Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1782: showdown

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"Who on earth are you? What does it have to do with the East of the secular world? Why do you look the same?"

Before leaving the cabin, Princess Ann suddenly became bold and asked Ye Tian again.

She didn't expect Ye Tian to answer her, because he had asked similar questions before, but Ye Tian didn't answer it.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tian actually answered her this time and said:

"I am from the East of the secular world."

Princess Ann was stunned on the spot, and she stood in mud wood plastic for a while, her eyes fixed on Ye Tian, ​​her mood could not be calm for a long time.

This man is too mysterious for her to see through.

"What do you want to ask, just ask." Ye Tian stood up suddenly, stopped practicing, sat down at a tea table, and made a cup of tea on his own.

The recovery speed of the cultivation base was faster than he had imagined. He originally thought it would take a month, but now it seems that half a month is enough.

"This is impossible? The only passage between the small world and the secular world is in Wanshen Mountain. I heard that it has been destroyed for a long time. Even if the passage is repaired, you should appear on Wanshen Mountain. Did you walk down from Wanshen Mountain? There is the abode of the gods, and it is heavily guarded, how can you come down?"

"It stands to reason that I should have appeared on Ten Thousand Gods Mountain. However, I didn't get there, and rushed out of the transmission channel halfway, so I would appear in the Southern Territory."

Ye Tian said seriously, but it was too ridiculous, Anna couldn't believe it, and she was skeptical.

"Then why did the Fire Ape Clan's lava battle flag and the bone war spear appear in your hands? Did the Fire Ape Prince really die in your hands?" Anna then asked, trying to keep herself calm, her eyebrows stooped and her eyes raised. Pupils are like water, condensed with poetic rhyme, and the purple hair is flowing and shiny, very bright.

"How about it?" Ye Tian glanced at Princess Ana and smiled faintly.

He spoke lightly, but Princess Ann sounded like a bolt from the blue, and was shocked for a while that the six gods were a little unruly.

Fire Ape Prince, what kind of character is that?

In the future, it is destined to prove that the Golden Core will prove to be a worldly existence that will fight against the gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain!

"Then you know, the old ape king of Huoyan Mountain is attacking Wanshenshan, thinking that it was the main **** Amos of Wanshenshan who killed the fire ape prince? The old ape king rushed to Wanshenshan and let Wanshenshan hand over the murderer." Princess Anna Asked.

"I don't know this. However, I know that the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain will definitely not hand over the Lord Amos. Because this person was also killed by me, and his body and spirit are all destroyed." Ye Tian's tone was still indifferent, as if he was killed in one. It's not worth mentioning just a chicken dog.

Hearing what Princess Ann said, Ye Tian thought about it for a while and understood the reason.

On that day, he killed Amos and the Fire Ape Prince in the basement of Wanbing Pavilion in Amethyst City. All people who knew the truth died, and he did not reveal his true face from beginning to end. It is indeed easy to cause a misunderstanding to the outside world. Fire ape prince and Ames fought in the basement of Wanbing Pavilion, causing deaths and injuries.

This was Ye Tian's unintentional killing, which caused a confrontation between the two major forces, which was completely unexpected.

The corner of Princess Ann's mouth twitched, and she took another deep breath, and said: "The Ten Thousand Gods Mountain indeed failed to hand over the Lord Amos. However, the Old Ape King robbed and killed the Thunder King Occas."

"Lei King Occas?" Ye Tian jumped at the corner of his eyes and looked up at Anna.

"Yes, it's the Orchus who was beaten by you, the first main **** of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain. That day, he returned to the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain with a crippled body. He didn't expect to meet the Old Ape King, and then he was killed by the town."

"Really?" Ye Tian chuckled, "Then, in this case, won't Wanshen Mountain and the Fire Ape Clan fight to the end?"

"Not only the Wanshen Mountain and the Fire Ape Clan, but also the Yin Mo ancestors have also mixed in. The Yin Mo ancestor and the Fire Ape Clan have joined forces to fight against the Wanshen Mountain."

"Hahaha, God helped me too. If a dog bites a dog, let them bite for a while, and then I will take action when both loses." Ye Tian laughed.

"Fortunately, you can still laugh. Now the entire small world is in chaos. There are killings everywhere, and there are deaths and injuries everywhere. I really don't know how many people will die in this turmoil. The people will not live and the lives will be destroyed." Princess Ann's eyes were full of compassion and compassion. She was really thinking about the common people, and she had always been fighting for the common people.

"Anna, change will inevitably bring death and injury. If the death and injury of this generation can be exchanged for a better life for the next generation, everything is worth it. You know why I came to Olympus this time. Is it to overthrow the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain and bring down the gods. You must have a strong heart in order to be in charge of the kingship and dominate this small world in the future."

"What are you talking about? What do you mean?" Anna was dumbfounded, thinking she had misheard her ears, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"I don't understand enough. When I overthrow the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, you will be the seat of the King of Gods, and you will lead the new gods."

Anna was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed, and said, "Are you cultivating into a demon? What nonsense? How can you overthrow the Wanshen Mountain by yourself, a small **** from the gods? The Old Ape King of the Flame Mountain. Both the Yin Demon ancestors of the Western Regions are golden cores, but when they join forces, they can only fight against the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, and they have to fall into a disadvantage. Just forget it."

Ye Tian's words were too far-fetched, and Princess Anna couldn't believe it.

"You can practice in retreat here with peace of mind. I will take good care of my subordinates and not let them disturb you again. When the outside world settles down, you will go out again."

After speaking, Princess Ann left the cabin.

"I said I gave you this world, why wouldn't you believe it?" Ye Tian shook his head gently, muttering to himself.

After he drank a cup of tea, UU reading continued to practice in retreat, regardless of the chaotic outside world and the panic Paradise Valley.

The Wanshen Mountain, the Fire Ape Clan, and the ancestors of the Yin Demon, the three major forces are fighting vigorously, and the fight is inextricable. It is a rare opportunity for Paradise Valley.

If this opportunity is grasped, Paradise Valley may become the fourth force in the small world, and even attack the Ten Thousand God Mountain.

Now Paradise Valley is in the battlefield, training all day, preparing for battle.

Not only in Paradise Valley, but outside of Paradise Valley, Anna has also brought in some small forces, all of which can be used.

However, there has not been a unified conclusion about when to take the shot.

Princess Ana is the main battle, but her mother, the queen of Paradise Valley, is cautious and indecisive. She thinks it's not the time to fight, and doesn't even want to fight, just stick to the one-third of Paradise Valley.

There was a group of forces behind the mother and daughter, and they were also quarreling violently.

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