Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1915: Go to see the saint

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (

Ye Tian didn't expect that there are so many stories behind the fairy ruins, and he couldn't help but become more interested in this mysterious place.

In addition to the Fairy Ruins, there was another person who became the talk of the cultivators, and that was Ye Tian himself.

In the Eastern Territory, he fought one by one, fought away from the Huo Cult and lost his temper. Then he went to the Southern Territory to fight more than a dozen Southern Tianjiao, and he was also inexhaustible. Any of these two deeds is enough to shock the world .

Now his portraits have been posted all over the streets and alleys of the Southern and Eastern Regions, and can even be seen occasionally in the holy city of Yaochi.

Because his identity is so mysterious that no one in the world knows, he is called the demon king who walked out of the mountains. Many people think that he is the reincarnation of the old demon, or rebirth.

There was a panic in the arena, for fear of encountering this demon king.

Those top geniuses all regard him as an opponent, some look forward to fighting him, and some look forward to killing him quickly.

In short, his current limelight is the same at the inner hidden gate, not even under the top arrogant.

If he doesn't change his appearance, he will be recognized every minute, and every minute will cause a sensation. Of course, he may also be beaten and beaten by a group every minute.

"Brother Dao!"

Just as Ye Tian listened to the conversations of other monks, suddenly, a voice came from not far away.

Ye Tian looked intently and found that it was the pair of Wang family brothers and sisters.

It was his brother Wang Cheng who shouted to Ye Tian, ​​with a grin on his face, and said: "What a coincidence, Brother Dao, we met again."

But his sister turned black and looked reluctant.

"What? Something?" Ye Tian asked lightly, poured himself a pot of wine and drank it all in one go.

"Hehe, that's not it. It's purely a chance encounter. Say hello. Brother Dao just provoke the Golden Crow tribe. According to my opinion, it is better to leave the holy city first, so as not to be hated and cause murder."

"Soldiers are coming to block, water is coming and the earth is covered, what is there to be afraid of?" Ye Tianyun was calm and gentle, as if he didn't care about the Golden Crow at all.

"My uncle is amazing, I'm not afraid of those bad guys." Xiao Yueer said quickly, chewing on the big bones of the spirit beast, with relish, full of oil.

During this period of time, she followed Ye Tian, ​​she had seen Ye Tian's methods, and she had a fascinating confidence in Ye Tian. Even if she was not invincible, she was a rare opponent.

"I've said it all, you won't listen even if you persuade others. You have to put your hot face on your cold ass." Wang Lu said with a strange air.

Although she is still unwilling to give Ye Tian a good face, she has seen Ye Tian's methods just now, and she has a trace of awe in her heart, and she doesn't dare to talk nonsense.

Because in front of some people, her status as the daughter of the city lord is nothing at all, and it is nothing to say to kill her.

"Haha." Wang Cheng smiled awkwardly. "It doesn't matter if you don't listen. Brother Dao is already dependent on it."

"Sister, this big bone is delicious, do you want to eat it? Give you a piece." Xiao Yue'er said in a tender voice. A greasy little hand picked a big bone with the most meat from the plate and handed it to Wang Lu. .

"Sister doesn't eat it, you can eat it yourself." Wang Lu said with disgust.

I think she is the daughter of a city lord, and she is a beautiful lady. She has always eaten food and is not tired of meticulousness. How can she be so careless.


Xiaoyue'er was a little disappointed, and then ate for herself.

Ye Tian poured a glass of wine for Wang Cheng and said, "If you want to sit down, just sit down. I happen to have something to ask you."

"Good, good!" Wang Cheng sat down busy.

Seeing Ye Tian's methods, he truly became acquainted.

You must know that Ye Tian himself is already so powerful, without fear of the Golden Crow tribe, there must be even more terrifying forces behind him, at least there will be a powerful Jindan master.

He also wanted to find a backer for the immortal market trial that was about to come.

"I don't know what the brother is called?" Wang Cheng asked after sitting down.

Wang Lu also sat down slowly, but kept looking out the window.

Compared with the benefits that her elder brother thinks can bring from friendship with Ye Tian, ​​she cares more about the disadvantages. After all, Ye Tian provoked the Golden Crow tribe just now and became the enemy of the Golden Crow tribe.

As soon as Wang Cheng took a seat next to Ye Tian, ​​many people around him cast strange glances.

"Ye Tian." Ye Tian reported his real name, not afraid of being known.

"Brother Ye, just ask if you have anything to ask, I, Mr. Wang, must know everything and can't say enough." Wang Cheng said readily.

The first question Ye Tian asked was about the Trial of the Fairy Ruins. He wanted to know the specific time when the gate of the Fairy Ruins was opened.

As soon as he asked this question, Wang Lu almost laughed.

It is common sense to open the Immortal Ruins Domain Gate, and there is almost nothing that monks don't know.

Ye Tian didn't even know this simple question. She was even more certain that Ye Tian came out of the deep mountains and old forest.

"There is no fixed date, there will be a few days of fluctuation. According to the calculation of time, it should be within these few days. Many monks arrived a month in advance, and we came relatively late." Wang Cheng replied.

"So that's it." Ye Tian nodded, and then asked: "I heard that the Virgin of Yaochi will have a big birthday, do you understand?"

