Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1787: Recovery repair

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After more than ten days of retreat, just when all the training resources were about to be exhausted, Ye Tian finally recovered all the previous cultivation bases, and his whole life was alive and well, full of supernatural power.

He breathed and breathed in and connected with the heaven and the earth, and all the pores in his body were enlarged, as if connected to the heaven and the earth, mobilizing the essence between the heaven and the earth many times faster.

He is full of vitality, full of brilliance, and transforms into dragons, lingering in the body, like a god, flesh and blood, flawless, spotless, shiny, like the most beautiful work of art.


A magnificent breath permeated from Ye Tian's body, like a huge wave raised by a tsunami, almost smashing the cabin.

Ye Tian's eyes were superb and brilliant, and they shot out like two bolts of lightning, especially bright.

Suddenly he stood up and stood up. There was a dignified aura on his body. Just the exhaled aura made the mountains tremble, and cracks appeared on the ground under his feet.

"Finally recovered all the cultivation base!" Ye Tian sighed softly.

He gently raised his hand, and he felt a sense of control over the world, as if he was the master of the world, and everything in the world could be controlled by him.

He looked into the distance, the mountains and the earth in his eyes, one grass and one tree, one mountain and one stone, which made people involuntarily rise up the lofty ambition of swallowing mountains and rivers.

"It feels so good to have power!"

Ye Tian sighed again. He slammed a fist with one hand, and the airflow overflowing between his fingers exploded with a thunderous sound, knocking out a large hole on the ground under his feet, and his body was surging like a tide, and a fist hit the mountain in front of him. The urge to explode, but he finally controlled himself and did not do so.

After all, he is now a guest. It would be too unnatural to "be a guest" in someone's home and destroy other people's things.

"Did no one find me?" Ye Tian was suddenly surprised.

The breath erupting from him is not unimportant, filling every corner of Paradise Valley and oppressing everyone's hearts. It stands to reason that someone will find here, but now the entire Paradise Valley is quiet, and no one is looking for it.

He stared at a city at the foot of the mountains, only to find that the bustling city was almost an empty city. Only a few old, weak, sick, disabled and young were wandering. The guards and strong men were gone.

Then he released his spiritual thoughts, penetrated into the queen's palace, and saw the queen sitting on pins and needles on the throne.

"My Lady Queen, don't worry, Princess Ann will definitely win a big victory." A female soldier comforted.

"No, Ten Thousand Gods Mountain is not something we mortals can get involved. I must call them back." The queen said loudly, very eagerly and a little hysterical.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised:

"Did something happen?"


His divine consciousness immediately magnified countless times, and instantly penetrated the boundary membrane of the secret realm of Paradise Valley, spreading to the vast expanse of heaven and earth outside.

Soon, he found the traces of Princess Anna, in a mountain forest ten miles away from Paradise Valley, and he was fighting hard with the Pantheon people.

This time Princess Anna was not to save the civilians, but to truly declare war on Wanshen Mountain and snipe a pair of soldiers and horses on Wanshen Mountain.

I saw that the soldiers and horses on Princess Ann's side were clearly in the upper hand, and the gods and soldiers of the Ten Thousand God Mountain had already suffered a large number of deaths.

As the so-called snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gains!

Now is a good time for Princess Anna to take action, because Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, Flaming Mountain and Yin Demon ancestor fought for more than ten days, and their strength was very exhausted. Among them, the Huoyan Mountain of the Fire Ape Clan was uprooted by the Wanshen Mountain after all, and the entire Huo Ape Clan was almost wiped out.

The tens of thousands of the ancestors of the Yin Demon were also severely injured, unable to form an army, and the nest was almost demolished.

Although Wanshenshan won a great victory, it also sacrificed a lot. Half of the central sacred soil in a radius of three hundred miles was turned into scorched earth. Even the palaces of the gods on Wanshenshan were destroyed. The deadly soldiers and soldiers were killed and wounded. It is uncountable. The old **** king was also seriously injured.

The three major forces are all at their weakest. When will Paradise Valley not take any action at this time?

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Princess Ann was bloodied in her battle clothes, mounted a white wolf, like a female **** of war, and smashed a **** to death as soon as she raised her hand.

"It seems to have forgotten me. I didn't call me when I counterattacked the Ten Thousand God Mountain." Ye Tian's mouth twitched slightly, and a wry smile appeared in his heart.

"If you can attack the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain and overthrow the rule of the gods, it would be better. It will save me a lot of things. I will continue to retreat now."

In such a situation, Ye Tian chose to be a bystander and was happy and free.

He is an outsider after all, so he can try not to make a move. This is also a kind of tempering for Princess Anna.


In the cabin, Ye Tian sat down.

Looking inwardly, he could see that the two Yuan Pills in his dantian were shining, one was the Shui Xing Yuan Pill and the other was the Earth Xing Yuan Pill. It's bigger and more rounded than before.

Ye Tian imposed a seal on both of the two yuan pill to avoid using the power of the yuan pill in the battle. Because Yuan Dan is very fragile, it can be used in a simple way. If it is excessively overdrawn, it is likely to cause irreversible damage.

Yuan Dan is only the beginning of Jin Dan, far from the real Jin Dan.

The yuan pill is like a rough iron ingot, and the golden pill is like a sharp sword. An iron ingot can only become a sharp sword after thousands of tempers.

In addition, Ye Tian had another important consideration for sealing the two yuan pills, to avoid the interaction between heaven and man, and to bring down the golden pills thunder.

He wants to cultivate five Yuan Pills, and fight thunder tribulation together, to see if he can cultivate five golden pills in one fell swoop.

A monk can only condense one golden core in his life. This is the consensus of the cultivation world. Only a small number of different species can condense two or more golden cores.

The human monks who can condense multiple golden cores are even rarer, and Ye Tian hadn't even heard of it in his previous life.

Now, UU reading Ye Tian wants to make an attempt by himself, condensing many golden pills in one fell swoop.

"Even if I don't use the power of the original pill, with the thick chaotic true essence in my body, plus Xiaocheng's golden body, plus a magic weapon, a purple sword, it should be no problem to fight an early gold pill."

"However, the consumption of divine weapons is too great. Facing a golden core is okay. I am confident that I can solve the battle before the true essence is consumed to a certain level. If I face multiple golden cores, I may not be able to bear it, and eventually I will not be able to urge it. Use the magic weapon to defeat. Unless, I use the power of the essence pill after the true essence has been exhausted."

"My two Yuan Dans are destined to prove Dao high-grade Jin Dan in the future, and they should be comparable to an early Jin Dan."


Ye Tian talked to himself, combed what he had learned, and deduced his own combat power.

If facing two golden cores, he has the confidence to win, if three, he may face difficulties and need a hard fight. If faced with four golden cores, he would almost certainly die.

And this, it has not been considered that the opponent has magic weapons, or other forbidden weapons, to kill magical powers.

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