Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1855: Surrender 0 full centipede

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This is a chaotic thunder gate, although only one of the two thunder gates was summoned, but it also made Ye Tian extremely grateful.

In the Thunder Gate, the vigorous thunder spirit is surging, bright and brilliant, dazzling, like a flowing liquid, incomparably crystal clear, containing life and death in extinction.

Leimen stepped in, and Ye Tian seemed to be resurrected with full blood in an instant, a golden blood burst out of his head, like a shock wave hitting the shore, and the impact caused the boundary channel to shake.

Opening up the Thunder Gate is tantamount to seizing the good fortune of the heavens and the earth, and the thunderous energy in the Thunder Gate can be directly supplemented with one's own body, and the combat power is endless. As long as it is not a fierce battle, the body can always remain in its peak state.


Behind Ye Tian's body, the thick, solid, ancient thunder door, constantly surging out of chaotic and thunderous energy, and the energy was rapidly absorbed by Ye Tian's body and Ziying Sword.


At the same time that Ye Tian's physical energy recovered, Ziying Sword was also recovering, and there was a burst of joyful sound of the sword clanging, giving people a sense of killing, as if a catastrophe was approaching.

This is a direct, rapid, and almost crude plunder, replenishing one's own needs, and taking drugs and swallowing spirit stones are simply incomparable.

"Thunder Gate is such a good thing!" Ye Tian muttered to himself, feeling that his dry body was frantically absorbing energy from the outside world, like a dry sponge encountering water, and he felt like he wanted to evolve and rise. , Shutai, full of explosive power.


Huo Di, Ye Tian picked up the Ziying Sword and swung a heavy sword against the turbulent turbulence of the emptiness that came from the thousand-footed centipede.

In an instant, the void channel shook violently, as if it could not bear it, and was about to burst.

That sword light, incomparably bright, not only waved a surging sword aura, but also countless Chaos Thunder, like a sword that split the ancient world of Chaos Thunder Heaven, and attracted a sea of ​​Chaos Thunder to destroy the world. .

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

This shocking sword easily broke the void storm turbulence from it, causing the storm turbulence that was so violent that even Jin Dan could destroy it, shunting from both sides of his body, failing to injure him at all.

Huang Huang Jianmang, like a divine sword that splits nine days, even cut a long crack in the void passage. After breaking through the storm turbulence, the remaining force remained unresolved, and he killed the Thousand Foot Golden Crow.

Under the double destruction of sword slashing and the frantic rush of the void turbulence, the void passages are like porcelain that has been violently beaten, collapsed inch by inch, turned into uncountable fragments, and even turned into dust.

In just an instant, a long section of the void passage was shattered and turned into ruins, stirring up a terrifying void storm, which was extremely thrilling.

Ye Tian seemed to be in outer space, surrounded by endless darkness, uncountable turbulence of void and void fragments.

In this environment, humans can't survive at all, but the centipede is like a fish in water.

Here is its main battlefield!

Thousand-footed Celestial Centipede's pupils shrank suddenly, and with a loud roar, a terrifying wave was shook, and then his body swam out extremely quickly, avoiding Ye Tian's brilliant sword. At the same time, it opened its mouth and sucked wildly, swallowing a hanging void storm into its abdomen, as if it was still preparing to give Ye Tian a breath of turbulent storm.


Thousand-foot Celestial Centipede swims fast, but Ye Tian's sword light is faster.

Before the sword light was really cut, the Chaos Thunderclap arrived first, covering the whole body of the Thousand Foot Celestial Centipede, and bombarding it indiscriminately.

This is the oldest thunder, from the ancient world of Lei Xiao, far beyond the reach of ordinary thunder, it smashed the centipede into a twitch, and the scales that were originally scarlet like blood diamonds began to turn black.

Thousand-footed Celestial Centipede roared and let out a screaming scream.

After all, it is still a small sky centipede, has not experienced too many hardships, and has insufficient experience in confronting the enemy.


In the end, the Huanghuang sword light slashed onto the thousand-footed Celestial Centipede, slicing its scales and falling like snow flakes.

After all, this is a realm channel. Ye Tian’s ten percent of his combat power can’t show up to fifty percent, and the power of his swordsmanship is also sharply reduced, and the body of the Celestial Centipede is strong enough to not cut it into two with a single sword .

"Come again!"

Ye Tian roared and took advantage of the momentum.

Ye Tian's Ziying sword, which was as tall as a person, suddenly rose sharply again, turning into a brilliant sword, which was several tens of meters long.

With Ye Tian's low drink, the sword light tens of feet long, accompanied by a chaotic sea of ​​thunder, swished out, like a comet hitting the moon, and the sky was gorgeous.

Thousand-footed Celestial Centipede didn't dare to love fighting at all, and quickly dodged to avoid, panicking like a dog that lost the family.

While running, its huge body shrank sharply, seeking cover in the void fragments.

In the end, its huge body, which was ten feet long, shrank to only one foot long, like a small snake.

However, Ye Tian’s fire-eyed golden pupils can penetrate all falsehoods. Even in this environment, they are also very sharp and can be seen clearly. Of course, his divine power can also play a part. It can be found, and then Jianmang or Thunder will follow.

Only a moment later, the Celestial Centipede was chopped to black and scarred.

However, Ye Tian didn't dare to take it lightly. This was the main battlefield of the Celestial Centipede. As long as it was given some respite, it would soon recover and heal its injuries.

When the Thousand Foot Celestial Centipede was finally forced to a desperate situation by Ye Tian and there was no escape, Ye Tian held the big sword high in his hand, but suddenly moved his compassion.

After all, he was the one who killed the relatives of this little day centipede first.

"Finally, I will save you a little life, maybe it will be useful in the future."

Ye Tian finally put away the long sword, took out a porcelain bottle, and put the Thousand Foot Celestial Centipede in it.

The Thousand Foot Celestial Centipede is a good thing. It is a void beast. If it can be tamed, it can be used to open up a passage to the void, or to understand the avenue of the void.

No matter how bad it is, it can also be used to refine medicine.


Just when Ye Tian put away the Thousand Foot Celestial Centipede, a group of undetectable crystal light suddenly floated behind him. UU Reading

This group of crystal light is erratic and silent. If you look closely, you will find densely packed fragments of the law. The fragments of the law are extremely strange, and wherever they pass, the surrounding void storm is stopped, and the floating void fragments are also frozen, and even time seems to have stopped flowing.

Yes, this is a group of time fragments that can slow down time.

When Ye Tian's body was frozen, he didn't even know it at first. When he reacted, it was too late. The time fragments floated to him, like a clay cow entering the sea, blending into his body and disappearing.

Fortunately, this is just a small fragment of time. Time cannot be traced back. He can only freeze for a moment, as if this period of time in his life has disappeared, otherwise Ye Tian will become younger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, he should be more fortunate that this is not a group of time fragments that accelerate time, otherwise his life will pass by extremely quickly.

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