Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1925: Town kill

At the level of the golden core, even if the heart bursts, it will not die easily.

The Jinwu people are born with strong vitality, and it is difficult to kill them.

Boom boom boom!

The aura on His Royal Highness Jin Crowsan's body is getting bigger and bigger, and the injuries on his body are healed very quickly.

Ye Tian took the initiative to attack, without giving him time to heal his injuries, he turned into a phantom of light and rushed forward, lifted a golden slap and suppressed it.

The chaotic Gengjin Qi between the five fingers was surging and evolved into a sea of ​​swords.

Qiang Qiang!

The sword shook for nine days, thousands of Chaos Swords were peerlessly sharp, and each one cut a crack in the void, and the void was like a sieve eye, full of holes.

This is a powerful offensive, the power is beyond imagination, one sword and one long mark, shattering the void.

At this moment, everyone had a numb scalp and saw the power of Ye Tian.

Those who originally had confidence in the victory of His Highness Jin Wusan had to squeeze a cold sweat for him.

However, I saw that the Golden Crow III under the ten thousand ray of chaotic lightsaber did not dodge, and his blood seemed to be boiling, making a sound like a landslide and a tsunami, a magical force surged, and his hair was dancing. stand up.


A force like a volcanic eruption suddenly rushed out of his body.

The vastness and surging of this force, like a nuclear weapon exploded, rolling the clouds.

In the eyes of everyone, a golden tree of fire suddenly appeared behind His Royal Highness Jin Wusan, rising from the ground, swaying the sky's divine light.

The fire tree grew bigger and bigger, and finally reached a height of one hundred meters, towering between the sky and the earth, and countless points of light flashed between the branches and leaves, like stars, magnificent, with endless ancient and desolate aura, as if opening up the world. , Propped up a small world.

Countless divine lights are constantly intertwined, forming a boundary film, transforming into a domain, blocking all the chaotic lightsabers shot out of Ye Tian's giant palm.

"this is…?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

A golden fire tree, as high as one hundred meters, seemed to hold up countless stars and open up a universe.

"Huosang!" a golden core might whispered, and recognized the ancient tree.

The fire mulberry tree, also called the hibiscus tree, is a kind of sacred tree in myths and legends.

According to legend, the fire mulberry tree is located in a place called Tanggu in the East China Sea, where the sun rises and the Golden Crow uses this as its nest.

Perhaps the fire mulberry tree and Tanggu really existed eternally, but now they are nowhere to be found.

However, the fire mulberry tree is the sacred tree of the Golden Crow tribe, but it has been handed down.

His Royal Highness Jin Crow III is worthy of being a generation of Tianjiao wizards. He has cultivated the legendary fire mulberry tree of the Jin Crow tribe into a realm supernatural power. At this moment, he displayed it with a power of shaking the sky and the earth.

On the hundred-foot-high fire mulberry tree, the golden leaves rustled. If you look closely, the star-like light clusters are actually golden crows, and each one has the potential to look over the world, terrifyingly terrifying.


His Royal Highness Jin Wusan shouted angrily, the Baizhang fire mulberry tree behind him fell endless flames, and every path could kill the innate, sweeping over Ye Tian.

Whoosh whoosh!

There were also fire mulberry branches flying out, like a red wire rope, entwining Ye Tian, ​​wanting to tie it up.

The entire battlefield of life and death was shaking slightly, the protective array patterns were constantly being wiped out, and cracks spread out one after another.


A long spear suddenly appeared in the hands of His Royal Highness Jin Wusan, sweeping out the spear light all over the sky, glorious, as if the sun, the moon and the stars were shaking, and stab Ye Tian diagonally.

This was an extremely fierce attack. His Royal Highness Jin Wusan was so angry that he almost displayed his most powerful power to kill Ye Tiange in one blow.


Ye Tian also developed his own vision, a chaotic golden field, turbulent chaotic air, earth fire, wind and water rotation, and a chaotic golden lotus rose from the ground, swaying, like a small world is opening up, giving birth to a new life.

As soon as Ye Tian's Golden God Realm came out, terrible consequences occurred immediately. First, the fire mulberry tree was suppressed by the Chaos Golden Lotus and shattered every inch, and then the realm of His Highness Golden Crow III was suppressed by the Golden God Realm and was continuously shattered.

His Royal Highness Jin Wusan uttered a loud cry, and he was extremely frightened, not only his domain was suppressed, but also himself was suppressed.

This is the suppression of Taoism. Once the Golden God Realm emerges, many fields in the world will be reduced to nothingness and be suppressed.

"I don't believe it!" His Royal Highness Jin Wusan let out a thunderous roar, and his eyes opened and closed, and the flames blazed all around, like a lion with exploded fur, madly fighting.


The figure shook suddenly and turned into a three-legged golden crow with a wingspan of nearly a hundred feet, full of trembling breath.

The blood of the Golden Crow Ancestor in his body was revived, as if a secret gate had been opened. The aura on his Highness Three was even more vast. The feathers all over his body were like gold forging. The roots were smooth and dazzling, and they broke through the Yetian Golden God Realm in an instant. suppress.


Zheng Zheng Zheng!

