Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1713: Marriage events

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As soon as the second aunt Qin and aunt Li Jingwen sang together, the marriage of Ye Tian and Qinghan was put on the agenda for a while, and a group of people began to discuss.

At the beginning, whether it was the second aunt of the Qin family or Li Jingwen, his aunt, they never gave Ye Tianhao a face when they first met Ye Tian, ​​and they almost had a conflict. They thought that Ye Tian was not worthy of Qinghan. .

Qinghan's grandfather Su Bingkun even issued a check for several million at the time, deceiving others and forcing Ye Tian to leave Qinghan.

Su Bingkun was also present at the moment. Regarding Ye Tian and Qinghan's marriage, he raised his hands to agree, and both old faces were happy.

In other words, when Qinghan and Ye Tian are together, their Su family has also gained the supreme glory. The status of the family in Zhonghai has risen sharply. Countless people rushed to fawn and were promoted to a first-class family, but before it was just a little-known family. Only a second-rate family.

Some small things in the past, Ye Tianzi would not take it to heart, all his grievances and grievances were regarded as the past, and he waved away.

So the Su Bingkun family can only appear here today, instead of being turned away by Bei Ming.

"The two children are both dragons and phoenixes. The arrogant talents. The wedding must be held in a large scale and special, attracting worldwide attention. In this way, my Su family is willing to spend 500 million, and all the expenses of the wedding are covered by the Su family." Said very proudly, his face was full of red light, and his chest slapped.

"But!" Then he changed the conversation and said: "I have one condition. The wedding venue must be in our Zhonghai. Zhonghai is a world-class metropolis and the top city in China. Only in this way can the top city be It is worthy of my granddaughter's top century wedding. It would be too shabby if it were placed in Tianhai."

"That won't work." Qin Yongchang was impatient at the time, and said: "How can I let outsiders spend Qin Yongchang marrying my granddaughter? No matter how much money is spent, even billions of billions, my Qin family can afford it."

"Old Qin, what you said is wrong. Qinghan is my granddaughter of Su Bingkun, how can I be an outsider? Although my Su family does not have as much money as your Qin family, you shouldn't look down on people so much?"

"It's not because you looked down on my Tianhai first. Where is my Tianhai city? Why is it not worthy of the top century wedding? In a few decades, maybe who is strong and who is weak."


Fire-smell of medicine, the two old guys almost pinched them.

One of them is a retired high-ranking official who has given advice. The other is a business giant. The regulars on the rich list are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"Hahaha, don't fight for it. I think no matter how much the wedding cost, you should pay half of each person." Ning Haifeng laughed, thinking that he was very wise and came up with a good idea.

As a result, as soon as his voice fell, Gu Xiaoman gave him a stern look.

"Your mind is flooded. It is our family who marries a wife, not a son. How can we let the woman pay the money? Is this money short of our family?" Gu Xiaoman sneered, furious.

Ning Haifeng patted his forehead, and then he came back to his senses, and suddenly there was nowhere to put his two old faces.

Speaking of money, the old couple did not have much on them, but Ye Tian had a lot of them. He bought the land of Dongshan and waved his hands for 10 billion without blinking.

Ye Tian has a cash cow in Jiangbei, a large pharmaceutical group. He doesn't even know how much money he has made in the past few years. He only knows a lot.

Gu Xiaoman naturally had no objection to the marriage between her son and Qinghan. She had already regarded Qinghan as a daughter-in-law and liked it very much.

"The preparations for the wedding are not in a hurry for the time being, but we still have to take a long-term plan. Or, let's set the wedding date first?" Gu Xiaoman suddenly proposed.

"Ah, it's the engagement date? Don't you ask your son's opinion first?" Qinghan's mother Su Ru was taken aback and looked at Gu Xiaoman intently.

"Huh, I'm the fuck, dare he disagree? Otherwise, I will sweep him out and sever the mother-child relationship with him. Such a good daughter-in-law, where to find, I must quickly marry home." Gu Xiaoman half joked , The tone was very firm, and the marriage was settled.

Suddenly, she looked startled, looked at Su Ru, and said, "You old Qin family, don't you look down on my son?"

"That's not the case, where did you want to go, mother-in-law. But, I think the marriage is a big matter, you still have to ask the child's opinion." Su Ru said with a smile.

"Right right!" Ning Haifeng nodded straight at hearing.

"Right? What are you nodding blindly?" Gu Xiaoman reprimanded again.

"The order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker. What children know, the big matter of marriage is ultimately decided by adults." Qin Yongchang said loudly, loudly.

"Agree!" Su Bingkun also said, "Since the marriage event is on the agenda, don't delay it too long. I took a look. Next Wednesday, the eighth, the day will be very good. Or let's set it on the eighth. ? There is a week in between, enough for us to prepare for the wedding."


A few minutes later, a group of people walked up to Ye Tian and Qinghan. When they were told about the wedding next week, both of them were shocked.

Qinghan pretty face flushed, feeling a little at a loss for a while, twitching like a little daughter.

Thinking of her as a female emperor, Earth Immortal Da Neng, with billions of followers under her command, she was so embarrassed that she caused a group of people in the field to burst into laughter.

"What do you think, tell mom." Gu Xiaoman came up and took Qinghan's hand, smiled and changed his mind first.

"Aunt Man,...Mom, I don't have any comments, so you can make arrangements. I don't know what Xiaotian thinks?" Qinghan replied with shame, while she said, she looked at Ye Tian with beautiful eyes.

"What opinion can he have? Keep any comments!" Gu Xiaoman said with a stern voice, UU reading www.uukanshu. com glanced at his son.

As she spoke, she took a palm shot and slapped a few feet deep palm print on the ground, shaking the earth flying.

How can everyone fail to see that she is threatening her son. Everyone burst into laughter again.

Those who dare to threaten the Young Demon King, looking at this planet, apart from her mother, I am afraid that there is no second person.

"Mom, you..." Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry.

In the past two years, Gu Xiaoman has practiced for three days, fishing and two days of surfing the net, but with his abundant training resources, he has successfully promoted his inner strength.

Ning Haifeng worked much harder than her. Three months ago, he successfully broke through the realm of transformation and became a master of the realm of transformation, which is very rare.

"Since you don’t have any opinions, the marriage event will be set. Next Wednesday, the 8th. In fact, you don’t have to worry about anything, just do what you should do. We can arrange everything by the elderly. Then you only have to show it. A face, tell the world this is your wedding."


In this way, Ye Tian's wedding was arranged, and his mother did it herself. He didn't dare to have any comments.

Of course, he really has no opinion. Since the day the two got together, he has regarded Qinghan as the only Taoist companion in this life.

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