Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1701: Ancient God Bloodline

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The life force of the Seagod Hei Jiao is extremely tenacious, even after being bombarded by the Five Elements Chaos God Thunder, it still failed to die, leaving a trace of anger.

A large crater with a radius of one hundred meters is like the result of a meteorite impact. The soil on the four walls is turned into glass, and the huge amount of magma at the bottom is surging like waves.

Densely dense cracks radiated around the big pit, spreading thousands of meters away like lightning. I don't know how many houses cracked, covered with cracks, or simply collapsed.

This is the core area of ​​the capital city of a small neutral country, and every inch of land is worth incalculable. Looking down from the air, it looked like a huge scar. It was shocking and dark, in sharp contrast with other places with brilliant lights.

At this moment, the whole world was dead, and countless people stared wide-eyed, quietly watching the young devil show his power.

The young man is like a god, as he was two years ago, unmatched in the world, with an invincible posture!

The sea god’s black dragon is covered with flesh, scales falling like rain, blood splattered like springs, whole body scorched and limp like mud, dead dogs lying on the bottom of the Baizhang crater, submerged in the hot lava, occasionally twitching, terrifying The strength can still make the surrounding ground slightly shake, like a small earthquake.

This is the power of the Pill Condensation, even if it is dead, there will still be terrible divine power remaining, not to mention the sea **** Black Jiao has not really died.

As long as he is given a certain amount of breathing time, he will soon be able to ease his strength, heal his wounds and restore his strength.

Of course, Ye Tian wouldn't give the Seagod Hei Jiao a chance to breathe. If he blew his Yuan Dan, he might be injured, not to mention that a small neutral country would also be devastated, causing dozens of millions of deaths and injuries.

Although he was cruel, he killed everyone who deserved to be killed, a heart of compassion and compassion, a heart of innocence, the world can learn from.

"Die me!"

Ye Tian suddenly reached out a big hand, once again manifested the golden palm of the chaotic golden light, and grabbed the sea **** Black Jiao in the magma pit.


Suddenly, a violent suction force surged from the palm of the giant palm, instantly filling the entire crater with a radius of one hundred meters, and the turbulent lava surged up into the sky like a hanging waterfall.

The Seagod Black Jiao, who was like a dead dog lying on the bottom of the pit, flew up uncontrollably, rushing to the palm of the chaotic golden light god's palm.

"Do not!"

The Seagod Hei Jiao let out a scream, and struggling again with all his strength, but in vain.

He was like a mosquito sealed in beeswax, all magical powers and spells were invalidated, and his whole body was suppressed.

What made him even more unbelievable was that a Yuandan in his body was out of his control, and he couldn't do it even if he wanted to explode.


Suddenly, a roar came from a distance, it was the voice of the Golden God, and the person was like a golden lightning, rushing from thousands of feet away.

Ye Tian's slap just now made him choppy, but it was far from fatal.


Holding a gold knife, he smashed it violently in the air, cutting out a bright golden knife wheel like a golden sun, dazzling, tearing the sky, shattering the void, and flying into the sky. .

The knife wheel was several feet away from the ground, but wherever it passed, the invisible knife gas plowed the ground into a straight crack with a width of a meter and a depth of more than a dozen meters. The power was truly terrifying.

With just one blow, a mountain of thousands of feet can be completely chopped from the top to the foot of the mountain.

"So strong!"

Countless people exclaimed, shocked.

This golden sword is definitely a holy soldier, otherwise it would not have such a powerful power.

However, Ye Tian didn't even look at this shocking stab of the Golden God. He didn't evade, and he continued to grab the Seagod Hei Jiao with a big hand.

However, a terrifying breath erupted from behind him.

In the eyes of countless people, he saw the back of his 30-foot-high giant spirit body. First, a metal clank sounded like a yellow bell and dalu, and then the sun-like sharp golden light burst out, and the whole person seemed to be Turned into a huge sword that has been hardened, the whole body exudes an invincible, invincible sword aura.

"Is the young demon king going to use the magic weapon?"

Countless people were shocked.

Even the golden **** who flew by like lightning suddenly stiffened, and shouted: "Young Demon King, a promise of gold, you said that you don't want to use the magic weapon, do you want to regret it?"

When he said this, countless people got a black line on their heads.

Don't say that the people of the great eastern countries are filled with righteous indignation, cursing one after another, even the western people feel embarrassed.

I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people!

Qiang Qiang!

Sword Qi rushes, sweeping in all directions!

This is the power of destruction that is close to the return of ten thousand swords to the sect. When thousands of sword qi flew by, it turned into a majestic white tiger and swallowed the golden sword wheel of the Golden God in one bite.

After swallowing the golden knife wheel, the white tiger's power has skyrocketed a bit more, and a terrifying tiger roar erupted, continuing to rush towards the golden god.

Ye Tian didn't bother to use the Ziying Sword at all, and only borrowed a trace of supernatural power, combined with the White Tiger Law Body, to perform this unparalleled attack and kill technique.

"Damn young devil, do you really think I am a soft persimmon?"

The golden **** was furious, and his eyes were cracked.

He was a dignified pill, and he was actually crushed and beaten by an immortal. It was a shame and shame. His self-esteem seemed to be rubbed on the ground and trampled severely.

"Giving birth to the blood of the ancient gods, now my golden ancestral blood!"

The golden **** groaned, his eyes flashed with strange divine glory, and the blood in his body boiled instantly, like a flowing Yangtze river, with a thunderous sound. UU reading

He did not hesitate to lose his origin, desperately squeezing the power of the original pill, urging the thin trace of ancestral blood in his body, and finally fighting Ye Tian.


Bright golden light burst out suddenly from all over his body, forming a spherical gas mask like golden foil.

Under the golden light, his skin and the armor on his body seemed to be coated with a layer of gold, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a golden god.


In an instant, as if a secret gate opened, a terrible breath suddenly erupted from his body, causing the city and countless large mountains within a radius of a hundred miles to shake.

All the creatures were horrified and felt the aura of this great horror and destruction.

His figure was steadily uplifting, and eventually climbed to fifty feet tall, twenty feet taller than Ye Tian. He was forged from flesh and blood like gold, extremely dazzling, extraordinary and holy, even his hair was golden.

"Break for me!"

Holding a golden sword, he slashed fiercely, cutting out a blade of thousands of feet long, wherever he passed, the void shattered, the earth collapsed, and everything was turned away.

The white tiger that was roaring at him, formed purely from Gengjin sword aura, was torn to pieces into powder.

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