His Royal Highness Jin Crow three fluttered his wings, and the two wings were like two-sided heavenly swords, slashing through the air, gushing out endless killing lights, cutting out two long black marks, even the stage of life and death could not bear it, and it was cracking.


Ye Tian stood still, spurring the chaotic golden lotus, swept out a galaxy-like chaotic golden light, filling the world, and rolling away at His Highness the Three Golden Crows.


It was as if two ancient gods were fighting, their breath shook the sky and the earth, making the whole world tremble.

The countless runes on the stage of life and death battle, the magic circle was torn.

In the next moment, Baizhang Golden Crow flew out directly, falling down like a ling feather.

The chaotic golden lotus behind Ye Tian shining brightly, trembling violently, shaking the sky and the earth with a vigor.

He is like a golden war god, in the immeasurable holy light, the whole body blooms with immortal brilliance, sacred and majestic, and people can't help but want to worship.

"So strong!"

"What field is this? What is the golden lotus?"

"Isn't he just a congenital? How can there be domains?"

There were bursts of exclamation from the crowd, and everyone was unable to remain calm, because His Royal Highness Jin Crow III was really going to worship, and Ye Tian was brave and invincible.


His Royal Highness Jin Wusan let out a scream, and blood spurted out of his mouth.


Ye Tian jumped up, the speed was as fast as lightning, punch after punch, and the endless golden blood filled every inch of space in the world.

"You're looking for death!" His Highness Jin Crow third roared.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out from the center of his eyebrows, like a small hammer, blasting to the center of Ye Tian's eyebrows.


Ye Tian couldn't dodge, his eyebrows were bruised as if struck by lightning. But he resisted it, his body didn't fall, and he still stood.

"No matter how strong the body is, there is no strong mental power, it is just an empty shell after all." His Royal Highness Jin Wusan shouted, counterattacking Ye Tian with spiritual power.

From the crowd of onlookers, there were bursts of exclamation.

The Jinwu tribe is not only physically strong, but also natural spiritual.

Moreover, there is an insurmountable gap between Jin Dan's spiritual power and innate spiritual power.


Another bright beam of light shot out from the center of the eyebrows of the Third Highness, and went straight to Ye Tian's eyebrows, like a lightsaber, half-melted in the void, with the power to pierce Jiuxiao.


A golden villain emerged from Ye Tian's eyebrows with a sword in his arms, and he was in harmony with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

The golden villain is the primordial spirit produced by Ye Tianxiu, and the golden little sword is the primordial spirit soldier.

Only people with extremely strong mental power can do this.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and the void seemed to freeze.

Ye Tian's mental power didn't know how many times stronger than Golden Crow Third Highness. If one is steel, then the other is at best masonry.

It was too late for His Highness the Third Golden Crow to regain his spiritual power. The golden villain hugged his sword and kept approaching.

"Damn, this is not your real body, who are you?" His Highness Jin Crow III shouted, his face pale.

He saw the flaw in the golden villain, which was different from Ye Tian's appearance, it was Ye Tian's true appearance.

Ye Tian also tightened the chrysanthemum, so he was very careful, and even forgot this crop.

"I see, you are..." His Highness Jin Wusan suddenly shrank his pupils, and recognized the golden villain, Ye Tian's deity.

Ye Tian once slapped a group of Tianjiao in the Southern Territory, and took away the Five Golden Crow Highness, who was listed as the number one enemy of the Tianzi by the Jinwu Clan, and got his portrait, which was posted in every corner of the Southern Territory.

Seeing the golden villain at this moment, His Highness Jin Wusan suddenly thought of the person in the portrait, which was simply carved out of a mold.


However, before he could finish his words, the golden villain hugged the sword and pierced his forehead straight, and then followed an open door of the sea of ​​knowledge, into his sea of ​​knowledge.


His Royal Highness Jin Wusan was struck by lightning, and the frontal bones of his brows were about to split.

The real body was about to be revealed to the public, and Ye Tian also had a murderous heart, and wanted to kill the Third Highness of the Golden Crow.

Otherwise, there are so many sects of the Southern Territory in this game, as well as the Lihuo Sect of the Eastern Territory, and the Shangzong Shushan behind the Lihuo Sect, they may all be his enemies.

At that time, he might really be beaten by a group.

"Ah, don't!" His Highness Jin Wusan howled miserably.

The attack on the soul is more violent than the attack on the body, and the pain of UU reading is indescribable.

Although his mental power is also very strong, it cannot be compared with Ye Tian's mental power at all. When Ye Tian's Yuanshen Taoist sword entered the Sea of ​​Knowledge of the Third Highness, it was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, killing it horizontally and horizontally, without any scruples.


The spirit of His Highness Jin Wusan suddenly exploded, and the sea of ​​consciousness became a piece of paste, and the golden villain returned with his sword.

After extinguishing the spirits of the third highness, Ye Tian still felt uneasy, bullying him up like lightning, and then slammed his foot down.


The heavy pressure that was almost like a mountain fell from the sky, and stomped heavily on the chest of His Royal Highness Golden Crow Third.


His Royal Highness Jin Crow III had severely injured his body torn apart, and finally Ye Tian stepped on the ground with one foot, smashing a big hole.

The soul was annihilated, the body was destroyed, and even an immortal golden core was trampled on to pieces, and His Highness the Golden Crow III was really dead.

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