical and roared loudly.

Since he proved the Golden Core, he has been a rare rival among his peers, and he is as strong as the Great Prince of the Golden Crow, and he can stand up against him without losing the wind, but now he is suppressed by a Condensed Core, driving him crazy.


He opened the big mouth of the blood basin and took a violent breath into the void. The billowing vitality was surging like a tsunami, and rushed into his huge mouth, poured into his body, and all became his food.

Its whole body is surging with energy, purple brilliance surrounds its body, like a blazing purple flame, dazzling.

A golden pill in its body also burned like a torch, releasing a huge amount of divine energy every minute and every second to maintain this huge flood dragon magical image.

Then, his dragon's body swelled and enlarged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The strange thing is that in addition to the enlarged body, the dragon's body shape is also changing, becoming more and more like a purple dragon.

"The Nine Dragons have transformed into a dragon. I didn't expect the Saint Child to be really tempered!"

The disciples of the Ziwei teacher trial who were onlookers in the distance exclaimed, their eyes widened.

This is a secret technique of conquering the world, an evolution of the bloodline. It is only recorded in the ancient books of the crape myrtle sect to turn the dragon into a dragon. There are many people in history who have been able to practice it successfully.

No wonder it is not nonsense to say that the son of crape myrtle has a trace of real dragon blood in the rivers and lakes.


In the end, the purple dragon swelled to almost a thousand feet, filling the world, casting a large shadow, like a true dragon of nine heavens.

However, what is shocking is that the Chaos Golden Lotus behind Ye Tian is also swelling, drawing strength from the earth, taking roots on the ground, and rising three thousand feet into the sky, three times larger than the Qianzhang Zilong.

Three thousand zhang chaotic golden lotus, what a majestic vastness, it compares many mountains and great mountains, almost to poke a hole in the immortal ruins.


The son of crape myrtle rushed and collided with the chaos tree again.

There was still no suspense about the result this time. The purple dragon flew horizontally and crashed into the mountains, crushing several mountains.

In this crit, the purple dragon never got up again. Because of its lack of divine power, its size kept shrinking, and finally turned into the human form of the Son of Ziwei, like a dead dog, lying in the huge pit, panting. Qi, did not die.

Ye Tian put away the golden lotus technique, rushed over in one step, standing on the edge of the giant pit, looking down.

A group of trial disciples of the Ziwei Sect also rushed over. Although they were terrified in their hearts, they also stood as a line of defense in front of the son of Ziwei, facing the majesty of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian stood with his hand, his eyes flashing cold, staring for a moment, and finally did not choose to kill him.

Ye Tian didn't want to kill a Tianjiao, this would be a great loss for the earth's monastic world.

Moreover, the son of Ziwei is still upright and upright, this time it's just about getting money. If you change to someone else, you will probably do the same.

"Let's go, I won't kill you. I'll do it for myself." Ye Tian turned around, stepped on the void, and stepped away, rushing to the center of the brimstone swamp.

"Go away too!"

On the way, Ye Tian spotted the woman in Tsing Yi and yelled at him.

The woman in Tsing Yi almost cried as she received a pardon.

However, just when Ye Tian was about to come to the Sulfur Marsh, a dragon chant came from behind, and then he heard the sound of the shaking sword.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

A dragon sword flew out, tearing through the void, and coming straight towards Ye Tian, ​​the domineering power seemed to collapse nine heavens and ten earth, and the void became unstable.

The blade of the dragon's head, the pattern of the nine-claw blade, and the dragon's tail turned into a knife handle, even though the sun in the sky would be eclipsed by its light.

The distance of thousands of feet seemed to be nonexistent, and the void was torn one after another. With just a few snaps, Xue Liang's blade cut to the top of Ye Tian's head.

Thousands of feet away, on the edge of the giant pit, the Son of Ziwei is surging with mana and spirits, and is in control of this dragon sword.

"If you don't kill me, then I will kill you!" Said Ziwei Shengzi viciously, the original purple eyes, with a hint of blood red, as if possessed by a demon.

