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A splendid divine rainbow, hundreds of meters long, when it first appeared, the spirits of the ten directions gathered and exploded with a world-shaking power. Wherever it passed, thousands of trees and chaotic leaves withered, and even the mountain shook. , And there are waves of dragons ringing through the world.

And the one hundred-meter long rainbow that flew out was also like a flood dragon, dancing in the sky, full of flames lingering, unshakable, and taking the head of Thunder King Occasi with the momentum of a meteor falling to the ground.

Ye Tian hasn't used the Longjiao divine bow for a long time, and the power that bursts out is still amazing, even better than before, not inferior to Mengyao's magical power of the setting sun.

As soon as this bow is released, there is almost a tendency to kill the world!

call out!

The speed of the arrow feathers is too fast, comparable to the shells fired by electromagnetic guns, ten or twenty times the speed of sound. When Thunder King Occas noticed, they had swept thousands of feet of void and almost rushed in front of it.

Between the lightning and the fire, his sitting thunder beast roared, and the unicorn on his forehead exploded and shot a thick thunderbolt, which pierced the void in an instant and intercepted the incoming Baizhang Changhong.

However, it didn't work at all, and the speed of the arrow feather was too fast to stop it.

call out!

The arrow feather made from the ribs of the Red Flame Dragon Flood Dragon, like a god, emits a terrible whistle, bursts out a comet-like strong light and flames, shining across the world, and heading straight to the head of the Thunder King Occas. go with.

At this moment, all the gods and soldiers were shocked.

God will be able to make some resistance to some extent, although all of them are ineffective.

A group of magic soldiers couldn't even react, each of them could only stare wide-eyed, watching the arrow feathers approaching the main **** they admired.

"Looking for death!" Thunder King Okas yelled.

The huge thunder light palm that grabbed Princess Anna suddenly changed, abandoned Princess Anna, and slapped it at Baizhang Changhong.

A big hand surrounded by thunder light exuded a monstrous blood, as if there was a resonance of ten thousand divine thunder.

However, the result was far beyond the Thunder King Okas's expectation. The arrow was like a dragon, making the mountains and rivers pale, the sun and the moon were dull, the power was beyond imagination, and it was incredible.


The thunder-shrouded giant palm was shot and exploded, and the arrow feathers passed by.

Pulled by the Qi machine, one of his really big hands sprinkled a large rain of blood on the palm of his palm, and a blood hole was pierced, which was shocking.

Thunder King Okas was a pill condensing power, and he was shot through the palm of his hand by an arrow. Just thinking about how powerful the arrow was, it was frightening.

After shooting through the palm of King Lei, the arrow feathers did not exhaust all their power. They circled in an open area a hundred meters away, and shot at Lei King's body, seeming to be endlessly immortal.

However, this time the arrow feathers finally failed to rush to the front of the Thunder King, and a thick thunder pillar shot by the Thunder Beast Unicorn was blasted off.

However, something more terrifying has just begun.


Suddenly, there was a big shock, the whole mountain shook for a while, the rocks rolled down, and the chaotic leaves fluttered.

The figure on the high mountain in the distance seemed to have crossed thousands of feet in one step and came to the field.


Just raising his hand, a magic soldier's head was slapped, and a spear in his hand was taken away.

Puff puff!

A scream came out, and four soldiers in succession were pierced by a spear, flew hundreds of feet away, plunged into the cliff with a bang, and were nailed to death there.

"who are you?"

A group of magic soldiers and generals all changed color.

"Kill your people!"

Ye Tianren didn't talk too much, his eyes were deep, his hair was flying, his aura was like a mountain like a mountain, and his breath was like an abyss like a sea.

He uses a light and shadowy step, like a ghost, and every step he takes will be reaped of life.

Like these divine soldiers, most of the realms are in the transformation realm, and several divine generals are only in the realm. He kills like cutting melons and vegetables.

In a short while, corpses one after another in the mountains, blood stained the ground, more than 20 **** soldiers died, and two **** generals died.

The fruits of this battle are shocking, it is simply a one-sided slaughter.

"Go together, kill him!" A **** general yelled, and threw a big bronze bell between his hands. It was densely covered with runes, which was obviously a secret treasure.


The big bronze clock glowed, and the dense talisman culture made the clock wave, sweeping in all directions, and the pieces were like knives and swords. The land was cut down several layers, and the big rocks were shattered into dust.

Zhong Bo is like a sword like a sword, and can wear gold and cracked stones, which shows how powerful this is a secret treasure.


However, Ye Tian kicked this big clock to pieces on the spot with just one kick.

Click! Click!

The fragments of the big clock fell to the ground, shimmering with glittering brilliance, it was made of magical materials at first sight, but it was vulnerable under Ye Tian's feet, and people couldn't help but sigh and marvel.

In the next second, Ye Tian turned into a glimpse of light, and instantly rushed to the **** general who threw the bell, and slapped his head with a palm.

Everyone saw a splash of blood splashing out, a piece of broken bones falling to the ground, and a battle ended in this way.


A headless corpse fell to the ground, bleeding from the broken neck gushing like a spring, scorching hot and hot, burning the ground with white smoke.

"Damn it, get out of me!" Thunder King Ocus suddenly shouted.

He was extremely furious, and the warhammer in his right hand was constantly infused with mana, and it had become like a thunderball, bursting with thunderous light that was difficult to see directly, almost reaching the limit, shining ten thousand times more than the sun in the sky. .

Facing Ye Tian's direction, Thunder King Orcus directly smashed the warhammer out.


The warhammer with a large grinding plate seemed to have the weight of a mountain, crushed into the void and trembled, bursting into a rumbling sound.

Ye Tian was struggling to kill the enemy and didn't seem to notice the warhammer thrown by the Thunder King.

"Be careful!" Princess Ann reminded her loudly.

She knew the power of Thunder King Orcus's Warhammer better than anyone else. She was filled with Thunder True Essence, and a full blow was absolutely comparable to a nuclear explosion. If it was picked up by a Warhammer, even the immortal would have to hate it.

At this time, Ye Tian still maintained the face of a handsome western man, which was completely different from the eastern face when she first met, so she did not recognize Ye Tianlai. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

Moreover, Ye Tian's performance at the moment was far more brave than when she was rescued yesterday, and she could not link the two together anyway.

In the flash of lightning, Ye Tian stomped his feet on the ground, and a large area of ​​the ground was shaken apart, and his body jumped into the air, his strong waist suddenly twisted, and then his long legs swept across, facing the blaster. "Thunder Ball" kicked out.

This leg exploded the air and overwhelmed the ocean. Even a tank weighing several tens of tons would be kicked by him, or even exploded.


The Thunder King's warhammer, which weighs truly comparable to a tank, is like a ball, flying out under Ye Tian's foot.


After an instant, thousands of feet away, there was a loud noise. First, a dazzling bright light that could burn people’s eyes lit up, and then a visible shock wave swept across all directions. Everywhere it passed, everything was shredded into pieces.齑粉.

A mountain with a height of one hundred feet also fell apart in the sound of a huge explosion.

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