Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1817: New God King

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The King of the Universe was split apart by a sword, and the soul, the golden core, were completely dead.

At that moment, the sky was raining blood, and the ghosts were crying.

The world was bleak, and the weather was clear and cloudless for a short time, and there were bursts of muffled thunder.

The fall of mighty energy will cause natural sympathy, resulting in celestial changes, and weeping in heaven and earth. Because every great power is the darling of heaven and earth, there is the mark of heaven and earth in his body.

Generally speaking, it is at least necessary for Yuan Ying to overhaul and fall before it is possible to bring down this astonishing vision of heaven and earth crying. Although the King of the Universe is a golden core, he is the master of this small world, the supreme commander in charge of the king, and represents the will of heaven and earth, so there will be a vision of heaven and earth weeping.

However, the scope of this vision is very small, only this small secret world.

If it is Yuan Ying, it can even spread to a big star.

The remaining gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, as well as the gods and soldiers, were all silent, two trembled, and they were dumbfounded for a while.

The fall of the **** king is like the sky collapsed to them, without the backbone, for a while, I don't know what to do, and how to go on the road in the future.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, figures vented the air, coming from all directions of the Wanshen Mountain.

Every figure is an extraordinary master who has been left behind by the people.

Such a earth-shattering battle has already shocked the entire Olympus world, and people will inevitably be curious and rush over to watch.

The small world has a population of tens of millions, and it is full of aura and enlightenment. Even ordinary civilians without the blood of God will have extraordinary births, and the number is very considerable.

These transcendents, as the civil forces, often form groups and are jealous of the Wanshen Mountain, and they are often hunted down.

Therefore, they also hate Wanshen Mountain.

"What? God King Taizhou is dead?"

All the transcendents who arrived saw the battlefield riddled with holes, and the corpses of Taizhou who had been split in half were all petrified on the spot.

"Who killed too much?"

Swipe it!

One after another, they looked at the figure of a young man in the arrogant sky, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Just a young man, how can He De break through the Ten Thousand God Mountain and kill the King of the Universe?

Countless people can't calm down.

However, facts are facts and are not subject to anyone's will.

Although Ye Tian's breath fell at this moment, from the condensation of pills to the initial stage of his birth, he was more bruised and bruised, and his mouth was bleeding, but no one dared to underestimate it, and no one dared to offend him.

This is the real invincible posture!

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Tian stepped down into the sky, and every step he took, a group of colorful ripples would rippling under his feet, turning into the shape of footprints. This is the rhyme of Taoism, and Tiandi Avenue recognizes him.


Every time he took a breath, a tornado storm would be rolled up between the heaven and the earth, and the whole piece of divine soil in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, all the auras were attracted, turned into a surging tide of auras, rolled in, and poured into his body madly.

The nearby flowers, plants, and trees were even deprived of their vitality and quickly withered.

The Qi in Ye Tian's body was recovering extremely quickly every minute and every second, constantly rising.

This is the terrible part of the Golden Eucharist, possessing wound healing and vitality recovery capabilities far surpassing most physiques.

Princess Anna flew down from the top of the mountain, floating like an immortal, standing consciously behind Ye Tian.

Although Ye Tian said that after breaking through the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, she would give her the throne of the King of Gods, but standing in front of Ye Tian, ​​she consciously got a head short and didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Moreover, she also said that she worshiped Ye Tian as a teacher.


A group of savage beasts rushed from a distance, their thick iron hoofs stepped on the ground and the mountains shook.

The head is a white wolf, huge and unmatched, like a giant elephant, majestic and majestic, watching the world.

A middle-aged beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous palace costume and a purple and gold crown sits on the back of a white wolf.

The savage beasts behind her are also mounts, with people sitting on their backs, holding magic weapons and warriors one by one, coming with murderous aura.


A long distance away, the white wolf saw Princess Ann and immediately let out a roar.

Surprisingly, the people from Paradise Valley are here. This white wolf is Princess Anna's mount. Now sitting on the wolf's back is her mother, the Queen of Paradise Valley.

In fact, when Anna and Ye Tian left Paradise Valley, they immediately set off.

When they came to the foot of Wanshen Mountain and saw the scene in front of them, they knew that the battle was over and nothing happened to them.

"This guy really destroyed the Ten Thousand God Mountain and killed Taizhou. Isn't it too powerful?"

Wearing women's armor, a pair of snow-white beautiful legs, the undulating figure of Ellie girl, sitting on the back of a dragon scale horse in a daze, her big eyes flashing, she couldn't believe it.

The scene of meeting Ye Tianchu quickly came to her mind. At that time, she regarded Ye Tian as the prodigal son who coveted Princess Ann's beauty, and she was ironic. Think about it now, I'm afraid after a while.

"It would be great if I could be so strong one day!"

Akasi, who was still seriously injured, panted heavily, with a determined look on his face, his hands clenched into fists.

At the same time, a trace of loss rose in his heart, ashamed of himself.

Princess Ann stood by Ye Tian's side, complementing each other so perfectly, they were simply a pair of natural beauties.

"Only a man like him can be worthy of Princess Ann!"

Unexpectedly, Akasi regarded Ye Tian as his love rival, but he self-knowingly took the initiative to withdraw.

"Paradise Valley Brudo, UU reading to meet the new **** king, may the new **** king live forever."

Just when a group of people were dumbfounded, Brudo suddenly turned over and dismounted, and bowed to Ye Tianna, respecting him, as if a loyal courtier saw the emperor.

He also had wounds on his body. After all, most of his body was crushed under the suppression of the God King Seal. Even if he took the panacea, he could not heal completely without ten days and a half months.

His actions by Ye Tian this week caused a commotion in the audience.

Paradise Valley is a major force of Olympus, second only to the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, the Fire Ape Clan of the Flame Mountain, and the ancestors of the Yin Demon. Now these three powers have been destroyed, and Paradise Valley has become the largest one. The forces, but surrendered to Ye Tian, ​​this made other forces have to make a decision as soon as possible.

The so-called early bird eats insects, early surrender can get benefits, and late surrender will leave only the leftovers, and may even suffer unpredictable consequences.

Since then, under the leadership of Brudo, more forces, or civil organizations, or famous clans, and the remnants of Wanshen Mountain, expressed their surrender to Ye Tian one after another, and welcomed him to sit on the new king. throne.

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