He cannot accept his failure!

With this knife, his blood was almost drained, and his face turned pale.

A group of dozens of trial disciples of the Ziwei Sect, all shot, input mana into his body, and jointly controlled the knife.

However, what shocked them was that Ye Tian didn't turn his head at all, nor did he counterattack. He kept his hands behind his back and moved forward step by step.

Just when the Dragon Blade was about to smash his head, suddenly a purple glow rushed out of his sky spirit cover and turned into a purple big sword. The mighty force stunned Jiu Xiao, causing the sun, moon and stars to tremble.

A group of Ziwei Sect's trial disciples all shrank their pupils, because this was clearly a magic weapon, and the extreme coercion exuded was even higher than that of the Dragon Slashing Sword.


The dragon sword and the Ziying sword collided, and the sound was earth-shaking, and the mountains below were shattered. Suddenly, the sky was covered with rays of light, the path marks were endless, the void rumbled, and the air of destruction swept in all directions.

This is a confrontation between the extreme gods and soldiers, it is almost like two Yuanying Tianjun resurrected, engaged in a earth-shattering battle.


Ghosts cried and howled, the wind roared, and the world was bleak, as if the world was annihilated.

The Dragon Slashing Sword was actually suppressed, and was slashed out by the Ziying Sword.

Although this knife is lacking, it is a magic weapon after all. The reason why it will be smashed is not because the knife is not good, but the person who urges the knife is not good. The son of Ziwei seems to be demonized, and the spirit and spirit also fell into it. To the bottom.

If he used the Dragon Slashing Sword in his peak state, he would still be able to compete with the Ziying Sword somewhat, although the outcome was not optimistic.

Bang, bang, bang!

The Dragon Blade was smashed into the air, dragged by the Qi machine, the sage child of Ziwei, and the disciple of the Ziwei teach trial who instilled mana into him, all surged with energy and blood, and flew upside down, as if being hit by a mountain.


Along the way, he was going smoothly, he couldn't accept his failure at all, and he was defeated by a condensate pill, which was simply a shame.

"Ye Tian, ​​one day I will kill you!" Shengzi Ziwei continued to shout. Ye Tian became his heart demon and a stumbling block on his path of proof. He must be removed and hurry up, otherwise his path It will be difficult to make further progress.

"You are not my opponent now, and you will not even be qualified to be my opponent in the future." Ye Tian said coldly, not without sarcastic meaning.

What he meant was that in the future, the Son of Ziwei would be left far behind by him, beyond the reach of the dust.

When he spoke, he still didn't turn his head, just with a movement of his mind, the Ziying Sword turned into a purple electric rainbow, and UU Reading www.uukā slashed at the Ziwei Shengzi.

This time, Ye Tianxia was murderous.

He is not a saint with overwhelming sympathy, he gave the son of Ziwei a chance to give birth, and he will not give it a second.

Moreover, the Dao heart of the Ziwei Shengzi breeds a heart demon, and he is not worthy of the opportunity to give him life. If the heart demon is not removed, it is likely to grow into a demon and become a evil in the future.

Ye Tian didn't want to be worried about by a demon all day.

Qiang Qiang!

Ye Tian opened the way for the Ziying Sword with Void Avenue, the void was torn open, and the Ziying Sword flashed several times in a row. With just one finger, he rushed in front of the Son of Ziwei.

At this time, the son of Ziwei was still flying upside down, and a purple electric changhong with electric lights suddenly appeared in front of him, making him startled, and used all his best to resist.

As the saint child of the crape myrtle sect and the future successor of the head teacher, how many protective magic weapons does the saint of crape myrtle have?

But in front of the swordsman of the gods, all the protections seemed so fragile, like tofu, as vulnerable.


In the sound of a pop through the thin paper, Ziying Sword pierced through more than ten protective measures in front of the Ziwei Shengzi in one breath, and finally passed through his body, leaving a blood hole as big as the mouth of a sea bowl.

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