Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1687: 5 lines of yuan Dan

[网] The Sea of ​​Blood Secret Realm has a radius of three thousand feet. Except for the square inch of Ye Tian's feet, the rest is covered by blood and water, and the deepest can reach a thousand feet.

Such a huge amount of blood squeezed hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures clean, and it may not be able to collect it.

This is the blood of the ancient gods, or the blood of the earth immortal, or the blood of the golden core, and even the thin blood of the primordial infant. It is as crystal clear as a blood diamond, and it is a little shiny. It is still divine after endless years. The breath is pervasive.

From the existence of this sea of ​​blood, it can be seen that the Western Shinto of the ages ago is by no means as unbearable as we imagined. Even if it can’t compete with the Eastern Immortals, it is one step behind, but it still has a place on this star. Giant.

The ancient gods in the West are generally huge, with a height of several feet or tens of feet, and each one is a walking blood bank.

In addition to that blood **** Tao fruit, such a huge amount of blood of the ancient gods in the sea of ​​blood, and the blood rich in the air that can almost cause bleeding, are also rare resources for Ye Tian.

If it is an ordinary monk, he will probably "sigh with excitement" because he doesn't know how to cultivate blood, or he is ashamed of using blood to cultivate, thinking that this is a demon practice, an evil practice, and an improper practice.

For Ye Tian, ​​there are not so many scruples.

As long as it can be used by him, no matter what cultivation resource it is, whether it is decent or evil, he will open his arms and accept it.

Moreover, his chaotic golden body can smelt any form of energy, whether it is aura, evil, blood, death, yin, yang,...

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Ye Tian sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and started practicing.

His mentality is very good, just as it is a retreat.

I saw that as the "Chaos Refining Qi Jue" was running in his body, the strong blood in the void, surging like a tide, gathered from all directions and surrounded his body.

This is the blood qi permeated by the blood of the ancient gods, with wisps of divinity, not aura, it is better than aura, and it is rich enough. Ordinary people can prolong their life and eliminate all diseases if they take a sip.

Boom, boom!

Every time he breathed, a thunderous sound erupted, and a gust of wind blew like a whale chanting water, swallowing a lot of blood.

Exhale into a cloud, breath into a wind, saying that he exists like this.

As soon as these blood qi entered his body, it would be quickly refined by "Chaotic Lianqi Jue", transformed into pure chaotic true essence, and stored in his dantian.

Although his realm is only in the middle stage of the earth immortal, the true essence in his dantian, both in quantity and quality, is by no means inferior to the monks in the early stage of the golden core.

If he wants to condense the essence pill, he can condense at any time, and the accumulation of true essence is enough.

However, if the grade of Condensed Element Pill is not high, the grade of achievement golden pill will certainly not be high in the future.

So Ye Tian is not in a hurry, as long as the accumulation is complete, everything will come naturally. We still have to keep accumulating now.

In the center of his dantian, a golden lotus swayed in a strange brilliance.

Around this golden lotus, there are four star-shaped vortexes guarded by the Azure Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu, and four sacred beasts.

At this moment, the chaotic true essence refined from the blood qi in the void, all gathered in the whirlpool guarded by Xuanwu.

It is not difficult to see that Zhenyuan has differentiated five element attributes in Ye Tian's Dantian.

This kind of division was not at the beginning, but after Ye Tian refined the four shikigami of the Abe family into his own divine form, he spontaneously differentiated.

The green dragon is wood, the red bird is fire, the white tiger is gold, and the basalt is water, and the chaotic golden lotus in the center represents Wutu.

Ye Tian's chaotic golden body, its own five element attributes, are soil attributes. The so-called chaos is earth, which gives birth to all things.

The chaotic golden lotus grows from a Dao seed, representing Ye Tian's chaotic golden body, so it must be regarded as a soil attribute.

The five attributes are true essence, the five elements are complete, and each other grows and restrains.

This discovery made Ye Tian couldn't help but feel moved, because it was very important for the next step.

Ye Tian looked and concentrated his eyes, and found that in the center of the true element vortex representing the fire attribute, there was a rice-shaped gleaming body, red like a soldering iron, and it was the embryonic form of the fire attribute.

In the center of the true element vortex that represents the metal, there is also a shiny body with a large rice grain, shining with a cold metallic luster, which is the prototype of the metal element.

The Shui Xing Zhen Yuan vortex and the Mu Xing Zhen Yuan vortex have not been able to produce the essence pill temporarily, and there is nothing.

It is easy to understand that the reason why the fire attribute and metallic elementary pill particles can be produced is because Ye Tian once refined a large number of fire attributes and metallic resources, and even cultivated the two dharma bodies of Suzaku and White Tiger.

After this exit, Yuan Dan particles should be formed in the water attribute vortex, and even a complete Yuan Dan can be formed.

The chaotic golden lotus in the center of the dantian, a golden lotus blooming in full bloom, and the five thunder and lightning snakes in the depth of the stamen are entangled endlessly.

There are various signs that Ye Tian is likely to produce five Yuan Dan in the future, five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

This situation was unheard of in Ye Tian's previous life, and never seen before.

All monks can only produce one yuan pill, which will be transformed into a golden pill in the future.

A golden pill represents a great road.

Although a person can step on two boats, it is impossible to cross two roads.

Even Ye Tian can't.

"Doesn't the four essence pills of Jinmu, Water and Fire belong to me, but belong to the four law bodies in the future?" Ye Tian suddenly thought this way, thinking it was very possible.

Although the four Dharmakayas are one with him, they can also become stronger with his cultivation, and it is not impossible that each will produce a golden core.

This means that the Law Bodies can continue to transform, can produce golden cores, and in the future can also produce Nascent Infant, which is almost like his clone, with almost the same combat effectiveness.

Of course, this is only Ye Tian's guess, and I will talk about it in the future.

After refining blood qi and blood water for three days, Ye Tian was already completely familiar with the blood refining process, and his body was fully adapted to it.

Although the blood qi in the secret realm is strong, it is completely incomparable with the blood **** Tao fruit.

Ever since, when UU read on the fourth day, he took out the fruit of the blood god.

The Blood God Tao Guo sank into immersion again, turning into a stone, hard as stainless steel, even if the Holy Soldiers cut it on it, it would be difficult to break it.

But for Ye Tian, ​​it was not a problem at all to absorb its internal energy.

He first formed the Chaos God Realm, manifested a Chaos Golden Lotus, and then formed a Chaos Furnace.

The blood energy in the blood **** Tao fruit is abundant to an incredible level. If it is refined with the flesh, it may be incomplete for a hundred years.

Therefore, Chaos Furnace is still needed.


When the chaotic golden lotus took root on the blood **** road fruit, for a moment, the blood **** road fruit was like a sleeping wild ancient beast, suddenly awakened, and exploded its hair, bursting out with a earth-shaking aura. (To be continued)

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