"Yes, this time the opening of the Xianxu Yumen and the six-hundred-year-old birthday of Our Lady of Yaochi, the holy city is particularly lively. Unfortunately, I am not blessed to participate in the birthday feast of Our Lady, because I have not received the invitation, I can't eat flat peaches. , I can’t drink the spiritual spring water, let alone kiss Fangze of the peerless saint.” Wang Cheng’s eyes were clear and he was drooling as he spoke.

His sister Wang Lu suddenly rolled her eyes at him.

"Who said that you can't enter without an invitation? If you can pass through Shengxiantai, Yaochi will definitely invite you in with an eight-carriage sedan chair, and even the Holy Virgin Mary will come out to greet you." Wang Lu said in a bad mood.

Wang Cheng smiled and said, "Let's forget about Shengxiantai. I don't have that ability. It's not as easy to get over the wall as it is."

"What is Shengxiantai?" Ye Tian asked with interest.

"I don't know exactly what it is. I only know that it is a stairway in front of the Yaochi sect, with a total of 33 steps. It is said that it was left by the Yaochi ancestor before the eternal age. If you can walk halfway, you can be called a tianjiao. And it can pass completely. Yes, for hundreds of years, no one has been there." Wang Cheng said seriously, smiling suddenly, with a funny expression, and asked, "Brother Ye is also interested in the saints of Yaochi? Would you like to go and see?"

"Is the saint of Yaochi outstanding?" Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry.

"The first beauty of the immortal gate, do you still need to say? I can guarantee that Brother Ye will be shocked when he sees it. Unfortunately, I can't wait to enter the Yaochi, there is no blessing, the saint Fangze. However, if you stay at the gate of the Yaochi , When the distinguished guests arrive, the saint and the virgin will come out to greet them, maybe they will be able to see it."

"What are you waiting for, go and see." Ye Tian drank the last glass of wine and stood up to leave, looking very anxious.

"Ah, go now?" Wang Cheng was shocked.

He saw that Ye Tian looked like he was indifferent to the fireworks, and he didn't expect that he would be so fond of beautiful women.

"Men are all a virtue." Wang Lu despised even more.

Of course, Ye Tian was not going to see the saint of Yaochi, but to take a look at the so-called Shengxiantai, to see if there was a chance to enter the Yaochi.

According to Wang Cheng, he guessed that Shengxiantai might be a kind of spiritual instrument for testing physique. The better the physique, the higher the talent for cultivation, and the higher he can walk on the steps, so he is called Shengxiantai.

"The name of the contemporary saint in Yaochi is Yao Xian. She is just like her name, she is born beautiful, holy and out of the dust, like a nine-day fairy descending to the earth, so she is known as the first beauty of the fairy gate. In addition to her beauty, Yao Xian is an innate spirit born every centuries. Body, innately close to the spiritual energy, inborn close to the Dao, and extremely talented in cultivating immortals. I heard that she condensed the Yuan Dan five years ago. In the upcoming trial of the immortal market, she should be able to prove the Dao Jin Dan and become a man. The generation is strong." Wang Cheng highly praised the saints of Yaochi, and he did not hesitate to praise her.

At this time, the group had already left the tavern and was walking on the bustling street, rushing to the Yaochi sect.

Passing through the holy city and exiting from the back door, the ancestral land of Yaochi's ancestors is here. The holy city is like a front yard of the Yaochi sect.

Of course, without passing through the holy city, you can reach the gate of Shengzong Mountain in Yaochi.

"The Congenital Spirit Body is The Qingxuan Jianzi of Shushan is also an indestructible sword body that has been produced for hundreds of years, not inferior to her. There is also Xiao Yiming, the **** son of the Haotian Immortal Sect, who is a Thunder Spirit God Body. It is said that he has the same physique as the Emperor Haotian before the ages, and his future achievements must be extraordinary. The new prince of the Jinwu tribe is also very impressive. I heard that the blood of the Jinwuzu ancestor in his body far exceeds the other nine highnesses, and he is born with signs of returning to ancestors. "Wang Lu said seriously, with a solemn expression on her face.

These peerless arrogances all appeared in hundreds of years. In her opinion, they were like immortals in the sky, unattainable, and in awe in her heart, just like a small fan facing a big star.

Of course, there are more than these four, and there are other peerless Tianjiao in the inner hidden door, all of which are outstanding.

Now it is almost like a golden world, with Tianjiao coexisting.

But this is not necessarily a good thing. There are many arrogances, but the resources are limited. In order to grab resources, the killing will definitely be more fierce. The immortal market trial that is coming will surely be full of blood and bones.

Wang Cheng smiled and said: "This generation of young men and women has so many arrogances that are far more than before. Various powerful physiques and various excellent spiritual roots are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain. It is really shocking. I don't know Ye What kind of physique Brother Dao is, I think it's very unusual."

"I, I don't understand, there should be nothing special. A good physique may not necessarily be able to go far. The key is to look at the individual. As long as you practice hard, you may not be able to surpass those **** sons and saints." Ye Tian said with a plain expression. .

"If you want to surpass the Son of God, dream," Wang Lu whispered, so that she would not believe Ye Tian's nonsense.

Those **** sons and saints, who stood at the end of others when they were born, how to surpass?

Ye Tian laughed dumbly and ignored it.

Looking at the starry sky of the universe, and using mortals to prove the power of the Dao, turning the gods into the void, there are many people, and nothing is impossible.

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