Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1933: Strong enemy


The endless and splendid divine light suddenly rushed out of Ye Tian's body, and another yuan pill opened the seal, the vast divine power fluctuations like a tide hit the fields, making the mountains and the valleys tremble, making countless people's hearts tremble. .

A chaotic golden lotus and a suzaku divine bird appeared behind Ye Tian at the same time, setting him off like a god.

"What kind of power is this?"

"I felt the breath of two Yuan Dan, one kind of fire type, one kind of earth type, did he condense two Yuan Dan?"

"It's impossible, how can one person condense two yuan pills?"

"It should be some kind of magic weapon, or some kind of magical secret technique."

"This person said that he had found the secrets of a world-famous figure, and all his skills were obtained from the secrets. Maybe it's true, otherwise this extraordinary ability can't be explained."

Everyone was stunned, and there was a lot of discussion, only to feel that Ye Tian was strange at this moment, and there were two kinds of Yuan Dan auras in his body.

The aura of these two yuan pills are superimposed on each other, and the power is vast, even comparable to the mid-term gold pills, and it is of the third rank and above.

What he said had been secreted by a certain ancient figure, and many people believed it, because apart from this explanation, there was almost no other explanation.

That ancient great figure is mostly a Nascent Soul, so not only Ye Tian's ability can explain it, but also a magic weapon in his body. Because of Yuan Ying's secrets, these may exist, including a magic weapon.

In other words, this kind of person is really lucky for eight lifetimes, and the ancestral grave is full of smoke.


Ye Tian made a sky-shaking mark, transformed into a mountain the size of a mountain, filled the void, circulated the chaotic energy, the magneto divine light, and a wave of thunder madly smashed out, suppressing the sun **** disk in the sky.


The shock was shocking, and the aftermath of the shock actually penetrated the two-tiered mountain guard formation of the Jade Lake Holy Land, causing the Mother of the Jade Lake to change its expression wildly. The West King Tower, the magical artifact in control of the Jade Lake, was waiting for it.

The square in front of the gate of Yaochi Mountain is even more like a tens of thousands of cannons on fire. It is riddled with holes, and big waves of earth and rock are tens of meters high.

After all, the Heaven-shaking Seal is just a sacred artifact, which is incomparable to the Sun God Disk. With just one blow, a crack was created and a striking gap was smashed.

But with the power of two yuan pills, Ye Tian stabilized the big seal and did not fly out.

"Come again!" Ye Tian yelled and danced wildly. His whole body was golden light, and the whole body turned into a golden color, lingering in the chaos, like a **** who opened the world, with a kind of invincible power.

Boom boom boom!

The sky-shaking seal skyrocketed again, one hundred feet, two hundred feet, three hundred feet,..., towering between the sky and the earth, the divine light was blazing, and the chaotic light was like a waterfall, hitting the sun array again.

"A battle in the sky!" His Royal Highness Jin Crow Nine roared loudly, sending shawls indiscriminately, with frightening eyes and a magical power.

The sun **** disc shook out a vast ocean of divine power, chaotic the world, as if to destroy this world, but did not suppress it, but rushed into the sky with His Royal Highness Golden Crow Nine.

People know that His Highness Golden Crow Nine was jealous and did not really explode the power of the Sun God Disk, because it was just in front of the mountain gate of Yaochi, too close. And once the Sun God Pan is fully urged, the earth in a radius of tens of miles, or even hundreds of miles, will be damaged, which will definitely offend Yaochi.

Ye Tian controlled the Heaven-shaking Seal, step by step ascended to the sky.

He also had the heart to fight in the sky, and didn't want to hurt Yaochi and innocent people.

Ten miles away, the crowd was turbulent, and a huge void crack was so clear that Ye Tian could see it. The dazzling divine light rushed towards Xiaohan, which was the domain gate of the Immortal Ruins.

In front of the domain, the crowd was turbulent and dense. I don't know that there are tens of thousands of people, many of whom are powerful people, who are the suzerain or elders of the First Sect, and send disciples to the door for trials.

For any sect, the Trial of the Immortal Market is a major event, and it can even be said to be a top priority, and it will be included in the annals of the sect in the future.

During the one-year trial, the major sects will send people here for the whole year, because if the disciples under the sect die in battle and the corpse is left, they will be sent out as soon as possible.

Some sects left soul lamps for the disciples of the trial, and their lives and deaths could be known the first time. But not all sects have the ability to make soul lamps.

I saw that at this moment, the domain gate had not been closed, and many corpses had been sent out.

It was caused by the few wild beasts just now, guarding behind the domain gate, hunting down the disciples of the trial.

These savage beasts are spirit beasts, initially possessed of agility and intelligence. Some of them have lived for hundreds of years, have experienced several human trials, and know about trials.

But now it was safe after the domain gate, because the Haotian Immortal Sect, the Shushan Sword Sect, and several talented disciples of the Yaochi sects took action and killed all the savage beasts.

Now that the domain gate is closed soon, young talents who are basically qualified for trials and have a heart to fight have all entered. The preliminary count is more than 1,500 people, which is more than the number of trials in previous years.

