Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1869: Penglai is destroyed

Today, the reincarnation of one Jiazi in sixty years is here again. The gate of the Fairy Ruins will be opened this year, and a large number of young disciples will go in for trials and compete for opportunities.

Ye Tian didn't care at first, thinking that Xianxu was nothing more than an alternative cave sky, but when Xiao Zhenren mentioned that there might be a holy medicine in the Xianxu, or even a magical medicine, he suddenly moved his mind.

You know, the holy medicine, the magic medicine, can't be found in the earth's secular world, and it is indescribable. Especially the magical medicine, which is extremely scarce, even for Yuan Ying and Huashen, it has a strong attraction.

There are chances and dangers in the fairy ruins. There are many ferocious beasts in ancient times, and their innate realms are commonplace. Some even reached the Jindan realm and are extremely cruel and dangerous.

Therefore, there is a threshold to enter the Fairy Ruins, and at least there must be a cultivation base of the gods. Because the cultivation base of the gods is worthy of self-protection, the entry of a lower cultivator can only be cannon fodder, and the trial is meaningless.

"Where is the gate to the immortal ruins?" Ye Tian asked the little real man Ling Yunfeng.

"Why are you asking this? I'm afraid you are more than two hundred years old? There is a restriction at the gate of the immortal market. Only young monks under the age of 60 can enter. You can't enter even if you go." Xiao Zhenren said, not a mockery Or sarcasm, but seek truth from facts.

It turned out that he didn't say so, but Ye Tian was angry just after he spoke.

He's only in his early twenties, OK?

He was said to be a two-hundred-year-old man, and no one would be furious.

Next, Ye Tian was ravaged again, and the pain made the little real man cry and cry his father and mother, his chest was about to be trampled, and many stubbles pierced the surface of the body. Bai Sensen, bloody, looking at people scalp. hemp.

Xiao Zhenren said so much in one breath, especially introduced his big brother with great color. He thought he could scare Ye Tian, ​​but he didn’t expect that Ye Tian seemed to go in with his left ear, and then his right ear went out. He didn’t give him the slightest preferential treatment. It's time to beat, it's time to beat.

"Mad, don't let me survive, otherwise I will definitely skin you cramps and debones, then imprison your soul and burn it in the furnace for 100,000 years." The little real man gritted his teeth, secretly in his heart. Fierce.

"You dare to slander?"


Ye Tian stepped down suddenly, stomping down one of the legs of the little real man, and bends it 90 degrees from the kneecap, almost breaking it in two.

Xiao Yue'er couldn't bear to watch anymore, and ran out in a hurry to wait outside.

"Ahhhh, if there is a kind of thing, you will kill me. I can guarantee you will not survive tomorrow. Lihuo Sect will definitely avenge me and break your corpse into pieces." Seeing that he bowed his head and subdued, Xiao Zhenren thoroughly Go out, because the left and right are dead, so why bother to listen to Ye Tian's mercy.

"I think it's easy to kill you, but before I kill you, I have a thousand ways to torture you. The only thing you can do now is to answer my questions and die a little easier."

Ye Tian has never been soft on the wicked.

Lihuo teaches him to help him torture him, and indirectly does not know how many deaths and injuries he has caused, and how many families have been broken. Ye Tian can't use torture too much.

When there was another punishment, Xiao Zhenren was beaten to be inhumane, and finally he was honest. He was in a state of muddle-headedness. Ye Tian asked him what he answered.

The land where Lihuo Sect is located is barren to the east of the Inner Gate, with many mountains, vast land, and sparsely populated. The wealthiest is undoubtedly Zhongyu, guarded by the Shushan sect. The Haotian Immortal Sect guards the northern region, Yaochi guards the western region, and the Jinwu tribe guards the southern region.

In other words, in addition to the Eastern Region, the other four domains each have a top-level sect to maintain the order of one domain.

The relationship between the second and third sects of each domain and the top sects is like the relationship between the vassal state and the suzerain state. They obey the orders and pay tribute every year.

Of course, there are also some relatively large second- and third-rate sects, relying on the big killer in the sect, or the existence of powerful ancestors, which can sit on an equal footing with the top sects.

The sects of the Eastern Territories also look for top sects as backers, pay tribute every year, and give benefits, so as to obtain the protection of the top sects and the guidance of cultivation.

Huo Jiao is very close to the Shushan Sword Palace, which seems to be a vassal relationship, but in fact it is independent enough.

Relying on this relationship, Lihuo Sect has obtained many swordsmanship and sword canons from Shushan, and the monks under his clergy also practice kendo.

"The gate of the immortal ruins boundary is in the sacred land of Yaochi in the Western Region." Xiao Zhenren replied honestly.

Ye Tianji was in his heart, and then asked: "How much do you know about Penglai Fairy Island?"

Little Zhenren said so many things, not mentioning a word about Penglai Fairy Island, which made Ye Tian very surprised.

He thought that Penglai Fairy Island would also be a famous sect, even if it was not among the four top sects, it would be second only.

However, Xiao Zhenren actually shook his head and said that he had never heard of it.

"You haven't heard of Penglai Xiandao? How is this possible? Is there no Penglai Xiandao in this small world?" Ye Tian was shocked.

He never expected to hear this answer from a small real population.

"Could it be because this sect is too remote, for example, in the ocean, you didn't know about it because you didn't dabble enough?" Ye Tian didn't give up and continued to ask. UU reading

"Impossible, there is no sea at all, only some big lakes. Large and small, all the sects add up to a total of 98. I can tell you from beginning to end. There is no such Penglai fairy island as you said. . However, it may have existed, but the teaching has been dead, and the inheritance has been broken."

"Is it really annihilated?" Ye Tian was a little dazed, too shocked.

He came to this world mainly to find Penglai Fairy Island, so as to find the starry sky teleportation formation, so as to reach the sky.

However, he had seen the news of Penglai Fairy Island in the ancient literature of the Jiuli Divine Religion, and at the Neiyinmen, the Nine Phoenix Goddess went on a road to heaven in order to find her husband.

There is no immortal orthodoxy. If what the little real person said is true, it seems that Penglai Fairy Island has really been destroyed.

"I hope the Star Teleportation Formation is not destroyed!" Ye Tian prayed in his heart.


At this moment, a silver light suddenly lit up, and a half-foot-long silver spear flew out of the hands of the little real man, like a silver lightning, sharp and dazzling.

"Give me to die!" Xiao Zhenren roared, his blood burned, and a small fireball spouted out of his mouth.


Ye Tian directly used his palm to make a knife, and with a single knife he split the half-foot-long silver spear into two pieces.

At this time, the fireball ejected by the little real person exploded, transforming into a fist-sized fire crow, which flew towards Ye Tian in a noisy manner.

This fire crow is the essence of Lihuo, which can be transformed by practicing Lihuo art to an extreme state.

A small fire crow can turn a congenital into ashes.

But for Ye Tian, ​​it was too pediatric. He even refined the Sun Fire Essence, and swallowed the Fire Crow with one mouth.

"This... how is it possible?" Little Zhenren was stunned on the spot.


A flash of fire spouted from Ye Tian's mouth like a torrent, burning the little real man to ashes with his fingers.

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