Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1740: Apocalyptic wasteland

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Under the gloomy sky, there is a dead world where even the air seems to stop flowing.

The air is full of filthy breath, haze everywhere, hazy, unspeakable weird, disgusting.

Ye Tian couldn't believe where he had traveled.

If it was Olympus, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

He had fought against the goddess and goddess of Olympus, and the strength of the two was only slightly inferior to him. If it were in this end-earth-like world, it would be impossible to create such a powerful master as them. Because no matter how talented cultivation genius is, it is difficult to truly grow without sufficient resources.

And if the spiritual energy of a world dries up and the spiritual energy fades, the martial arts level will also degenerate, from high martial arts to low martial arts, and finally to the end of the world.

Dragging his disabled body, Ye Tian walked towards a city in the distance step by step.

He wanted to stand on a high point, condescendingly, to see this unknown world clearly, to see how big it was and what it was like.

His eyes and golden pupils could barely be opened, he looked in all directions, but he couldn't see the edge.

Far away, there are rolling mountains, majestic and majestic, towering into the clouds, but the whole body is gray-brown, without a trace of greenery, it is obviously lack of vegetation.

On the bare ground, the rubble was in pieces, the gravel was piled, and the cracks were one after another, and the mountains and rivers were completely collapsed, and the vitality was wiped out.

All signs indicate that this is an apocalyptic world!

Ye Tian wanted to cry without tears, and he admitted that he had been blood mold for eight lifetimes, and where it was not good, he came to the end of the world where birds don't shit.

He rushed out of the void channel halfway, and he didn't know where the teleportation array in this world was. If you can't find the teleportation array, or you don't have the teleportation array at all, you can't go back. If you want to live here forever, it will be chilly to think about it.

Ink clouds in the sky piled up, and the blood-colored sun easily attracted his attention.

He stared with fire-eyes and golden pupils, and it was not difficult to find that this was not a real stellar sun, but a sky fire orb made by man-made sacrifices. It had the volume of a large mountain and controlled the elevation to simulate the elevation of the sun.

Many secret worlds are like this. It is impossible to bring in a real sun. Instead, the artificial sun is used to control the time of day, provide energy for the growth of plants, and improve the ecology.

At this moment, Ye Tian saw a sky fire bead, indicating that this world is not a real big world, but a small secret world.

In addition, it can also show that there are humans here, and they have extraordinary capabilities.

It seems that this sky fire bead that can imitate the sun burns for thousands of years, even if the golden core is difficult to succeed in the sacrifice, it needs to reach the level of the Nascent Infant.

There is a Yuanying in this world, or a Yuanying has appeared in the past!

Ye Tian couldn't help but hesitated.

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Tian moved forward step by step, observing and thinking.

In an unfamiliar world, the cultivation base retreated to the state of transformation, and he was completely injured. He didn't even have the power to protect himself. He had to be cautious so as not to be bullied by the dog.

Soon, the city was here.

As he approached, he discovered that the city had been turned into ruins, and there was no trace of human beings.

He climbed up a half-collapsed bell tower, stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the ruins in front of him.

In the field of vision, the towering city walls, the continuous houses, the gorgeous palaces, everything is completely destroyed.

If you look closely, you will find that these collapsed houses and palaces are very similar to ancient Greek-style buildings in the real world. Both the exquisite reliefs and the architectural styles are surprisingly consistent.

It can be vaguely imagined that these palaces were so magnificent and solemn before they collapsed.

"Didn't I come to the wrong place? This is really the Olympus mystery? The dwelling place of the gods?" Ye Tian couldn't help thinking like this in his heart.

More questions came to mind, but he couldn't give himself the answer for a while.

A blood-red river, like a pool of dirty blood, passed through the city, flowing quietly on the withered land.

In the river of blood, there are countless pale and swollen corpses and Bai Sensen's human-shaped skeletons, entangled with each other, floating and sinking in the water.

In fact, among the collapsed ruins, there were also bones, some of which were even huge, at every ten feet and two feet, like the bones of giants.

Even Ye Tian saw some bright red blood, crystal clear and bright, with divine brilliance. Although the essence was almost lost, it was still shocking, and there was a kind of coercion spreading.

The blood of God, or the blood of mighty power, is more appropriate.

Western Shinto claims to be gods, but it is only self-promotion, and it is far from true gods by more than a thousand miles.

In fact, the Eastern Immortal Dao is the same, claiming to be an immortal, but it is hundreds of roads away from the real immortal.

There had been a great battle here, and the entire city was razed, and the level of strength was at least the immortal.

Ye Tian jumped off the bell tower and walked in the ruins. When he passed a pool of blood, he was frightened.

The small pool of blood gave Ye Tian a sense of sight like a sea of ​​blood, emitting a shining red light, filled with a breathtaking breath.

This is not a real powerful force, but an invisible coercion of the spiritual realm. The stronger the person, the more real it feels.

Ye Tian's blood boiled all over, and his forehead glowed brightly. The whole figure seemed to be in a sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain.

This is a drop of golden core blood, and the master is good at killing!

A pool of blood, not knowing that it has been left here for hundreds of thousands of years, is still crystal clear and blood-red, and there is awe-inspiring aura, which is really shocking.

If Ye Tian was in the ground, he would naturally not be affected.

He is just a Transformation Realm now, facing the blood of the Golden Core, he can't stand the pressure at all.


Ye Tian ran the Chaos God Thunder exercises in his body, UU read www.uukā to Zheng Leiyin to infuse his brain, cleanse the heart demon, cleanse the spirit, and soon the feeling of enthusiasm disappeared.

People with low levels are pathetic, even a drop of mighty blood can't provoke them.

Ye Tian continued to move forward in the ruins, and from time to time he saw a corpse, not only humans, but also brutal beasts, and even humanoids, like gods and demons, clad in perseverance, all tall and big.

But most of them are the bones of ordinary people, just like those of the secular world, unarmed, wearing ordinary clothes, and there is no divine power fluctuation in the bones.

This should be just an ordinary human city, slaughtered by gods and demons. Human beings were killed, gods and demons also died in battle.

Ye Tian guessed in his mind.

In any case, the world is dangerous.

Ye Tian looked for a safe place to retreat and heal his injuries, eagerly raising his cultivation base to the peak.

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