Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1775: Defeat the enemy

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Boom boom boom!

In the sound of the thunder, Ye Tian's body, head and feet, was chaotic like a tide, and countless five-colored thunder lights poured out of the sky, wrapping him in circles.

Compared to the Thunder King Occas, he is more like a **** king who dominates the thunder, and any arbitrary physical movement can play a jaw-dropping thunder and lightning supernatural power.

The thunder of the gods was like water, rushing away in all directions, surging surgingly, and all of a sudden, the thunder that gushed from the body of the thunder king rushed back.


As Ye Tian stepped out, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a thunder knife smashed out flatly, slashing the thunder hammer that fell into the volley.


A war knife made of five-color thunder lights, held in his hands by Ye Tian, ​​is three feet long, with glare and glare, like a brilliant rainbow. With a slight shock, thousands of shadows of the sword will appear. The space burst apart.

Where Dao Mang passed, it brought up a world like a **** of thunder, and the sky was covered with chaos and thunder.

"Thunder Sword!"

When Thunder King Aucardston's pupils shrank, he had a bad premonition.


In an instant, the Thunder War Knife and Thunder Warhammer fought openly.

There was an earth-shattering sound, and the originally indestructible Thunder Warhammer was slashed into a depth of more than a foot and flew out of the hands of Thunder King Okas.


The Thunder Sword also fell apart and shattered. However, the goal was achieved, and he flew the Thunder Warhammer.

"Hahaha, come again!"

Ye Tian Yangtian laughed, stepped out, swept into the void, walked in the air, and took the initiative to attack.

In his body, qi and blood were surging, flowing like a big river in the Yangtze River, making the sound of thunder, and the surface of his body was overflowing with radiance, shrouded in a layer of blazing divine light.

"A divine realm ant is blessed by the power of the divine artifact domain. How can you fight against the pill? No matter who you are, you are dead today. The nine races will be punished, and all your relatives will die." Lei Wang gritted his teeth and said.

"Really? In the ancient city of Amethyst last night, a guy named Amos said something similar to me, but I was killed." Ye Tian said lightly.

"What? You killed Amos?" Lei Wang changed his color suddenly.

Amos is his younger brother. He went to the ancient city of Amethyst last night to help one of his gods and subordinates avenge him. He didn't expect this to be the result.


Endless killing intent rushed out of Thunder King’s body, and a black shield shrouded in thunder light suddenly appeared in his hands, turning into a hill the size of a hill, shaking thousands of waves, following the Thunder King’s body, right Ye Tian smashed his head and covered his face.


The void blasted, as if a party of heaven was crushed down.

King Lei finally used the power of the original pill, and a trace of the coercion of the **** king shook out.

"Give me to die!" Lei Wang roared, like a lion with exploded hair, his eyes full of wildness.

Ye Tian didn't dodge or avoid it, squeezing his fist, and directly greeted the black huge shield with the monstrous holy power. His fist was like a stormy sea, with invincible fist intent to dominate the world.


With this blow, the ghost cried and howled, and the metal tremor shattered the sky and then annihilated it. Even if the two clash in mid-air, the earth is still affected, riddled with holes, big pits one after another, endless lava raging.


There were several cracks on the black huge shield, and the thunder king's body was numb. He looked unbelievable, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he kept moving backwards.

"The main **** of the Pantheon, but so!" Ye Tian said loudly and sarcastically, then bullied himself up, chasing Lei Wang, and blasted his hammer.

At this time, on another battlefield not far away, both Princess Ann and Akasi were shocked. They couldn't believe that a young junior would be the opponent of Thunder King Orcus, and he could still fight.

You know, the Thunder King is an invincible existence of his generation, and he is a powerful person who can be ranked in the entire small world.

Of course, they could also see that Ye Tian himself was not so powerful, and he became so powerful with the help of the domain blessing of the secondary magic weapon lava battle flag.

This makes them even more puzzled. Where did Ye Tian's lava battle flag come from? What is the relationship with the fire ape clan?


In the deafening roar, the Thunder Beast, covered with hard scales, opened its mouth large enough to swallow the buffalo in one bite, and spouted a torrent of thunder in the direction of Ye Tian, ​​trying to help the Thunder King to get out of the siege.

"Stop it!"

Akasi rose up and smashed it down in a fight.


Thunder Beast's unicorn exploded and shot a thunder, bombarding Akasi away.

Akasi had already learned his lesson and made precautions in advance, and a vertical leap rushed to the back of the Thunder Beast, fighting against the thunder-shrouded unicorn.


The golden and iron symphony sounded several miles away, and the warrior that could penetrate the golden cracked stone smashed into the unicorn of the Thunder Beast, it was as if it had been slashed on the hardest armored steel plate in the world, splashing out the sky.

On the unicorn of the Lei Beast, only a simple mark was left.

"Cut its eyes, its eyes are weak points." Princess Anna screamed, and there was a flash of electricity on her legs, and the electromagnetic shells ejected out, and instantly rushed to the feet of Leiju, then jumped up and swept to Leiju's face. In front of the door, two eyes larger than the door panel were in front of him.

The battle knives transformed into two wheel saw discs were raised high above the head, and the sword fell with the hand, and the sword breath of more than ten feet screamed out again, slashing directly at one of the eyes of the Leiju.