The battle in front of the Yaochi Mountain gate has already shocked the powers in front of the Yumen Gate. Many people looked at this place, and some rushed here, not wanting to miss this battle of Gedai heroes.

Although the younger generation of competitions occurs almost every year, almost none of them use magical soldiers. They are all masters. They stop when they click and seldom kill blood.

Now it's different, it's a real life-and-death battle, and even the magical soldiers are used.

The Haotian Immortal Sect, the Sword Master of Shushan, and others knew that Ye Tian also had a magic weapon in his body, but he was so slow to use it, which made them even more curious about what kind of magic weapon this was.

At the height of thousands of feet, the Heaven-shaking Seal and the Sun God's Disk collided again, like two meteorites colliding with each other, the aura of destruction was overwhelming, and the sky was like a picture scroll, and it was about to be torn apart.

His Royal Highness Jin Crow Jiu was unstoppable. After shaking hard for seven or eight times, Ye Tian flew out with the seal of turning the sky, unable to shake the Sun God Disk at all, and finally lost.

The Heaven-Shaking Seal was almost torn apart, densely covered with spider-web-like cracks.

"Little beast, you kill my brother. You have a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred. It is too hard to write, and it is hard to atone!" His Royal Highness Jin Wujiu went mad, and the two brothers were killed, making him furious. His internal organs were about to burn. The flesh and blood of Ye Ye Tian.

"They should all be killed!" Ye Tian said simply, without unnecessary nonsense.



The sun **** plate was pressed down again, I don't know what material it was made of, it looked like metal, but it was as crystal clear as glass, lustrous and radiant.

At this time, it emits ten thousand flames and gathers into a sky fire, blasting towards Ye Tian with the momentum of burning up the sky.

At this moment, the sky seems to have risen two rounds of the sun at the same time, there are strong lights everywhere, the sky and the earth are bright, making people dazzling and mysterious.

The vast coercion fell, the earth seemed to become unstable, and the mountains shook.

Fortunately, the two are fighting fiercely at a height of thousands of feet. Otherwise, if they are fighting on the ground, they don't know how many mountains will be destroyed or how many rivers will be cut off.

At this time, Ye Tian put away the cracked sky-shaking mark, held a long spear in his hand, and slammed out of the sun **** disk that was falling down.


There was a piercing sonorous sound in the sky, as if a blood-electricity pierced the void, drawing a dazzling blood light, piercing the sky and the earth.

This is a black-gold spear, which may have drunk too much blood of a creature, faintly bleeding, coiling a horned dragon on it, and vomiting a scarlet spear, which is breathtaking.

"Damn it, this is the golden spear of the Five Highnesses!"

The elders of the Jinwu clan in the field were not calm at the time, and almost ran away one by one, because this was the weapon of the Five Highnesses, and it proved that the Five Highnesses were ruined in his hands.

But anger back to anger, this kind of battlefield where magical soldiers are fighting, it is inconvenient for them to get out because it is easy to be injured by mistake.

But they did not sit still and watch, they were all madly outputting mana, poured into the sun **** plate, and helped the Nine His Royal Highness to jointly control this Zhenzong artifact.

Ye Tiancai didn't care about this, holding the blood-colored ebony spear, stigmatizing with all his strength, the stigmata recovered one after another, the essence of the heavens and the earth rolled in, and finally pierced out, the blood-colored spear shattered the void with one blow, devastating, almost instantly Just pierced on the sun **** disk.

Click! Click!

The endless spear broke every inch, and then exploded abruptly, releasing the power of a nuclear explosion. People in the radius of hundreds of miles were shocked, causing the Sun God's disk to shake and move hundreds of feet horizontally.

But that's all, the Sun God Disk is not a major problem, and His Royal Highness Golden Crow Nine did not suffer any damage.

Ye Tian vomited blood again, as if he was injured, but his posture was still straight, his body was still radiant, and his blood was like a dragon, lingering outside his body.

"The domain gate is about to be closed. If you don't go, you may miss this trial." Ye Tian said lightly.

"It's not too late for you to kill you?" His Royal Highness Jin Wujiu was very calm, and was not disturbed by Ye Tian.

The new prince of the Golden Crow tribe, now for the first time in front of the world to show his true power, shocked everyone.

This person not only possesses peerless talents, but a Dao heart is also as solid as a rock, which is comparable to that of ordinary people. UU reading

"Do you think that such a short time can really kill me?" Ye Tian sneered.

"How can I know if I don't try?"

His Highness Jin Crow Nine's eyes were extremely indifferent. Suddenly his figure became faint, as if he had merged into the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and a strand of knife marks appeared all over his body. Never stop!"

"Prince, don't!"

"You are going to prove Dao Jindan soon. Doing so will damage Daoji and will not help you overcome the calamity."

"It's just dealing with a little beast, it doesn't need to be so!"

A group of old Golden Crow people screamed, all of them were not calm.

His Royal Highness Golden Crow Nine is forcibly reviving the blood of the ancient Golden Crow, and wants to use the power of the blood to kill Ye Tianzhen in one blow.

In order to kill Ye Tian, ​​he really had no scruples, even if he knew that crossing the catastrophe was imminent.

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