Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1904: Deprived of blood

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (

"Now, I still have to make myself stronger!"

Ye Tian's gaze was cast on His Royal Highness Golden Crow Five again, and his heart was fascinated by the sight of him.

In Ye Tian's eyes, this is a great medicine, delicious.

"What are you going to do? I told you everything I know, and you can't speak for nothing." Jinwu Fifth Highness was almost begging. .

"The gate of the Xianxu will be opened soon. There are countless resources there, including holy medicine and even magic medicine, enough for you to prove the golden core. Although the domain gate of the Xianxu has restrictions, you cannot enter it if you are over sixty years old. But don't worry, there is a secret treasure within my Jinwu clan that can isolate the prying eyes of the immortal market domain gate. As long as the realm is below the early stage of the golden core, even two hundred or three hundred years old, you can use this secret treasure to enter the fairy market. "

"As long as you let me go, I will immediately return to the clan, take out the secret treasure, and give it to you. Give you the opportunity to try in the fairy ruins and find good fortune."

His Royal Highness Jin Crow Fifth really regarded Ye Tian as an old monster, that's why he said this.

Ye Tian tasted it for a while before recollecting it, knowing that he was regarded as an old monster, and he was over 60 years old and could not enter the Fairy Ruins.

"That secret treasure was left by the guardians of the early golden core of our race. It is extremely difficult to refining. There are only two of our race in total, so that they can enter the fairy ruins and protect the Tianjiao of our race. This thing is sealed in the forbidden area of ​​our race. Without my leadership, you can't find it by yourself." Golden Crow Fifth Highness warned, worried that Ye Tian would kill him, so he went to search for the secret treasure.

He thought that this condition was very tempting, because compared with the cultivation resources in the Immortal Ruins, a mixed blood golden crow was nothing at all.

Although the trial period is only one year, as long as Tianjiao can survive, he will advance by leaps and bounds.

Ye Tian is now in the middle of the innate period, although it is unlikely to prove the golden core within a year, but it is very likely to climb to the peak of the innate and even condense the core.

But said that this is already a huge improvement.

Ye Tian squeezed his chin, showing some interest.

Although he doesn't need this kind of secret treasure that can be used to cheat, if he really gets his hands, he can let Xiaoyue'er enter the immortal ruins, try some things, and seek opportunities.

This was just a sudden thought by Ye Tian. He wouldn't let the Golden Crow Five Palace go down to the Golden Crow to get the secret treasure. This is simply seeking a dead end. A fool would do this.

"Nian you have explained a lot of things honestly, and the attitude is not bad, I can let you make a living." Ye Tian said suddenly.

His Highness Jinwuwu suddenly felt happy.

"But..." Ye Tian continued to talk, "You kill me for no reason, and you join the many masters of the Southern Territory to besiege me. It's not something that can be smoothed out by confessing such a few things."

"Then what do you want?"

"It's very simple, I will spare your life, but I want the Golden Crow bloodline on your body to be handed over to me. From now on, you should be an ordinary person, so as not to do some harming things." Ye Tian smiled coldly, revealing two things. Row of white teeth.

"Don't think about it!" His Royal Highness Jin Wu was furious.

The reason why the Golden Crow tribe is able to rank among the four top forces in the inner hidden gate, and to smash the southern region, is based on the blood of the Golden Crow.

Losing the bloodline is equivalent to a human monk losing his spiritual root and becoming a useless person from now on, which is even more difficult to accept than killing them.

"Whether you agree with it or not, I have to fix your Golden Crow bloodline." Ye Tian said lightly, and the big hand holding the crystal ball suddenly released a powerful force of absorption.

A golden miniature whirlpool quickly penetrated into the crystal ball, and instantly appeared above the head of His Royal Highness Golden Crow.

"Swallow!" Ye Tian suddenly shouted.


An incomparably powerful absorbing power spread across the whole body of the Five Golden Crow Five in an instant, as if to draw his soul away.

Seeing His Royal Highness's eyes widened suddenly, the two eyeballs almost went out of their sockets, and blood vessels and veins on his body burst out.

Vaguely, one can see that mysterious blood lines, being drawn, emerge from the various acupuncture points of the Five Highnesses of the Golden Crow, and light up one by one.

All these light spots are connected in a line, just to form a three-legged golden crow.

"Ah, ah, you never want to get my blood, I just blew myself, and I won't give it to you." Golden Crow Fifth Highness roared frantically, unable to accept the deprivation of blood, turned into a mortal, and was despised by the world since then, compared to killing He was still uncomfortable.

How could Ye Tian let him explode? There was a means to prevent it. A chain of orderly chains rushed out of his palm and penetrated into the crystal ball, piercing the body of His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth, even the golden core.

When the Golden Crow Five wanted to explode, he discovered that all of his divine power had been cleansed, and a golden core that was on the verge of breaking was no longer under his control.

This is the power of the law of the void, the divine power that can imprison people.

"Ahhhh, I don't!"

His Royal Highness the Golden Crow Fifth screamed, but Ye Tian, ​​no matter how he begged or cursed, remained unmoved, and methodically extracted his Golden Crow bloodline. UU reading www. uukanshu. cm

This is the best way Ye Tian can think of, spare him a way out and take away his blood. If this is the case, he will also take care of the future troubles, so as not to set himself up as an opponent in the future.

Lines of blood, like crimson magma, emitted billowing heat waves, burning all the flowers and plants on the ground in a radius of ten meters.

This process lasted a full quarter of an hour.

All the blood lines were drawn, and finally turned into a blood mass the size of a pigeon egg, like a blood diamond, crystal clear.

It can be clearly seen that in the light group, there is a three-legged golden crow soaring, shining like the sun.

This is the Golden Crow bloodline. Although it is only the size of a pigeon egg, Ye Tian regards it as a treasure.

After being drawn from the Golden Crow bloodline, the Five Highnesses did not die, but just became an ordinary person. The mana of all of them was gone, and even a golden core was shattered.

Ye Tian would not let him go until he left the customs, otherwise he would be in danger if he went to confuse him.

He sealed the Five Golden Crow Highnesses and threw them aside, and then he began to retreat.

Piles of spirit grass and spirit medicines, pieces of spirit crystal spirit stones, as if they don't need money, were randomly placed around his body.


As the qi refining technique circulated in his body, the medicinal power in the spirit grass spirit medicine sprayed out, the fragrance was overflowing, the medicinal fragrance was tangy, and all the medicinal power turned into gas molecules to be absorbed by his body.

Click, click!

The Lingjing Lingshi continued to explode and turned into surging spiritual energy. Ye Tian opened his mouth and sucked it. The whale swallowed the cow drink and inhaled it.

It took a full week for Ye Tiancai to refine these cultivation resources from the Southern Territory Tianjiao, and the true essence in his body was surging like a vast ocean.

Next, he wants to refine the Golden Crow bloodline.

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