From the eyes of the Lei Beast, two thunder pillars suddenly burst out, with a diameter of more than one foot, and countless tiny thunder electric lights condensed among them, and their power should not be underestimated.


The sword energy more than ten feet long clashed with Lei Zhu.

In just an instant, the sword energy was destroyed by the thunder pillar.

The thick thunder pillar is like a laser cannon, destroying the might of heaven and earth, and continues to rush towards Princess Anna.

Princess Ana's face changed wildly, and she quickly resorted to a heavy fall, her figure plummeted down like a weight, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The Lei Beast skin was thick and rough, and the body was able to discharge electricity. Princess Ann and Akasi had no way to start, but they were almost hit hard by the Lei Beast.

At this time, Ye Tian's Thunder King all hit real fire, and they were in a fierce confrontation.

"Enough!" Lei Wang roared and quickly opened the distance between Ye Tian.

"The Law of Thunder, the realm of order!"


Lightning interweaves between heaven and earth, building a new order.

This is a small world of thunder, which is opening up, filled with endless chaos.

In the center of the small world of Thunder, Okas, the Thunder King, stretched his legs and waved his arms. Everything moved with him and was born because of him.

He is like the only master of Kaitian, and like an immortal god, with flowing Baohui, two thunder hammers flying from a distance, falling into his hands, and suppressing Ye Tian.

"The power of the law, you are a **** ant, you will never understand. Now, send you on the road, let me die!" Lei Wang burst into shouts.

In the small world of Chaos Thunder and Lightning, all kinds of magic weapons are flying and turning into laws, and they are all the hard work of the Thunder King's life, and they attacked and killed Ye Tian together.

This is an extremely terrifying scene.


The heavens and the earth roared, and the aura of heaven and earth permeated, various magic weapons danced in the sky, shattering the heaven and the earth, making the realm of the sub-divine artifacts unstable. The chain of order gods formed by the culture of thunder talisman intertwined in the void, piercing every inch of space.

Princess Ann and Akasi were shocked again, the Thunder King was too strong to compete. As the most powerful heir of the **** king, he was born with the power of thunder by the **** king. With the body of condensed pill, he can control the law of thunder, which is too frightening.


Ye Tian let out a roar, holding a bone war spear, hitting nine days up and stab the nine quiets, horizontally up and down, and broke the chaos unexpectedly.

Every pore of the juvenile’s body is vomiting essence, and the vitality of the fire in the field gathers towards him like a tide, and rushes into his body, like a whale swallowing a cow, and the sea is boundless.

He is as bright as a divine sun, with immense divine light shining in all directions.


There was a loud noise, and Ye Tian swung his bones and spears, and even collapsed Thunder King's small thunder world.

The Bone War Spear was bathed in thunder, and Ye Tian poured the surging real essence of fire, like a hot red soldering iron, hot and hot, penetrating all obstacles.

His flesh and blood seemed to be completely integrated into the lava battle flag and turned into a part of the lava battle flag, with lava flowing on the surface, crisscrossing like a river.

At this moment, his Tao is in motion, fits the Tao with one's body, carries the heaven and the earth, all-encompassing.


The Bone War Spear was moved again, and suddenly there were lava rivers rushing out, like lava dragons, fighting Lei Wang.


The Thunder King flew out, the shield burst on the spot, and the two Thunder Warhammers dropped out again, spurting blood in their mouths, which was hard to resist.

At this moment, there was an indescribable aura permeating Ye Tian's body, which merged with the lava battle flag. The spirit and the spirit were in harmony with the Tao. The blood in the body was boiling, and the sound of thunder was emitted, and the world was shaking. Resonating.

The Thunder King was extremely horrified, the Thunder World was destroyed, his body was also penetrated, and his vitality continued to fade.

This made it difficult for him to accept that the dignified Thunder King, the most powerful **** of the Pantheon, was defeated.

Not only did he find it incredible, Princess Ann and Akasi also felt like a fantasy.

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Tian stepped out step by step, approaching the Lei King, raising the bone war spear in his hand.

"This bone war spear, if I didn't admit it was wrong, it was a soldier of the Fire Ape Prince, why did it appear in your hand? Who are you?" Lei King lay on the ground and asked loudly.

"When you get to hell, you will know everything."


Like a javelin, UU reading www. Ye Tian threw the bone war spear and aimed it at the forehead of King Thunder.

But at this moment, the thunder beast roared, and a thunderous breath came, rushing towards Ye Tian's direction.

Princess Ann and Akasi didn't have time to stop them, and they didn't even have the ability to stop them.

But when he saw that Ye Tian didn't evade, he only patted it with a light palm, and the ground in front of him cracked suddenly, surging magma surging out, and rolling up a magma wave one foot high.

With Ye Tian's continuous palm, the magma wave smashed the ground three feet, more and more magma gathered, and finally merged into a ten-foot-high magma wave, overwhelming the sky, overwhelming the mountains and the sea.


The ten-foot-high magma wave suddenly collided with the breath of the thunder beast, and it erupted with a loud noise, like a super volcanic eruption, the endless magma accompanied by thunder, like thin mud, flying in all directions.

The small world built by the lava battle flag finally broke apart, cracking open.

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