Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1851: Enter the Void Channel

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"Since it's here, don't go back." Ye Tian stopped in front, pressing harder every step of the way.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

He uses his finger-style sword and long sword clank to scream. The sword aura is a thousand magical, cold and biting, like a dragon's sword light rushing up into the sky, disintegrating large clouds, and surging out like a sea of ​​killing intent.

"You are not ashamed, if I want to leave, no one can stop me." The old man Jinwu said angrily, his face was pale, no one had ever dared to say such threatening words to him.

Then he said again: "Junior, I admit that you are a rare cultivator of immortality in thousands of years. If you live in the world before eternity, you will surely be able to prove Tianjun, with our ancestor Jinwu the Great, the sword ancestor of Shushan, and the first mother of Yaochi , Wait for the Yuan Ying to stand shoulder to shoulder. But today is not what it used to be. This world is incomplete, and the laws are incomplete, which will eventually limit you. In this mundane place, your cultivation has reached its peak, and it is difficult to make any further progress."

"What's the use of saying so much? Do you think I will let you go?" Ye Tian pressed forward, full of fighting spirit, with a very serious intention to kill.

It's not that he is cruel, but that this person can't stay, otherwise it will be a great evil, and the entire hidden gate, and even the secular world, may suffer from this in the future.

"It's nothing to win. I have more hidden gates than my powerful masters. They should already know that I will be killed soon when I encounter an accident. At that time, hundreds of millions of living beings here will be caused by you. Was brutally killed." The old man of the Golden Crow threatened.

"Hmph! Come one and I will kill one, come ten and I will kill ten. When the blood flows into a river, the bones become a mountain, the hidden gate will always learn a lesson."


As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tian stomped his feet suddenly, and the bright golden light burst out from his body. A layer of fine scales appeared on the surface of the golden sacred body, which made him look like a god.

The old man of the Golden Crow also suddenly shot, and the battle finally broke out again.

This time the Golden Crow old man resorted to desperate means, not only was a golden core being crazily squeezed out of energy, but also the essence and blood in his body burned up, performing various taboo secret techniques.

However, no matter what kind of magical power he displayed, Ye Tianjie broke it with his fist.

Fist like a star, breaking ten thousand magic with one force!

In the end, the Golden Crow old man had no choice but to take out the Golden Crow Lingyu again, spurred it with all his strength, and waved away at Ye Tian, ​​and all the divine abilities contained in it exploded at the same time.

"It's over, it's over!" The golden crow old man bit his teeth, reluctantly cut his love.

The one-foot-long Golden Crow Lingyu first collapsed suddenly and turned into an infinitely small spot of light, and then expanded in an instant, turning into a dazzling ball of light.


Right beside Ye Tian, ​​the Golden Crow Lingyu exploded, like a volcanic eruption, bursting with endless flames.

The flames rushed into the void hundreds of feet high, like a sky fire burning, burning embers in the void, vaguely showing the shape of a mushroom cloud.

The dazzling glare can almost blind people's eyes, but the immortal eyes can't see, and the eyes are white.

The deafening thunder roar, with a majestic breath, swept away in all directions like a shock wave, like boiling soup and splashing snow, and in the blink of an eye, it wiped out everything within a few hundred feet of Ye Tian's body.

At this moment, not only the humans were horrified, but also the innumerable spirits and beasts shivering in the corner.

This power is really terrifying, it seems to be annihilating the world, and there is also a breath of Nascent Soul, which oppresses the smashing avenue of the world to make waves of wailing.


The old man of the Golden Crow panted heavily, and a head was exposed from the entrance of the boundary passage.

He threw the Golden Crow Lingyu just now, and plunged into the boundary channel. Because once Golden Crow Lingyu exploded, he would not recognize who he was and would launch an indiscriminate attack.

This terrible blow that was almost a super nuclear weapon was at the core of the huge explosion. His already severely damaged body could not bear it, even if he was immortal, he would be seriously injured and dying.

"Haha, you are the late King of the Golden Core, and it is impossible to withstand the full blow of my Zong Yuanying forbidden device. Junior, after all, you are weaker and died in my hands." The old Jin Crow laughed loudly. , Walking out of the boundary passage while talking.

Without Ye Tian, ​​he was the king of this small world, fearless.

The turbulent flow of the void gurgled and rolled up several feet high, scouring his already scarred flesh even more bloody, but he didn't care, and his body could withstand it.

Moreover, the Void Turbulence Law at this entrance is sparsely fragmented, and the deeper the Void Passage is, the more dangerous it becomes.

"Who told you that I was dead?"

At this moment, suddenly, a male voice full of magnetism came out from the still-filled gunpowder, where the flames glowed, the ground was melted, and magma flowed across, like hell.

The laughter of the Golden Crow old man stopped abruptly, and he followed the prestige in horror.

Countless spectators in the audience also opened their eyes wide at this moment, all looking together.

I saw that in the monstrous firelight, the phantom of a firebird appeared first, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

The Firebird opened its mouth abruptly and sucked, like a long whale chanting water. With just a few fingers, it sucked in the monstrous sea of ​​fire.

Then the firebird fluttered its wings and pulled out a long line of fire behind him, like a predator goshawk, hunting and killing the old golden crow.

"You didn't even die? How could it be possible? That's a forbidden weapon left by my Zong Yuanying, even Jindan Great Monarch can be killed!" The old man Jin Crow couldn't believe it.

However, now these questions are not the time for him to think about, his life is hanging by a thread again, he turns around and jumps into the boundary channel again.

Frankly speaking, he was not 100% sure to pass the boundary passage, because the inside was too dangerous, and it was simply a dragon pond and tiger's den.

However, there is at least a silver lining.

The Vermillion Bird Firebird turned into Ye Tian hovered over the boundary passage, and he saw the old man of the Golden Crow floating up and down in the turbulence of the void, his eyes full of hatred.

"Junior, you have the ability to catch me! We are born and died in the boundary passage, I will never escape." The old Jinwu shouted to Ye Tian.

In the boundary passage, not only the mana of one body will be suppressed, but even the power of the physical body will not be able to display much. He is not facing danger all the time, and Ye Tian has the advantage and cannot display it.

The same goes for the Golden Crow old man.

"Teacher, don't go in, it's too dangerous." Mengyao rushed and shouted loudly.

"Sovereign, UU read, think twice, don't be irritated by the old clapper of the hidden door." Old man Jiujue also said.

"This is a bad remark. Now is a good time to kill him. Don't let him go away, otherwise I will be in danger." An old monk onlookers stroked his goatee and said lightly.

The old man Jiujue immediately stared at him with a fierce look.

"This is a disaster brought by the Ye Devil, and it should be solved by him." Someone said.

Everyone wished that Ye Tian and the Golden Crow old man would die together in the boundary passage. This was the best ending.

"I'm optimistic about the sect, wait for me to come back!"

Just as everyone was talking, the Vermillion Bird Firebird in the form of Ye Tian plunged into the boundary passage and was annihilated by the turbulence of the void.

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